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  Overfat News Bibliography

Below are bibliographic citations of articles we found during past environmental scanning activities, where we focused on the overfat industry. The articles cited may be of interest to you if you are involved in primary care practice business planning and if you are interested in looking for opportunities and threats that might affect competitive advantage in the overfat field. Frequently, we discuss a bibliographic item in our Overfat Industry Strategy Blog. Although we did, at times, use “pay for use” online systems as part of our environmental scanning, most of our cited articles can be found on Pubmed.com or other Internet sites that allow free access.

This bibliography is no longer being updated. However, the items in the bibliography can still be useful. if you have a comment or question about a bibliography entry, please send an email to info@InformationUncover.com


May 2017
(This article indicates that ”Simple and cheap anthropometric indices such as BAI [body adiposity index] and WHR [waist-to-hip ratio] may be better predictors of low-grade inflammation than VAI [visceral adiposity index] in elderly women with SO.”)

April 7, 2017
(This article indicates that “Applying a physical training program to a group of obese women after 3 months of bariatric surgery could promote a significant increase in CRF [cardiorespiratory fitness]…”)

April 6, 2017
(This article indicates that “exposure to pets increased the abundance of two bacteria, Ruminococcus and Oscillospira, which have been negatively associated with childhood atopy and obesity.”)

April 5, 2017
(This article indicates that “Socioeconomic inequalities starting in early life were associated with diabetes-related outcomes in adulthood and suggest the usefulness of early life interventions aimed at tackling these inequalities.”)

April 4, 2017
(This article indicates that “when a parent selects a smaller portion for their child than their child self-selects, then the child is less likely to be obese. Therefore, public health measures to prevent obesity might include instructions to parents on appropriate portions for young children.”)

April 4, 2017
(This article indicates that “an acute continuous subcutaneous infusion of GOP [GLP-1, OXM and PYY], replicating the post-prandial levels observed after RYGB, is shown to be safe and effective in reducing food intake. This data suggests that triple hormone therapy might be a useful tool against obesity.”)

April 4, 2017
(This article indicates that “the use of BMIsr [self-reported body mass index] has  good overall performance with moderate sensitivity and high specificity, and it is a viable alternative when direct measurement of BMI is not available.”)

April 3, 2017
(This article indicates that a “study emphasises the importance of physical activity as a determinant of HbA1c, and suggests that the associations may be stronger in obese adults.”)

April 3, 2017
(This article indicates that a “blended Web-based gaming intervention [which include[s] gaming physical activity] was beneficial for overweight workers in becoming physically active above the recommended activity levels during the entire intervention period, and a favorable influence on BMI and waist circumference was observed.”)

April 3, 2017
(This article indicates that “performing resistance, rather than aerobic, training during CR [caloric restriction] may attenuate loss of hip and femoral neck BMD in overweight and obese older adults.”)

April 2017
(This article indicates that “An exercise/diet program resulting in 8% to 10% weight loss improved insulin sensitivity and key molecular mechanisms in skeletal muscle…”)

March 31, 2017
(This article indicates that “Chilli intake is inversely associated with the risk of becoming overweight/obese in Chinese adults.”)

March 31, 2017
(This article indicates that “Adolescent females at risk for T2D decreased depressive symptoms and stabilized insulin sensitivity 1 year following brief CBT [cognitive behavioral therapy] or HE [health education].”)

March 29, 2017
(This article indicates that “children with psychological problems may also display obesogenic eating behaviors, which may result in higher BMI.”)

March 29, 2017
(This article indicates that “Neck circumference and waist circumference may be used in clinical practice and epidemiological studies as an index of overweight/ obesity among school-going adolescents.”)

March 28, 2017
(This article indicates that “obese children and adolescents were found to have higher IA [Internet addiction] rates than their healthy peers, and the results indicate  an association between IA and BMI.”)

March 28, 2017
(This article indicates that “most physicians indicated that conversations with patients at diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes strongly influence patient self-care. Higher physician empathy was associated with fewer challenges during the diagnosis conversation.”)

March 27, 2017
(This article indicates that “Dapagliflozin + exenatide dual therapy produced sustained reductions in bodyweight, prediabetes, and SBP over 52 weeks and was well tolerated in obese adults without diabetes.”)

March 27, 2017
(This article indicates that “Lorcaserin may have beneficial effects on glycemic control with or without weight loss.”)

March 27, 2017
(This article indicates that “Childhood BMIs below average are not associated with type 2 diabetes, whereas childhood BMIs above average are strongly associated with type  2 diabetes in adulthood…”)

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass.
March 2017
(This article indicates that “RYGB is an effective treatment for MS and other metabolic disorders but not for psychiatric comorbidities accompanying MS.”)

Combined Patterns of Risk for Problem and Obesogenic Behaviors in Adolescents: A Latent Class Analysis Approach. 
March 2017
(This article indicates that “Health education programming in schools should adopt a multiple health behavior approach to target … adolescents …”)

Progression to Type 2 Diabetes and Its Effect on Health Care Costs in Low-Income and Insured Patients with Prediabetes: A Retrospective Study Using Medicaid Claims Data.
March 2017
(This article indicates that “Prediabetes is a high-risk factor for progression to diabetes. Age, race, type of Medicaid plan, and diabetes-related comorbidities were associated with risk for progression of prediabetes.”)

Health Benefits of Dietary Whole Grains: An Umbrella Review of Meta-analyses.
March 2017
(This article indicates that “there is some evidence for dietary whole grain intake to be beneficial in the prevention of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and colorectal, pancreatic, and gastric cancers.”)

The Effectiveness and Cost of Lifestyle Interventions Including Nutrition Education for Diabetes Prevention: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 
March 2017
(This article indicates that “Lifestyle interventions are effective in reducing body weight and glucose-related outcomes.”)

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Versus Roux-Y-Gastric Bypass for Morbid Obesity-3-Year Outcomes of the Prospective Randomized Swiss Multicenter Bypass Or Sleeve Study (SM-BOSS).
March 2017
(This article indicates that “LSG and LRYGB are equally efficient regarding weight  loss, quality of life, and complications up to 3 years postsurgery.”)

Short- and long-term mortality after bariatric surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 
February 28, 2017
(This article indicates that “Bariatric surgery is associated with low short-term mortality and may be associated with long-term reductions in all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer-related mortality.”)

Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy prior to Bariatric Surgery-Mandatory or Expendable? An Analysis of 801 Cases. 
February 27, 2017
(This article indicates that “routine preoperative endoscopy are rare but have significant influence on decision-making in bariatric patients and should be assessed as a necessary diagnostic tool.”)

Association between overweight/obesity and periodontal disease in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 
February 25, 2017
(This article indicates that there is “a significantly positive association  between periodontal disease and obesity in children.”)

Blood pressure profiles of children and adolescents categorized by waist-to-height ratio cutoffs: study in a large sample in Shandong, China. 
February 24, 2017
(This article indicates that “High WHtR is associated with elevated BP.”)

February 23, 2017
(This article indicates that “GDM may have impact on  epigenetic modifications in the mother and offspring.”)

Comparison of direct measures of adiposity with indirect measures for assessing cardiometabolic risk factors in preadolescent girls. 
February 23, 2017
(This article indicates that “Anthropometric measures may perform as well as the more precise direct DXA-derived measures of adiposity for assessing most CVD risk factors in preadolescent girls.”)

Prebiotic supplementation improves appetite control in children with overweight and obesity: a randomized controlled trial. 
February 22, 2017
(This article indicates that “Independent of other lifestyle changes, prebiotic supplementation in children with overweight and obesity improved subjective appetite ratings.”)

Healthy obesity and risk of accelerated functional decline and disability.
February 21, 2017
(This article indicates that “obesity, even if metabolically healthy, accelerates age-related declines in functional ability and poses a threat to independence in older age.”)

Associations between physical activity and BMI, body fatness, and visceral adiposity in overweight or obese latino and non-latino adults. 
February 21, 2017
(This article indicates that “An increase in MVPA was associated with a larger decrease in body fat, but neither BMI nor VAT [visceral adipose tissue], in non-Latinos compared to Latinos.”)

Five-Year Outcomes After Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy for Severe Obesity: A Prospective Cohort Study. 
February 21, 2017
(This article indicates that “The majority of VSG patients maintained successful weight loss and improvement of T2DM, hypertension and HRQOL at 5 years.”)

Aggressive clinical approach to obesity improves metabolic and clinical outcomes  and can prevent bariatric surgery: a single center experience. 
February 21, 2017
(This article indicates that “An intensive clinical approach to obesity management can be an effective alternative to bariatric surgery, although further randomized controlled studies are necessary to validate our findings.”)

Quality of life improves in children and adolescents during a community-based overweight and obesity treatment. 
February 17, 2017
(This article indicates that “Improvements in quality of life occurred in children and adolescents during a community-based overweight and obesity treatment, even in children and adolescents who increased their BMI SDS.”)

Protective Misperception? Prospective Study of Weight Self-Perception and Blood Pressure in Adolescents With Overweight and Obesity.  Gooding HC(3), Richmond TK(3).
February 14, 2017
(This article indicates that “weight underperception is associated with improved health markers in young women.”)

Moderating the Enthusiasm of Sleeve Gastrectomy: Up to Fifty Percent of Reflux Symptoms After Ten Years in a Consecutive Series of One Hundred Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomies.
February 11, 2017
(This article indicates that “Conversion to RYGB is a good option in patients with refractory reflux disease after LSG.”)

Lower educational level and unemployment increase the impact of cardiometabolic conditions on the quality of life: results of a population-based study in South Australia.
February 11, 2017
(This article indicates that “A lower educational level and unemployment increase the adverse effects of cardiometabolic conditions on the physical HRQoL.”)

Maternal and paternal family history of diabetes in second-degree relatives and metabolic outcomes at age 5-6 years: The ABCD Study. 
February 10, 2017
(This article indicates that “Children with FHD in second-degree relatives on both maternal and paternal sides already have higher C-peptide levels at an early age.”)

DATE: February 7, 2017
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in adolescents living in Mthatha, South Africa.
February 7, 2017
(This article indicates that “More risk factors for the MetS are seen among the overweight/obese as compared to lean adolescents.”)

Evaluation of Metabolic Syndrome in morbidly Obese Patients Submitted to Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery: Comparison of the Results between Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy.
February 7, 2017
(This article indicates that “both surgical techniques were safe and effective for MetS resolution in 12 months. However, RYGB was more effective for  EWL and improvement of some parameters related to glucose metabolism.”)

Lifestyle change reduces cardiometabolic risk factors and glucagon-like peptide-1 levels in obese first-degree relatives of people with diabetes. 
February 7, 2017
(This article indicates that “An evidence-based lifestyle programme achieved sustained weight loss in obese first-degree relatives of individuals with type 2 diabetes associated with improvements in cardiometabolic risk factors …”)

Effect of a high protein diet and/or resistance exercise on the preservation of fat free mass during weight loss in overweight and obese older adults: a randomized controlled trial.
February 6, 2017
(This article indicates that the combination of “intervention of high protein diet and resistance exercise significantly increased … FFM.”)

Total and central obesity in elderly associated with a marker of undernutrition in early life - sitting height-to-stature ratio: A nutritional paradox.  Velasquez-Melendez G(3).
February 5, 2017
(This article indicates that “The occurrence of total and central obesity in the elderly was associated with a MU in early life.”)

Long-term nutritional status in patients following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. 
February 3, 2017
(This article indicates that “Nutritional deficiencies are common after a RYGB operation. Therefore, strict follow-up by a bariatric surgeon, endocrinologist or general practitioner is required, both short and long term.”)

Adherence to the Mediterranean diet during pregnancy and offspring adiposity and  cardiometabolic traits in childhood. 
February 3, 2017
(This article indicates that “Greater adherence to Mediterranean diet during pregnancy may protect against excess offspring cardiometabolic risk.”)

Consumption of protein-enriched milk has minor effects on inflammation in older adults - a 12-week double-blind randomized controlled trial. 
February 2, 2017
(This article indicates that “Consumption of a low-fat, protein-enriched milk for 12 weeks had minor effects on inflammatory related markers in older adults compared to an isocaloric carbohydrate drink.”)

Single-Incision Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: Review and a Critical Appraisal.
February 1, 2017
(This article indicates that “SILSG is safe and feasible. However, there is insufficient evidence to recommend it as the new gold standard for sleeve gastrectomy in the place of conventional laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.”)

Low muscle mass is associated with cardiometabolic risk regardless of nutritional status in adolescents: A cross-sectional study in a Chilean birth cohort. 
February 1, 2017
(This article indicates that “In adolescents, LMM was associated with higher CMR, regardless of nutritional status. In obese adolescents, LMM increased obesity-associated CMR.”)

A randomized clinical trial of exercise during pregnancy to prevent gestational diabetes mellitus and improve pregnancy outcome in overweight and obese pregnant women.
February 1, 2017
(This article indicates that “Cycling exercise initiated early in pregnancy and performed no less than 30 minutes, 3 times per week, is associated with a significant reduction in the frequency of GDM in overweight/obese pregnant women.”)

Weight Loss Outcomes in Laparoscopic Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (LVSG) Versus Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (LRYGB) Procedures: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.
February 2017
(This article indicates that “LRYGB and LVSG are comparable with regards to the weight loss outcomes in the short term, with LRYGB achieving slightly greater weight loss.”)

The impact of lifestyle risk factors on the rate of infection after surgery for a fracture of the ankle. 
February 2017
(This article indicates that “obesity and possibly alcohol overuse are independent risk factors for the development of infection following surgery for a fracture of the ankle.”)

Cost Effectiveness of Subsidizing Fruit and Vegetable Purchases Through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. 
January 30, 2017
(This article indicates that “nationwide SNAP FV subsidies would reduce chronic disease morbidity, mortality, and costs over long time horizons that are unlikely to be observed in short-term community-based trials.”)

Follow-up of selective eaters from childhood to adulthood.
January 17, 2017
(This article indicates that “a proportion of selective eaters continue from childhood into adulthood with similar eating patterns …”)

Different consecutive training protocols to design an intervention program for overweight youth: a controlled study. 
January 16, 2017
(This article indicates that “moderate-to-intense RT, followed by AT, can be an effective treatment for overweight adolescents, and the positive effects are maintained even after 12 weeks of follow-up.”)

Hospital admission after gastric bypass: a nationwide cohort study with up to 6 years follow-up. 
January 5, 2017
(This article indicates that there is “significant risk of admission to hospital over>6 years after gastric bypass surgery.”)

Cohort Study and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Using Electronic Health Records.  M (2), Littlejohns P (2), Reddy M (4), Khan O (4), Rudisill C (5).
January 2017
(This article indicates that “Diverse obese individuals may benefit from bariatric surgery at acceptable cost.”)

Cost-utility analysis for bariatric surgery compared with usual care for the treatment of obesity in Australia. 
December 26, 2016
(This article indicates that “all bariatric procedures are a cost-effective treatment for the management of obese patients.”)

Evolution of endoscopic treatment of sleeve gastrectomy leaks: from partially covered to long, fully covered stents. 
December 26, 2016
(This article indicates that “Long, fully covered stents appear to be a good alternative to traditional stents either as primary treatment or after failure of other endoscopic treatments.”)

Long-term (>10-year) outcomes after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.
December 22, 2016
(This article indicates that “LRYGB results in significant, sustained weight loss and durable improvement and remission of obesity-related co-morbidities.”)

Effects of bariatric surgery on night eating and depressive symptoms: a prospective study. 
December 21, 2016
(This article indicates that “Bariatric surgery is associated with a reduction in depressive symptoms.”)

No more broken hearts: weight loss after bariatric surgery returns patients' postoperative risk to baseline following coronary surgery. 
December 19, 2016
(This article indicates that “Postoperative bariatric patients have a return to baseline risk of morbidity and mortality after coronary surgery.”)

Western dietary pattern increases risk of cardiovascular disease in Iranian adults: A prospective population-based study. 
December 5, 2016
(This article indicates that “the Western dietary pattern, characterized by higher loads of processed meats, salty snacks, sweets, and soft drinks, is a dietary risk factor for CVD in the Iranian population.”)

School Based Multicomponent Intervention for Obese Children in Udupi District, South India - A Randomized Controlled Trial. 
December 2016
(This article indicates that “Overweight/obese children need to control diet and perform vigorous exercise at least for 20 minutes a day to reduce the excess fat and maintain their body fat level.”)

Safety and effectiveness of sleeve gastrectomy versus gastric bypass: one-year results of Tehran Obesity Treatment Study (TOTS). 
December 2016
(This article indicates that “RYGB and SG both showed similar one-year safety and effectiveness.”)

Postoperative pain after conventional laparoscopic versus single-port sleeve gastrectomy: a prospective, randomized, controlled pilot study. 
November 17, 2016
(This article indicates that “In selected patients, SP surgery presented less postoperative pain in sleeve gastrectomy compared with the conventional laparoscopic approach with similar surgical results.”)

Metabolic characterization of overweight and obese adults.
November 2016
(This article indicates that “Evaluating metabolic health beyond BMI and traditional cardiometabolic risk factors can give significant insights into metabolic status.”)

Statins for primary prevention in physically active individuals: Do the risks outweigh the benefits? 
January 24, 2017
(This article indicates that “Among healthy physically active individuals, statin use was associated with doubled the odds of diabetes and diabetic complications without countervailing cardiovascular benefits.”)

The Combined Effects of Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors on All-Cause Mortality: The Golestan Cohort Study. 
November 2016
(This article indicates that “adherence to a healthy lifestyle, compared to non-healthy lifestyle, was associated with decreased risk of all-cause mortality and mortality from cardiovascular diseases in Iranian adults.”)

The Association of Weight Loss with Cardiometabolic Outcomes in Obese Children: Systematic Review and Meta-regression. 
September 7, 2016
(This article indicates that "Weight reduction in children is associated with significant changes in several cardiometabolic outcomes...")

Can a Healthy Lifestyle Compress the Disabled Period in Older Adults?
September 7, 2016
(This article indicates that with a healthy lifestyle "the disabled period can be compressed" in the elderly.)

Association of lifestyle, inflammatory factors, and dietary patterns with the risk of suffering a stroke: A case-control study. 
September 7, 2016
(This article indicates that diet can play an important role in lowering inflammation)

Worksite Food and Physical Activity Environments and Wellness Supports Reported by Employed Adults in the United States, 2013.
September 4, 2016
(This article indicates that "workplace [support] for healthy eating, PA, and wellness were limited and were less common among smaller employers.")

Obesity-related changes in clinical parameters and conditions in a longitudinal population-based epidemiological study. 
September 3, 2016
(This article indicates that obesity raises the risk of "hypertension, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus" and other conditions.)

Efficacy of a virtual assistance-based lifestyle intervention in reducing risk factors for Type 2 diabetes in young employees in the information technology industry in India: LIMIT, a randomized controlled trial.
September 2, 2016
(This article indicates that "A virtual assistance-based lifestyle intervention was effective, cost-effective and acceptable in reducing risk factors for diabetes in young employees...")

Long-Term Effects of a Randomised Controlled Trial Comparing High Protein or High Carbohydrate Weight Loss Diets on Testosterone, [Sex hormone-binding globulin], Erectile and Urinary Function in Overweight and Obese Men.
September 1, 2016
(This article indicates that "weight loss with both high protein and  carbohydrate diets improve testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin and overall sexual function.")

Beneficial effect of high energy intake at lunch rather than dinner on weight loss in healthy obese women in a weight-loss program: a randomized clinical trial.
August 31, 2016
(This article indicates that "The consumption of higher energy intake at lunch compared with at dinner may result in favorable changes in weight loss in overweight and obese women after a weight-loss program of 12 wk.")

Information Technology and Lifestyle: A Systematic Evaluation of Internet and Mobile Interventions for Improving Diet, Physical Activity, Obesity, Tobacco, and Alcohol Use.
August 31, 2016
(This article indicates that "Internet and mobile interventions improve important lifestyle behaviors up to 1 year.")

Vagal Blocking for Obesity Control: a Possible Mechanism-Of-Action.
August 30, 2016
(This article indicates that "VBLOC induces satiety through vagal signaling, leading to reduced food intake and loss of body  weight.")

Indications for Revisions Following 630 Consecutive Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Cases: Experience in a Single Accredited Center. 
August 30, 2016
(This article indicates that "some patients may present following LSG with refractory GERD or inadequate weight loss, but that conversion to RYBG or BPD/DS  may be done safely and effectively.")

Long-term treatment with metformin in obese, insulin-resistant adolescents: results of a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial. 
August 29, 2016
(This article indicates that "metformin may be useful as an additional therapy in combination with lifestyle intervention in adolescents with obesity and insulin resistance.")

A comparison of snack serving sizes to USDA guidelines in healthy weight and overweight minority preschool children enrolled in Head Start. 
August 27, 2016
(This article indicates that "low-income minority preschool children are consuming larger serving sizes when offered less  healthy versus healthier snack foods.")

Efficacy of tailored exercise therapy on physical functioning in patients with knee osteoarthritis and comorbidity: A randomized controlled trial. 
August 26, 2016
(This article indicates that "tailored exercise therapy is efficacious in improving physical functioning and safe in patients with KOA and severe comorbidities.")

Effects of a Family-Based Childhood Obesity Treatment Program on Parental Weight  Status. 
August 25, 2016
(This article indicates that "Family-based childhood obesity treatment with a focus on the child has a positive effect on parental BMI with both mothers and fathers losing weight.")

Does Certification as Bariatric Surgery Center and Volume Influence the Outcome in RYGB-Data Analysis of German Bariatric Surgery Registry. 
August 25, 2016
(This article indicates that "There is evidence of improved patient outcome in certified bariatric surgery centers with higher volume.")

Cardiovascular Risk Factors of Adults Age 20-49 Years in the United States, 1971-2012: A Series of Cross-Sectional Studies. 
August 23, 2016
(This article indicates that "Cardiovascular risk factors of younger U.S. adults have worsened over the past 40 years, but treatment for hypertension and high cholesterol has improved.")

Weight loss interventions for overweight and obese adolescents: a systematic review. 
August 19, 2016
(This article indicates that "Multidisciplinary interventions including family support and guided  behavior modification appear to be effective methods of reducing BMI in overweight and obese adolescents.")

Sleep Duration and Overweight/Obesity in Preschool-Aged Children: A Prospective Study of up to 48,922 Children of the Jiaxing Birth Cohort. 
August 19, 2016
(This article indicates that "Both short and overlong sleep duration are associated with a higher  risk of overweight/obesity in preschool-aged children. Optimizing sleep duration  may be an important modifiable intervention for overweight and obesity.")

Metabolic syndrome, obesity, and the risk of cancer development.
August 18, 2016
(This article indicates that "Metabolic syndrome correlates with higher than expected breast cancer incidence in women.")

Family Food Preparation and Its Effects on Adolescent Dietary Quality and Eating  Patterns. 
August 17, 2016
(This article indicates that "involving adolescents in food preparation for the family is related to better adolescent dietary quality and eating patterns.")

Two-Year Outcomes of Vagal Nerve Blocking (vBloc) for the Treatment of Obesity in the ReCharge Trial. 
August 10, 2016
(This article indicates that "vBloc therapy [results] in medically meaningful weight loss with a favorable safety profile" after 2 years.) 

Vegetarian diet reduces the risk of hypertension independent of abdominal obesity and inflammation: a prospective study. 
August 10, 2016
(This article indicates that "Vegetarian diets may protect against hypertension beyond lower abdominal obesity, inflammation, and insulin resistance.")

The association of physical activity and cholesterol concentrations across different combinations of central adiposity and body mass index. 
August 10, 2016
(This article indicates that "PA is favorably associated with cholesterol parameters across various combinations of BMI and WC.")

Regular family breakfast was associated with children's overweight and parental education: Results from the ENERGY cross-sectional study. 
August 8, 2016
(This article indicates that "having regular family breakfast - but not other family meals- was inversely associated with children's weight status.")

Utility of Body Mass Index in Identifying Excess Adiposity in Youth Across the Obesity Spectrum. 
August 2, 2016
(This article indicates that "BMI correctly identifies excess adiposity in most youth with class 2 and 3 obesity but a relatively high degree of discordance was observed in youth with obesity and overweight.")

Severity of obesity and cardiometabolic risk factors in adults: Sex differences and role of physical activity. The HERMEX study. 
August 1, 2016
(This article indicates that "Severe/morbid obesity is associated with more adverse cardiometabolic risk factors both in women and men.")

Association of Animal and Plant Protein Intake With All-Cause and Cause-Specific  Mortality. 
August 1, 2016
(This article indicates that "High animal protein intake was positively associated with mortality and high plant protein intake was inversely associated with mortality...")

Effects of telephone-based motivational interviewing in lifestyle modification program on reducing metabolic risks in middle-aged and older women with metabolic syndrome: A randomized controlled trial.
August 2016
(This article indicates that "Motivational interviewing as a component of an individualized physical activity and lifestyle modification program has positive benefit in reducing metabolic risks in middle-aged and older women.") 

Relation of body mass index (BMI) to the prevalence of hypertension in children:  A 3years' school-based prospective study in Suzhou, China. 
July 29, 2016
(This article indicates that "obesity is a key determinant of blood pressure during childhood, and weight reduction may have important beneficial effects on blood pressure.")

[The association between water intake, body composition and cardiometabolic factors among children - The Cuenca study]. 
July 13, 2016
(This article indicates that "Higher consumption of water (ml)/kg per weight was negatively associated with BMI, body fat, fat-free mass, waist circumference, insulin levels, HOMA-IR, and positively with HDL cholesterol in children independently of age, sex and cardiorespiratory fitness.")

The Effect of Diet or Exercise on Visceral Adipose Tissue in Overweight Youth.
July 2016
(This article indicates that "Supervised exercise-only or combined diet and exercise interventions can reduce VAT in overweight and obese children and adolescents. The strongest effect was found in exercise-only groups.")

Association of body composition indices with insulin resistance in European adolescents: the HELENA study. 
June 30, 2016
(This article indicates that "Fat mass indices derived from different methods are positively associated with insulin resistance independently of several confounders including fat free mass indices.")

No Effect of 24 h severe energy restriction on appetite regulation and ad-libitum energy intake in overweight and obese males. 
June 24, 2016
(This article indicates that a "24 h severe energy restriction does not affect appetite regulation or energy intake in the subsequent 48 h. This style of dieting may be conducive to maintenance of a negative energy balance...")

Mediterranean diet and mortality risk in metabolically healthy obese and metabolically unhealthy obese phenotypes. 
June 24, 2016
(This article indicates that "Adherence to a Mediterranean dietary pattern appears to reduce mortality in the MHO [metabolically healthy obese] phenotype, but not among the MUO [metabolically unhealthy obese] phenotype in an obese population.")

Weight loss surgery helps keep pounds off 10 years later
June 24, 2016
(This article indicates that persons who have bariatric surgery may maintain weight loss and some of the other positive effects of the surgery after 10 years.)

The relationship between early weight loss and weight loss at 1 year with naltrexone ER/bupropion ER combination therapy. 
June 22, 2016
(This article indicates that "Participants [in specific weight loss programs] who meet the Week 16 threshold of ⩾5% weight loss are likely to maintain clinically significant weight loss after 1 year of treatment")

Effect of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass on Remission of T2D: Medium-Term Follow-up in Chinese Patients with Different BMI Obesity Class. 
June 17, 2016
(This article indicates that "RYGB effectively treated T2D patients ... even in low-BMI patients ...")

Association of Pharmacological Treatments for Obesity With Weight Loss and Adverse Events: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. 
June 14, 2016
(This article indicates that "Among overweight or obese adults, orlistat, lorcaserin, naltrexone-bupropion, phentermine-topiramate, and liraglutide, compared with placebo, were each associated with achieving at least 5% weight loss at 52 weeks. Phentermine-topiramate and liraglutide were associated with the highest odds of achieving at least 5% weight loss.")

Late Postoperative Complications in Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LVSG) Versus Laparoscopic Roux-en-y Gastric Bypass (LRYGB): Meta-analysis and Systematic Review.
June 2016
(This article indicates that "the development of late (major and minor) complications is similar between LVSG and LRYGB procedures, 6 months to 3 years postoperatively, and they do not lead to higher readmission rate or reoperation rate for either procedure.")

Long-term outcome after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in patients over 65 years old: a retrospective analysis. 
May 26, 2016
(This article indicates that "LSG seems to be effective and safe for patients 65 years old.)

Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Metabolically Healthy versus Unhealthy Obese and Non-Obese Individuals - The Maastricht Study. 
May 3, 2016
(This article indicates that "metabolically healthy groups were less sedentary and more physically active than the metabolically unhealthy groups.")

Efficacy of Exercise Intervention for Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Adolescents: Meta-Analysis and Implications. 
May 2, 2016
(This article indicates that "exercise intervention in overweight and obese adolescents improves body composition, particularly by lowering body fat."

Comparative evaluation of the therapeutic effect of metformin monotherapy with metformin and acupuncture combined therapy on weight loss and insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients.
May 2, 2016
(This article indicates that "Metformin and acupuncture combined therapy is more effective than Metformin" in improving insulin sensitivity.)

Leisure-time physical activity and intra-abdominal fat in young adulthood: A monozygotic co-twin control study. 
May 2016
(This article indicates that "A lower level of physical activity is related to greater accumulation of intra-abdominal fat among healthy adult males in their mid-30s.")

Infant body mass index can predict obesity at age 2, study says
April 22, 2016
(This article indicates that "BMI during infancy is a better predictor of later obesity than the standard weight-for-length measure employed during the first two years of life ...")

Importance of assessing weight control practices, eating behaviors, after bariatric surgery
April 20, 2016
(This article indicates that "It is important to identify variables that are associated with, or predictive of, successful weight loss outcomes to better evaluate potential risks and benefits to the use of bariatric surgery for treating those with severe obesity.")

Glycemic behavior in 48 hours postoperative period of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and non diabetic submitted to bariatric surgery. 
April 15, 2016
(This article indicates that "Diabetic patients significantly reduced blood glucose after surgery regardless of the use of exogenous insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents.")

Obese people can maintain stable weight loss
April 14, 2016
(This article indicates that 'if an overweight person is able to maintain an initial weight loss -- in this case for a year -- the body will eventually 'accept' this new weight and thus not fight against it...')

How important is surgeon's skill for weight-loss surgery outcomes?
April 13, 2016
(This article indicates that a bariatric surgeon's skill may not be as important to a patient's surgical outcome as once thought, at least in laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery. It should be noted that this view is not universal.)

Insurers take on obesity prevention
April 13, 2016
(This article indicates that insurers such as Blue Cross and Blue Shield, United HealthCare, and Aetna have established programs that attack childhood obesity. These efforts may reduce future obesity.)

Most doctors don’t feel comfortable addressing nutrition and exercise.
April 12, 2016
(This article indicates that "While doctors are getting better at informing their patients when their body mass index is too high, they often do not tell them how to lose weight...")

Obese Patients With Diabetes Benefit From Combination Device-Drug Therapy
April 12, 2016
(This article indicates that the endobarrier (the device that mimics gastric bypass surgery), used in combination with liraglutide, may successfully treat type 2 diabetes)

Mom's Obesity, Diabetes May Spur Fetus to Grow Too Fast
April 8, 201
(This article indicates that "babies born to mothers who were obese or had pregnancy-related diabetes were often already overly large by the sixth month of pregnancy.")

Oxytocin nasal spray improves self-control in overweight men
April 2, 2016
(This article indicates that Oxytocin nasal spray ... "a synthetic version of the hormone oxytocin," may help control "food intake and weight.")

Global obesity rates expected to soar in next decade
April 1, 2016
(This article indicates that obesity will rise in most parts of the world, even in areas of the world "not normally associated with obesity.")

Body mass index, waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio associated with the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cohort study. 
April 2016
(This article indicates that "BMI, WC, and WHtR were associated with increased T2DM risk.")

Obesity Will Make Statins Useless
April 2016
(This article indicates that "Body Mass Index (BMI) levels are rising so fast that countries like Britain will face an 'epidemic of severe obesity' in coming years which drugs cannot fix.")

Assessment of oxidative stress and inflammation in prediabetes-A hospital based cross-sectional study. 
March 14, 2016
(This article indicates that "prediabetes is associated with central adiposity, inflammation and oxidative stress predisposing them to an increased risk for CVD.")

Former FDA Official Calls For Tougher Restrictions On Obesity Drug Contrave
March 8, 2016
(This article indicates that "the FDA should propose additional restrictions on [the] use of Contrave.)

Regional Variations in the Public Delivery of Bariatric Surgery: An Evaluation of the Center of Excellence Model. 
February 2016
(This article indicates that "not having a bariatric facility within  the same health region had significant negative effects.")

The Association Between Body Mass Index and Dental Caries: Cross-Sectional Study.
February 2016
(This article indicates that "After controlling for potential confounders like smoking and brushing habits, significant positive correlation between BMI and DMFT [decayed, missing, and filled teeth] was observed.")

Subcutaneous fat mass in infancy and cardiovascular risk factors at school-age: The generation R study. 
February 2016
(This article indicates that "infant total subcutaneous fat is weakly associated with cholesterol levels at school-age.")

Dietary fat restriction increases fat taste sensitivity in people with obesity.
February 2016
(This article indicates that "A PC [portion control] and LF [low-fat] diet both increase fat taste sensitivity in people with  overweight/obesity, with the strongest effect after the LF diet")

Challenges in the Detection of Working Memory and Attention Decrements among Overweight Adolescent Girls. 
January 27, 2016
(This article indicates that "working memory and sustained attention decrements do exist among overweight/obese adolescent girls.")

Elevated blood pressure in adolescent girls: correlation to body size and composition. 
January 26, 2016
(This article indicates that "The easily obtained and calculated WHtR is the strongest correlate of elevated blood pressure among available variables and is a prime candidate for longitudinal studies of predictors of the development of hypertension.")

Association of Changes in Neck Circumference with Cardiometabolic Risk in Postmenopausal Healthy Women. 
January 21, 2016
(This article indicates that "Change in NC [neck circumference] was independently associated with changes in atherosclerosis-related markers.")

Effectiveness of a universal parental support programme to promote health behaviours and prevent overweight and obesity in 6-year-old children in disadvantaged areas, the Healthy School Start Study II, a cluster-randomised
January 21, 2016
(This article indicates that "it is possible to influence intake of unhealthy foods and drinks and weight development in obese children by providing individual parental support in a school context.")

Effects of Proximity to Supermarkets on a Randomized Trial Studying Interventions for Obesity.
January 21, 2016
(This article indicates that "Living closer to a supermarket is associated with greater improvements in fruit and vegetable intake and weight status in an obesity intervention.")

Outcomes of bariatric surgery in HIV-positive individuals.
January 19, 2016
(This article indicates that "Bariatric surgery is safe in stable HIV-positive individuals receiving multiple drug therapies with no detrimental effect on viral suppression.")

Childhood obesity patterns and relation to middle-age sleep apnoea risk: the Bogalusa Heart Study. 
January 19, 2016
(This article indicates that "childhood OW (overweight/obesity)is associated with a high risk of OSA in middle age.")

The Influence of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Health Warning Labels on Parents' Choices. 
January 14, 2016
(This article indicates that "SSBs [sugar sweetened beverages] improved parents' understanding of health harms associated with overconsumption of such beverages and may reduce parents' purchase of SSBs for their children.")

Effect of meal composition on postprandial glucagon-like peptide-1, insulin, glucagon, C-peptide, and glucose responses in overweight/obese subjects. 
January 12, 2016
(This article indicates that "GLP-1 and insulin responses were higher during the HP condition.")

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy for Morbid Obesity in 3003 Patients: Results at a High-Volume Bariatric Center. 
January 12, 2016
(This article indicates that "In a high-volume center with an experienced team, LSG can be performed with low morbidity and mortality.")

Consuming yellow pea fiber reduces voluntary energy intake and body fat in overweight/obese adults in a 12-week randomized controlled trial. 
January 11, 2016
(This article indicates that "In the absence of other lifestyle changes, incorporating 15 g/day yellow pea fiber may yield small but significant metabolic benefits and aid in obesity management.")

Association of Waist-Height Ratio with Diabetes Risk: A 4-Year Longitudinal Retrospective Study. 
January 6, 2016
(This article indicates that "Increased baseline WHtR and WC correlated with the development of diabetes after 4 years. WHtR might be a useful screening measurement to identify  individuals at high risk for diabetes.")

[Association of childhood and adolescents obesity with adult diabetes].
January 6, 2016
(This article indicates that "Obesity in children even sustained to adulthood was a risk factor for diabetes in adulthood. It is necessary to control obesity in children to prevent  diabetes in adults.")

Gastric Bypass in Older Patients: Complications, Weight Loss, and Resolution of Comorbidities at 2 Years in a Matched Controlled Study. 
January 6, 2016
(This article indicates that "After bariatric surgery, major weight loss was observed in patients older than 60, but remission of metabolic comorbidities was less marked than in younger subjects.")

Robotic vs. Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in Adolescents; Reality or Hype.
January 5, 2016
(This article indicates that " RSG [robotic-assisted laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy] is equally safe and efficacious when compared to LSG among adolescents.")

Association of meat and dairy consumption with normal weight metabolic obesity in men: the Qazvin Metabolic Diseases Study. 
January 4, 2016
(This article indicates that "Higher meat consumption was associated with MONW [Metabolically obese normal weight] in men. Higher meat  consumption and lower dairy consumption were associated with higher means of HOMA-IR.")

Differences in the associations of anthropometric measures with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus between Korean and US populations: Comparisons of representative nationwide sample data.
December 29, 2015
(This article indicates that "The ability of BMI and WC to predict IR and diabetes was highest in Whites, while the ability of HOMA-IR to predict diabetes was highest in Koreans.")

A Decade Analysis of Trends and Outcomes of Male vs Female Patients Who Underwent Bariatric Surgery. 
December 17, 2015
(This article indicates that "The number of male patients undergoing bariatric surgery in the past decade continues to be a small fraction compared with the number of female patients.")


Trends in bariatric surgery from 2008 to 2012.
December 11, 2015
(This article indicates that "The utilization of bariatric procedures has reached a plateau in the United States. Changes in the composition of procedural types suggest that LSG has become a popular alternative to gastric bypass and LGB.")

Evaluation of neck circumference as a predictor of central obesity and insulin resistance in Chinese adults. 
October 15, 2015
(This article indicates that " NC [neck circumference] correlated positively with BMI and WC in both genders, indicating that NC could be used as a valid marker for both overall obesity and central obesity.")

Effects of Interrupting Children's Sedentary Behaviors With Activity on Metabolic Function: A Randomized Trial. 
October 2015
(This article indicates that "Interrupting sedentary time with brief moderate-intensity walking improved short-term metabolic function in non-overweight children without increasing subsequent energy intake.")

Type and amount of dietary protein in the treatment of metabolic syndrome: a randomized controlled trial.
October 2015
(This article indicates that "Weight loss was the primary modifier of MetS resolution in our study population regardless of protein source or amount.")

Obesity and Hypertension among School-going Adolescents in Peru.
September 2015
(This article indicates that "Overweight and obesity are strongly associated with BP status among adolescents.")

[Association between mothers' body mass index before pregnancy or weight gain during pregnancy and autism in children]. 
September 2015
(This article indicates that "Overweight or obesity before pregnancy and excessive weight gain during pregnancy were associated with autism in children...")

A randomized clinical trial of a weight loss maintenance intervention in a primary care population. 
September 3, 2015
(This article indicates that "continued in-person visits during the  weight loss maintenance phase led to greater weight loss than contact by mail.")

Reliability, Validity, and Diagnostic Value of a Pediatric Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Scale. 
September 2, 2015
(This article indicates "that bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is comparable to DEXA for "assessing %BF [body fat] in elementary school children.")

Beliefs, Barriers and Facilitators to Physical Activity in Bariatric Surgery Candidates. 
September 1, 2015
(This article indicates that "many of the perceived barriers and  facilitators to [physical activity] are not obesity related and are therefore unlikely to change as a result of bariatric surgery.")

Finding the keys to successful adult-targeted advertisements on obesity prevention: an experimental audience testing study.
August 20, 2015
(This article indicates that "Ads emphasizing the negative health consequences of excess weight appear to elicit stronger cognitive and emotional responses from adults with overweight/obesity.")

The role of active brown adipose tissue in human metabolism.
August 19, 2015
(This article indicates that "activating brown adipose tissue may be a potential target for preventing and treating dyslipidaemia and NAFLD [non-alcoholic fatty liver disease].")

[Overweight in primary school-age children : Prevalence and risk factors].
August 19, 2015
(This article indicates that "Targeted education about the risk of obesity in the primary school age and offers for early intervention should be established.")

Initial investigation of a novel noninvasive weight loss therapy using MRI-Guided high intensity focused ultrasound (MR-HIFU) of visceral fat. 
August 18, 2015
(This article indicates that heating visceral fat tissue via MRI could treat obesity.)

Stability of metabolically healthy obesity over 8 years: the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. 
August 18, 2015
(This article indicates that "Metabolically healthy obese persons may not remain healthy.)

Body Mass Index, Physical Activity and Quality of Life of Ovarian Cancer Survivors: Time to Get Moving? Two-centre study.
August 17, 2015
(This article indicates that "Obesity and inactivity are associated with poorer QoL among ovarian cancer survivors.")

Relationship of BMI to the incidence of hypertension: a 4 years' cohort study among children in Guangzhou.
August 14, 2015
(This article indicates that a "4-year longitudinal study indicated that the overweight and obesity can predict the higher risk of hypertension in Chinese children, whereas, the thinness predict the lower risk of hypertension only in boys.")

Waist circumference, waist-hip ratio, body mass index, and prostate cancer risk:  Results from the North-American case-control study Prostate Cancer & Environment  Study.
August 13, 2015
(This article indicates that abdominal fat and BMI can predict prostate cancer while BMI alone cannot.)

Improving diabetes outcomes through lifestyle change - A randomized controlled trial. 
August 11, 2015
(This article indicates that "an [affordable group lifestyle intervention] achieved significantly more weight loss and medication reduction than RD in primary care patients with type 2 diabetes."} 

A high-protein breakfast prevents body fat gain, through reductions in daily intake and hunger, in "Breakfast skipping" adolescents. 
August 4, 2015
(This article indicates that a high protein breakfast can benefit weight management in adolescents who normally skip breakfast.)

Association between physical activity in obese pregnant women and offspring health. 
July 2014
(This article indicates that "physical activity is an appropriate target for intervention to improve infant outcomes" for pregnant women.)

Longitudinal evaluation of 100% fruit juice consumption on BMI status in 2-5-year-old children. 
June 25, 2015
(This article indicates that "Drinking 100% fruit juice regularly at age 2 is associated with higher odds of becoming overweight between 2 and 4 years.")

Harnessing the power of disgust: a randomized trial to reduce high-calorie food appeal
through implicit priming. 
June 24, 2015
(This article indicates that "IP [implicit priming] can be used to alter high-calorie food preferences, which could promote healthier eating habits.")

Self-perceived health versus actual cardiovascular disease risks.
June 23, 2015
(This article indicates that a Korean study shows that "Gaps between perceived health and actual CVD risk should be closed to optimize cardiovascular health."

Metabolic syndrome resolution by Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in a real world: a case control study. 
June 21, 2015
(This article indicates that Roux-en-Y gastric bypass "is highly effective for decreasing the prevalence of metabolic syndrome.")

Waist-to-height ratio is an appropriate index for identifying cardiometabolic risk in
Chinese individuals with normal body mass index and waist circumference. 
May 22, 2014
(This article indicates that "Waist-to-height ratio might be an effective index to identify cardiometabolic risk factors" based on a study consisting of Chinese subjects.)

Body mass index and health care utilization in diabetic and nondiabetic individuals. 
May 2015
(This article indicates that there is a "BMI mortality paradox related to greater morbidity of diabetes in normal weight than  in heavier persons.")

Visceral adipose tissue is associated with microstructural brain tissue damage.
May 2015
(This article indicates that "increased abdominal VAT rather than SAT is associated with microstructural brain tissue damage in elderly individuals.")

Maternal adiposity negatively influences infant brain white matter development.
May 2015
(This article indicates that there is "a negative association between maternal adiposity and white matter development in offspring.")

Explaining educational differences in sickness absence: a population-based follow-up study. 
April 30, 2015
(This article indicates that "improvements in physical working conditions and reducing smoking ... may markedly reduce educational differences in sickness absence.")

Urban-Rural Differences in Childhood and Adolescent Obesity in the United States: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 
April 30, 2015
(This article indicates that "Obesity rates are higher among rural children than urban children in the United States.")

Incidence and remission of type 2 diabetes in relation to degree of obesity at baseline and 2 year weight change: the Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS) study. 
April 30, 2015
(This article indicates that "the favourable effect of weight reduction on type 2 diabetes incidence and remission is independent of initial BMI.")

Effect of lifestyle weight loss intervention on disease severity in patients with psoriasis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 
April 29, 2015
(This article indicates that "Nonpharmacologic, nonsurgical weight loss intervention is associated  with reduction in the severity of psoriasis in overweight or obese patients.")

Prevalence of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Steatohepatitis Risk Factors  in Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery. 
April 29, 2015
(This article indicates that "Age, waist circumference ... and serum triglyceride levels are efficient and non-invasive predictive markers for the diagnosis and management of steatohepatitis in morbidly obese patients.")

Why Do Obese Men Get Bariatric Surgery Far Less Than Women?
April 29, 2015
University of California, San Diego School of Medicine
(This article indicates that "Men undergo the surgeries in far lower numbers than women.")

Kids of severely obese moms have higher risk of ADHD
April 28, 2015
(This article indicates that "Six-year-olds whose mothers were severely obese before pregnancy are more likely to have developmental or emotional problems than kids of healthy-weight moms...")

VIVUS Announces New Discount Program Through Sam's Club for Qsymia Patients
April 28, 2015
(This article indicates that "premium members of Sam's Club, known as Sam's Plus Members, will pay lower out-of-pocket costs for Qsymia therapy than those offered through current discount card programs.")

Modifiable Midlife Risk Factors, Independent Aging, and Survival in Older Men: Report on Long-Term Follow-Up of the Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men Cohort.
April 27, 2015
(This article indicates that "A normal midlife BMI and not smoking were associated with independent aging close to four decades later...")

Maternal Prepregnancy Body Mass Index and Child Psychosocial Development at 6 Years of Age. 
April 27, 2015
(This article indicates that "Children whose mothers were severely obese before pregnancy had increased risk for adverse developmental outcomes.")

Examining the Obesity-Cancer Connection
April 27, 2015
(This article indicates that obesity "is ... associated with a worse prognosis and an increased risk for recurrence for those that have cancer.)

Musculoskeletal outcomes from study on adolescent bariatric surgery safety
April 27, 2015
(This article indicates that "severely obese teens that carry excess weight, have specific musculoskeletal abnormalities including pain and experience functional difficulties performing routine tasks.")

Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc.'s Plan to Win the Obesity Drug War
April 24, 2015
Motley Fool
(This article indicates that Arena, the maker of Belviq, is testing the combination drug consisting of Belviq and phentermine for weight loss.)

Novo launches Saxenda in U.S., sees more launches in 2015
April 22, 2015
(This article indicates that "Novo Nordisk has launched its Saxenda obesity drug in the United States.")

Forget weight loss surgery. You can get the same results dieting & exercising
March 29, 2015
Daily Times
(This article indicates that "Exercising for four hours a day and following a strict diet can yield the same results as weight loss surgery ...")

Orexigen's Obesity Drug Mysimba Gains European Approval
March 27, 2015
(This article indicates that "Orexigen's Obesity Drug Mysimba [Contrave] Gains European Approval ...")

Adverse effects of obesity and/or high-fat diet on oocyte quality and metabolism  are not reversible with resumption of regular diet in mice. 
March 17, 2015
(This article indicates that it is hard to reverse the negative effects of obesity in the obese mother's child during pregnancy.)

Prenatal Parental Separation and Body Weight, Including Development of Overweight and Obesity Later in Childhood. 
March 16, 2015
(This article indicates that "Parental separation before child birth was associated with higher BMI, and increased risk of overweight and obesity in 9-11-year-old children.")

The impact of obesity on prostate cancer recurrence observed after exclusion of diabetics.
March 14, 2015
(This article indicates that there is "a greater than twofold association between obesity/BMI and [prostate cancer] recurrence in non-diabetics.")

Orexigen - Stage Is Set For European Approval Decision On Anti-Obesity Drug
March 13, 2015
Seeking Alpha
(This article indicates that Orexigen's Contrave, approved in the U.S., is close to approval in Europe.)

Can a hormonal nasal spray help with weight loss?
March 13, 2015
Boston Globe
(This article indicates that "taking a sniff of a nasal spray containing the 'love' hormone oxytocin could be an effective appetite suppressant...")

Increased gut microbiota diversity and abundance of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii  and Akkermansia after fasting: a pilot study. 
March 13, 2015
(This article indicates that caloric restriction affects gut microbiota by possibly increasing helpful bacteria.)

Does running with or without changes in diet reduce fat mass in novice runners?:  A 1-year prospective study. 
March 13, 2015
(This article indicates that running and an appropriate diet is more conducive to weight loss than running alone.)

House Bill Would Provide Tax Deduction For Gym Membership; Shake Weight
March 12, 2015
(This article indicates that one Louisiana Congressman introduced a bill that could provide tax relief for persons wanting to get in better physical shape.)

Changes in physical activity among adults with diabetes: a longitudinal cohort study of inactive patients with Type 2 diabetes who become physically active. 
March 12, 2015
(This article indicates that "patients with diabetes in a real-world clinical setting lost weight after becoming physically active...")

The associations between overweight, weight change and health related quality of  life: Longitudinal data from the Stockholm Public Health Cohort 2002-2010. 
March 12, 2015
(This article indicates that "Next to obesity status itself, weight gain leads to impairment in all domains of HRQoL [health related quality of life]...")

Researchers Find Relationship Between Diabetes and Obesity
March 11, 2015
Ucsd Guardian
(This article indicates that "Researchers at the UCSD School of Medicine discovered a link between obesity and insulin resistance ...")

Treatment of Child/Adolescent Obesity Using the Addiction Model: A Smartphone App Pilot Study. 
March 11, 2015
(This article indicates that "staged, incremental food withdrawal approach was feasible to implement and was useful in helping reduce excessive weight, particularly among boys.")

Effects of resistance training with and without caloric restriction on physical function and mobility in overweight and obese older adults: a randomized controlled trial.
March 11, 2015
(This article indicates that "RT [Resistance training] improved body composition ... and muscle strength and physical function in obese elderly, but those with higher initial adiposity experienced less improvement ...")

Super drug continues the legacy of weight-loss with no effort
March 10, 2015
(This article indicates that "A new drug may revolutionize weight-loss by causing not only dramatic results, but also the seamless conversion of complex fat into simple ones.")

Can an intensive diet and exercise program prevent knee pain among overweight adults at high risk?  DT, And The Look Ahead Research Group.
February 18, 2015
(This article indicates that "An intensive lifestyle  intervention of diet and exercise may prevent the development of knee pain among  those at high risk in the short-term.")

Weight loss with a modified Mediterranean-type diet using fat modification: a randomized controlled trial. 
February 18, 2015
(This article indicates that "A five-meal modified Mediterranean-type diet with two daily portion-controlled sweet snacks was effective for weight management ...")

Resistance to the Beneficial Effects of Exercise in Type 2 Diabetes: Are Some Individuals Programmed to Fail? 
January 2015
(This article indicates that approximately 15 to 20% of individuals do not respond favorably to exercise. These "individuals fail to improve their metabolic health with exercise."}

Occupational Sitting and Weight Status in a Diverse Sample of Employees in Midwest Metropolitan Cities, 2012-2013. 
November 20, 2014
(This article indicates that occupational sitting increases the risk of obesity in black women, regardless of the occupation or leisure-time activity.)

Rates of Reflux Before and After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy for Severe Obesity. 
November 20, 2014
(This article indicates that reflux symptoms are more prevalent in LSG patients than in LRYGB patients.)

Weight loss prior to bariatric surgery: An updated review of the literature.
November 11, 2014
(This article indicates that losing weight before bariatric surgery reduces the risks for postoperative complications.)

The prevalence of the metabolically healthy obese phenotype in an aging population and its association with subclinical cardiovascular disease: The Brazilian study on healthy aging.
November 7, 2014
(This article indicates that although MHO individuals exist in the elderly, the subclinical measurements for CVD were not different in the very elderly.)

Supplementary use of HbA1c as hyperglycemic criterion to detect metabolic syndrome. 
November 6, 2014
(This article indicates that HbA1c can detect hyperglycemia in diagnosing MetS.)

Pharmacological Management of Obesity in Pediatric Patients.
November 3, 2014
(This article indicates that although lifestyle modification is the preferred treatment for pediatric obesity, Orlistat, diabetes medications and antiepileptic medications might be worth considering.)

Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Morbid Obesity: Comparison of Primary Versus Revisional Bypass by Using the BAROS Score. 
November 1, 2014
(This article indicates that revisional LRYGB gives poorer results than primary LRYGB.)

Body Fat Indices and Biomarkers of Inflammation: A Cross-Sectional Study with Implications for Obesity and Peri-implant Oral Health. 
November 2014
(This article indicates that there is a positive correlation between measures of inflammation and waist circumference.)

Management Options for Obesity After Bariatric Surgery.
October 31, 2014
(This article indicates that restorative obesity surgery-endolumenal resulted in more weight loss than diet and exercise.)

Body contouring after bariatric surgery helps obese patients keep the weight off
October 11, 2014
Medical Xpress
(This article indicates that  people who have body contouring surgery following weight loss surgery maintain the weight loss better than surgical weight loss patients who don't have the cosmetic surgery.)

Wellness Programs Get a Health Check
October 10, 2014
Medical Xpress
(This article indicates that some employer wellness programs currently include a stick and carrot to induce employees to participate in the wellness programs.)

Better diabetes remission after weight loss surgery than other methods
October 10, 2014
Reuters Health
(This article indicates that weight loss surgery is an effective treatment for obesity and type 2 diabetes.)

Belviq Sales Rise Almost 5% Week Over Week
October 10, 2014
Seeking Alpha
(This article indicates that sales of the weight loss drug, Belviq, are improving.)

Can We Medicate Our Way Out of the Obesity Epidemic?
October 09, 2014
(This article indicates that there are now more drug options for fighting obesity.)

Screen everyone over 45 for diabetes: US task force
October 8, 2014
Medical Xpress
(This article indicates that people living in America who are more than 45 years old should get screening for type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.)

Some people store fat and still avoid the harmful complications of obesity
October 7, 2014
Medical XPress
(This article indicates that some obese people are metabolically healthy.)

Diet and Nutrition Disorders; Researchers' Work from Hadassah-Hebrew University Focuses on Obesity (The Utility of Routine Postoperative Upper Gastrointestinal Swallow Studies Following Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy)
September 20, 2014
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that the use of upper gastrointestinal (UGI) methods to detect possible complications after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy may not be beneficial.)

Weight Loss; Bariatric surgical center accreditation improves patient survival and postop complications
September 19, 2014
Insurance Weekly News
(This article indicates that before facility accreditation, bariatric surgical patients experienced more complications than patients did after the accreditation.)

Weight Loss; Comparison of named diet programs finds little difference in weight-loss outcomes
September 19, 2014
Health & Medicine Week
(This article indicates that any diet that a person can commit himself or herself to can lead to success.)

Scientist finds clearer obesity, diabetes connection
August 27, 2014
Medical Xpress
(This article indicates that "the biological links between obesity and insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes may also shed light on the connection between obesity and cancer...")

Brain Benefits from Weight Loss Following Bariatric Surgery
August 26, 2014
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
(This article indicates that "Weight loss surgery can curb alterations in brain activity associated with obesity and improve cognitive function involved in planning, strategizing and organizing...")

Community-based participatory research at A&T: Engaging a church to help fight childhood obesity
August 25, 2014
Aggie Research: Information for and about researchers at North Carolina A&T State University
(This article indicates that a community-based participatory approach [to good health] and an effective partner ... can make a difference in the lives of children, families and communities.")

How Much Does Obesity Cost Your Business?
August 13, 2014
The Insurance 411
(This article indicates "obese employees cost" employers more than twice as much as normal weight employees when it comes to benefits.)

Overweight and obese kids are in denial about their weight, CDC says
July 24, 2014
Los Angeles Times
(This article indicates that many children who are obese think they are at a healthy weight, and that's part of the problem.)

Diet and Nutrition Disorders; Cornell University Details Findings in
Obesity (All-Cause In-Hospital Complications and Urinary Tract
Infections Increased in Obese Patients Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty)
24 August 2014
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that 'obese patients undergoing primary TKA are at increased risk for all-cause in-hospital complications and urinary tract infections...')

Diet and Nutrition Disorders; Recent Findings from M.L. Gow and
Co-Authors Yields New Data on Obesity (Impact of dietary macronutrient
distribution on BMI and cardiometabolic outcomes in overweight and obese
children and adolescents: a systematic review)
23 August 2014
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that configuring diets to contain specific macronutrients to attack specific conditions might be possible.)

Use of antibiotics in babies is linked to obesity, study suggests
15 August 2014
The Telegraph Online
(This article indicates that 'The overuse of antibiotics in young children may have fueled the obesity epidemic...')

Kids are accepting healthier school lunches: survey
July 30, 2014
Reuters Health
(This article indicates that "most elementary age students are okay with eating the healthier school lunches required by the USDA.")

Parents of obese kids may be more ready to tackle diet than exercise
July 25, 2014
Reuters Health
(This article indicates that "Parents of overweight and obese kids may want to help their kids be healthier, but they’re more often willing to make changes in children’s diets than in their activity levels, according to a new study.")

Siblings may be greater influences on childhood obesity than parents: data analysis
July 25, 2014
Reuters Health
(This article indicates that "Brothers or sisters might have a greater influence than parents on a child’s likelihood of being obese...")

Latino Childhood Obesity: Overweight Kids Do Not Think They Weigh Too Much, Study Finds
July 25 2014
Latin Times
(This article indicates that "heavy and obese children did not view themselves as such -- they saw themselves as having a normal weight.")

Statin use linked to memory decline in elderly
July 10, 2014
Clinical Endocrinology News
(This article indicates that "Compared with their peers, elderly statin users have a significantly greater decline in memory...")

America's obesity problem a product of less exercise not more calories
July 7, 2014
(This article indicates that "researchers say America's growing obesity problem is mostly the consequence of its increasingly sedentary lifestyle, not its growing calorie count.")

Bad Weather May Dampen Will to Exercise
June 30, 2014
Health Day News
(This article indicates that "Local weather affects Americans' levels of exercise and their risk for obesity...)

Failing at exercise? Just blame Texas weather
June 25, 2014
Houston Chronicle
(This article indicates that "hot, steamy weather to be part of the reason people in the South are more obese than other parts of the country.")

Liraglutide Helps with Weight Loss and Delays Development of Type 2 Diabetes in Obese and Overweight Patients
June 25, 2014
(This article indicates that "Obese and overweight patients who were treated with the drug liraglutide experienced significant weight loss and were less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than patients who received placebo.")

Obesity Is Undercounted in Children, Study Finds
June 23, 2014
(This article indicates that "the commonly used body-mass-index measure may fail to identify as many as 25% of children, age 4 to 18 years, who have excess body fat.")

Inflammation in fat tissue helps prevent metabolic disease
June 18, 2014
Science Codex
(This article indicates that "a level of "healthy" inflammation is necessary to prevent metabolic diseases, such as fatty liver.")

Mountain Medicine: Obesity, arthritis and exercise
June 15, 2014.
Today Health Channel
(This article indicates that "When your joints hurt, your natural inclination is to stop moving. This is exactly what you should NOT do, especially if you have arthritis.")

Understanding the Unique Nature of Children's Bodies and Brains
June 15, 2014
(This article indicates that "in adolescents, glucose increased the blood flow in the regions of the brain implicated in reward-motivation and decision-making, whereas in adults, it decreased the blood flow in these regions.")

Men 'more likely to keep up diet'
June 13, 2014
Yahoo News
(This article indicates that "Fewer men join weight-loss programs than women but are more likely to stick with them, analysis of international obesity studies has found.")

Obesity surgery may 'cure' diabetes for 15 years
June 10, 2014
Yahoo News
(This article indicates that "Obesity surgery may keep diabetes in remission even after 15 years in some patients, a study suggests.")

Does exercise reduce the risk of obesity by boosting levels of good bacteria in the gut?
June 9, 2014
Health Medicine Network
(This article indicates that "People who take a lot of exercise have more good bacteria in their guts, new research suggests.")

Diet and exercise may help maintain weight loss
June 4, 2014
(This article indicates that "Programs focused on both diet and exercise may help people who have lost weight keep the pounds from creeping back on...")

There's No 'Obesity Paradox' for Stroke, Study Finds
June 2, 2014
Health Day
(This article indicates that "Contrary to previous evidence of what scientists have dubbed the "obesity paradox," being overweight or obese won't lower your risk of dying from a stroke, a new study shows.")

Labelling obesity a disease ‘is an excuse not to diet’ as people with condition think they have no control over their weight
June 1, 2014
World Observer
(This article indicates that "overweight men and women who are told obesity is a disease are less interested in going on a diet to improve their health.")

Diabetes; Researchers identify a mechanism linking bariatric surgery to health benefits
May 11, 2014
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘bile acids could be a new target for treating obesity and diabetes.’)

Surgery; Findings from Cornell University Update Knowledge of Bariatric Surgery
May 11, 2014
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘Bariatric surgery improves glucose homeostasis and alters gut hormones partly independent of weight loss.’)

Diet and Nutrition Disorders; Study Results from University of Manchester Provide New Insights into Obesity
May 10, 2014
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Successful public health interventions tackling childhood obesity will need to take a holistic approach and target behaviour change in multiple aspects of children's lifestyles and their surroundings…’)

Diet and Nutrition Disorders; New Obesity Study Results from University of Auckland Described
May 10, 2014
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘a team developed and validated a mathematical model of childhood energy balance that accounts for healthy growth and development of obesity, and that makes quantitative predictions about weight-management interventions.’)

Diabetes; Community-based weight loss program aids diabetes management
May 10, 2014
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that a commercial weight loss program was used in a study to ‘shed more pounds, improve blood sugar control and reduce or eliminate insulin use and other medications compared to a control group.’)

Diet and Nutrition Disorders; Findings from Osaka University Broaden Understanding of Obesity
May 10, 2014
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that "Adipose tissue inflammation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of obesity-associated complications, such as atherosclerosis.")

Diet and Nutrition Disorders; New Findings in Obesity Described from Mayo Clinic
May 4, 2014
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘The increasing rate of societal obesity is also affecting the transplant world, increasing complications associated with transplants.’)

Diet and Nutrition Disorders; Findings from Brown University in the Area of Obesity Described
May 4, 2014
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that "among women who had a hysterectomy, obese women had a higher rate of complications than nonobese women.")

Diabetes; Studies from Institute of Digestive Diseases in the Area of Diabetes Described
May 3, 2014
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that "people with diabetes are at increased risk of developing a variety of different cancers and suffer from an increased rate of perioperative complications and cancer mortality.")

Oncology; Recent Reports from Northwestern University Highlight Findings in Breast Cancer
May 3, 2014
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that "As the rates of obesity and diabetes increase in African Americans and Hispanics, adiponectin and its functional SNPs may aid in breast cancer risk assessment.")

Diabetes; New Diabetes Data Have Been Reported by Researchers at University of Colorado
May 3, 2014
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that "Many health care professionals, including occupational health nurses, can implement evidence-based worksite obesity interventions to support employee weight loss.")

Diet and Nutrition Disorders; Findings on Obesity Detailed by
May 3, 2014
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that "obesity [is] a risk factor for increased morbidity in the pediatric burn population.")

Diet and Nutrition Disorders; Study Results from University of Missouri Provide New Insights into Obesity
May 3, 2014
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “DNA methylation patterns of several metabolism related genes are changed not only in oocytes of obese mice but also in oocytes and liver of their offspring.")

Weight Loss; New Weight Loss Study Findings Have Been Reported from University of Exeter
May 2. 2014
Health & Medicine Week
(This article indicates that ‘self-directed interventions can independently promote weight loss and can augment interventions involving personal contact.’)

Today's statin users consume more calories and fat, and weigh more,than their predecessors
April 29, 2014
(This article indicates that “People who take statin drugs to lower their cholesterol appear to have developed a false sense of security that could lead to heart disease and other obesity-related illnesses.”)

More People Pick Elimination Diets to Discover Food Sensitivities
April 16, 2014
(This article indicates that some “elimination diets [can] help people identify more subtle, gradual reactions to common food groups such as dairy, soy, nuts, eggs, gluten, sugar and alcohol.”)

Obesity-Related Enzyme Targeted in Mouse Study
April 9, 2014
(This article indicates that the enzyme “nicotinamide N-methyltransferase, or NNMT” can “help regulate the ability of cells to burn energy efficiently…”)

U.S. childhood obesity rates have increased since 1999: study
April 7, 2014
Reuters Health
(This article indicates that “U.S. childhood obesity rates have increased over the past 14 years…”)

Over a Lifetime, Childhood Obesity Costs $19,000 Per Child
April 7, 2014.
(This article indicates that “Childhood obesity comes with an estimated price tag of $19,000 per child when comparing lifetime medical costs to those of a normal weight child…”)

Neurologic Manifestations; New Pain Findings from University of Pennsylvania Described
April 6, 2014
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘Physical activity (PA) can play an integral role in protecting the success of bariatric surgery by promoting weight loss and preventing weight regain.’)

Surgery; New Findings from Children's Hospital Describe Advances in Gastroenterostomy
April 6, 2014
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘Initial outcome studies have reported that Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is safe and efficacious for adolescents with extreme obesity.’)

Surgery; Investigators at University of Amsterdam Zero in on Bariatric Surgery
April 6, 2014
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘Bariatric surgery has rapid metabolic effects on glucose metabolism before the occurrence of clinically significant weight loss.’)

Hematologic Diseases; Findings in Anemia Reported from University of Sao Paulo
April 6, 2014
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘Iron deficiency and anemia are changes often associated with obesity. Bariatric surgery is responsible for increasing the iron loss and reducing its absorption.’)

Digestive System Surgery; Findings from P.S. Billing et al Update Understanding of Gastrectomy
April 6, 2014
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘A growing body of evidence supports the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) as a safe and effective procedure for sustained weight loss and amelioration of weight-related comorbidities.”)

Diet and Nutrition Disorders; Findings from Department of Surgery in the Area of Obesity Described
April 6, 2014
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘Stable weight loss and significant improvement of cardiovascular risk profile were observed in morbidly obese patients 10 years after laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding.’)

Surgery; Data on Obesity Surgery Detailed by A. El-Geidie and Co-Authors
April 6, 2014
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘Laparoscopic gastric plication is an emerging restrictive bariatric procedure but still lacks standardization of the technique. The aim of this study was to apply a standardized, modified 3-port approach to laparoscopic gastric plication to improve outcomes.’)

Peptide Proteins; Study Data from Columbia University Update Knowledge of Adipokines
5 April 2014
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “diet-induced leptin resistance can occur in the absence of elevated circulating leptin levels and body weight, rendering it a potential cause and/or predisposing factor to excess body weight gain and obesity.")

Diet and Nutrition Disorders; Reports Outline Obesity Findings from Hangzhou Normal University
April 5, 2014
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘RYGB was more effective than SG in the resolution of obesity-related comorbidities, SG was a safer procedure with a reduced rate of complications and reoperation.’)

Diet and Nutrition Disorders; Data on Obesity Detailed by Researchers at University of Cincinnati
April 5, 2014
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that "Obesity is associated with changes in adiponectin and proinflammatory adipokines. Sodium intake can affect adipokine secretion suggesting a role in cardiovascular dysfunction.")

American Council on Exercise; New Partnership Places Certified Health Coaches at the Center of Workplace Wellness

April 5, 2014
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “The American Council on Exercise (ACE) and the GENAVIX Wellness Network are partnering to” provide assistance workplace wellness programs.)

Weight Loss; Findings from Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine Provide New Insights into Weight Loss
April 4, 2014
Health & Medicine Week
(This article indicates that ‘for patients with musculoskeletal disease or injury, weight loss resulting from bariatric surgery may serve as an adjunct for improving global functional outcome, and enhancing the rehabilitation potential.’)

The effect of antiobesity drugs on waist circumference: a mixed treatment comparison.
March 16, 2014
(This article indicates that “Orlistat should be considered as an addition to lifestyle interventions in the treatment of obesity.”)

Adolescence BMI and Trends in adulthood Mortality: A Study of 2.16 Million Adolescents.
March 6, 2014
(This article indicates that “BMI at adolescence, within the normal range, is associated with all-cause mortality in adulthood.”)

WHO: 5 percent of calories should be from sugar
March 5, 2014
The Columbian
(This article indicates that “The World Health Organization says your daily sugar intake should be just 5 percent of your total calories...”)

Abdominal obesity increases the risk of hip fracture. A population-based study of 43,000 women and men aged 60-79 years followed for 8 years. Cohort of Norway.
March 5, 2014
(This article indicates that “Lower body mass index combined with abdominal obesity increased the risk of hip fracture considerably, particularly in men.”)

Childhood ADHD Increases Risk Of Obesity In Teens (STUDY)
Mar 5, 2014
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
(This article indicates that “Having attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may put children at higher risk of becoming obese in adolescence...”)

High-Protein Diets in Middle Age Might Shorten Life Span
March 4, 2014
HealthDay News
(This article indicates that “diets high in meat and cheese, when eaten in middle age, might shorten people's life spans.”)

Opening A Casino Cuts Childhood Obesity And Poverty, But Is It Too Much Of A Gamble?
March 4, 2014
Medical Daily
(This article indicates that “opening or expanding a casino may help people in the community live better lives — but will it also make them die earlier?”)

Six reasons childhood obesity has fallen so much
March 3, 2014
The Port Arthur News
(This article indicates that there are reasons why childhood obesity might have dropped in the U.S.)

New WIC regulations improve healthfulness
March 1, 2014
The Spokesman-Review
(This article indicates that “Pregnant women, mothers and children who get federal assistance with their grocery bills will now be able to buy more whole-grain foods, yogurt, fish, fruits and vegetables.”)

How Accurate Are Americans' Perceptions of Their Own Weight?
February 28. 2014
(This article indicates that “asking patients about their weight self-perceptions could be useful in clinical settings and that weight perception accuracy could be used to segment audiences and tailor messages.”)

Obesity, ‘The Pill’ May Raise MS Risk, Research Suggests
February 27, 2014
(This article indicates that “Obesity and birth control pills may play some role in the development of multiple sclerosis (MS), two new studies suggest.”)

Predictors of Metabolically Healthy Obesity in Children.
February 26, 2014
(This article indicates that “Up to one in three children with obesity can be classified as MHO [metabolically healthy obese].”)

Obesity Rate for Young Children Plummets 43% in a Decade
February 25, 2014
(This article indicates that “Federal health authorities ... reported a stunning 43 percent drop in the obesity rate among 2- to 5-year-old children over the past decade...”)

Epigenetics and Human Obesity.
February 25, 2014
(This article indicates that “epigenetic marks are modifiable, by changing the exposure in utero, but also by lifestyle changes in adult life...”)

Cheaper Obesity Drugs Available (for Half of Some Americans)
February 24, 2014
Daily Finance
(This article indicates that “Belviq has broader coverage from insurance plans” such as CVS Caremark and Aetna.)

'Fat Hormone' Tied to Higher Colon Cancer Risk in Obese Men
February 20, 2014
HealthDay News
(This article indicates that “Obesity seems to increase the likelihood for developing precancerous growths called colorectal polyps...”)

Treadmill Workstations: The Effects of Walking while Working on Physical Activity and Work Performance.
February20, 2014
(This article indicates that “overall work performance, quality and quantity of performance, and interactions with coworkers improved as a result of adoption of treadmill workstations.”)

The effects of weight and physical activity change over 20 years on later-life objective and self-reported disability.
February 20, 2014
(This article indicates that “Increased physical activity reduced, and decreased physical activity enhanced the likelihood of disability, independent of baseline behaviours and adiposity.”)

As obesity rates soar in Middle East, more doctors turn to the knife
February 17, 2014
(This article indicates that a three year old girl is slated to get weight loss surgery in Saudi Arabia.)

Self-reported knowledge and awareness about blood pressure and hypertension: a cross-sectional study of a random sample of men and women aged 60-74 years.
February 15, 2014
(This article indicates that “Knowledge about hypertension was independent of self-reported hypertension status, but awareness about blood pressure was most prominent among those with self-reported hypertension...”)

Why Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Investors Should Remain Wary
February 14, 2014
Daily Finance
(This article indicates that “About half of insured Americans now have access to Arena Pharmaceuticals' anti-obesity drug Belviq...}

EnteroMedics Announces Food and Drug Administration Advisory Committee Meeting Date for Review of the Maestro(R) Rechargeable System for the Treatment of Obesity
February 12, 2014
Market Watch
(This article indicates that an FDA committee will review EnteroMedics Inc. vagal blocking therapy “as a treatment for morbid obesity.”)

New Obesity Weapon: Kids Teaching Kids
February 10, 2014
US News
(This article indicates that “When older kids teach younger children about nutrition and the benefits of exercise, the little ones seem to lose weight and gain knowledge about healthy living, Canadian researchers report.”)

Pediatrician educates teachers on childhood obesity
February 8, 2014
Register Herald
(This article indicates that one state is fighting obesity by having a pediatrician teach teachers to educate their students about obesity.)

Obesity and HLA in multiple sclerosis: Weighty matters.
February 5, 2014
(This article indicates that “Obesity in childhood or adolescence is associated with an increased risk of pediatric-onset and adult-onset multiple sclerosis (MS).”)

Exercise Induced Adipokine Changes and the Metabolic Syndrome.
January 19, 2014
(This article indicates that exercise may exert “its beneficial effects partly” by increasing “secretion of anti-inflammatory adipokines” and reducing “proinflammatory cytokines.”)

Obesity as a disease: Implications for treatment and reimbursement
January 15, 2014
Clinical Endocrinology News
(This article indicates that “there are still many limitations to providing treatments for obesity and receiving adequate reimbursement for those treatments…”)

A probability score for preoperative prediction of type 2 diabetes remission following RYGB surgery.
January 2, 2014
(This article indicates that there may be a way to predict T2D remission after RYGB surgery using clinical data.)

The Exercise Cure
December 30, 2013
(This article indicates that “Exercise has benefits for every body system...”) 

Orexigen Therapeutics: Light at the End of the Tunnel?
December 9, 2013
Daily Finance
(This article indicates that “Orexigen Therapeutics has recently announced that the interim analysis of its Light Study for its lead obesity drug candidate Contrave has clearly achieved the goal set by the Food and Drug Administration.”)

Gut Hormone Test Predicts Individual Efficacy of Gastric Bypass
December 8, 2013
(This article indicates that “The sensitivity of the GLP-1 hormone, which is secreted by the gastrointestinal tract, can predict the metabolic efficacy of a gastric bypass.”)

Cancer Risk Lower With Insulin Sensitizers
December 6, 2013
Medpage Today
(This article indicates that “Insulin sensitizing agents may carry a lower risk of cancer for women with type 2 diabetes than insulin secretagogues…”.)

Will These Drugmakers Profit From Patient Weight Loss?
December 4, 2013
Daily Finance
(This article indicates that “Obesity drugs could become an important part in helping obese individuals lose weight.”)

New blow in war on childhood obesity
December 2013
(This article indicates that “Health chiefs have admitted there’s little evidence to prove takeaways near schools are causing a child obesity epidemic.”)

Findings in Obesity Reported from Utah State University
November 30, 2013
(This article indicates that ‘Ultrasound has been used effectively to assess body fat for nearly 5 decades, yet this method is not known as well as many other body composition techniques.’)

Early Heart Data Look Good for Obesity Drug
November 26, 2013
Medpage Today
(This article indicates that “Interim data from a cardiovascular safety study of an investigational weight-loss agent have met FDA criteria, and drugmaker Orexigen Therapeutics will seek to resubmit the drug for U.S. approval.”)

Diet and Lifestyle vs Surgery for Obesity: Both May Work
November 21, 2013
(This article indicates that “obese patients who followed a medical weight-loss program vs others who had bariatric surgery has found that both groups lost weight and had improved levels of HDL cholesterol and other obesity-linked biomarkers — but the improvements were greater in those who underwent surgery.”)

Diet beverages pose no greater harm than sugar-sweetened
November 16, 2013
Endocrine Today
(This article indicates that “Non-nutritive beverages cannot be conclusively designated as harmful in terms of obesity, diabetes or cardiovascular disease…”)

Gut Hormone Test Predicts Individual Efficacy of Gastric Bypass
November 8, 2013
Science Daily
(This article indicates that “The sensitivity of the GLP-1 hormone, which is secreted by the gastrointestinal tract, can predict the metabolic efficacy of a gastric bypass.”)

New two-hormone Roche drug shows promise in diabetes, obesity
October 30, 2013
(This article indicates that “An experimental drug that mimics the effects of two naturally occurring hormones [GLP-1 and GIP] appears to work significantly better than existing single-hormone medicines against diabetes and obesity…”)

Reduce Abdominal Obesity Through Diet and Exercise
October 24, 2013
(This article indicates that “combining the Mediterranean diet and high-intensity interval training ...can add years to a person’s life and improve the quality of their existence.”)

Leptin May Explain Link Between Abdominal Obesity, Cardiovascular Disease
October 7, 2013
Science Daily
(This article indicates that “High levels of adipose tissue hormone leptin in the blood reduces blood vessels' ability to dilate, and also affects blood clotting, all of which increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.”)

Genes associated with diabetes, obesity could be altered by exercise
October 1, 2013
Endocrine Today
(This article indicates that ‘regular exercise changes expression of our innate DNA through epigenetic mechanism…”)

Obesity; Researchers from Zhejiang University Describe Findings in Obesity
September 15, 2013
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘DJB surgery reduced intestinal glucose absorption by reducing the activity and expression of the glucose transporter SGLT1…’)

Weight Loss; Studies in the Area of Weight Loss Reported from Drexel University
September 14, 2013
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Results offer strong support for the incorporation of acceptance-based skills into behavioral weight loss treatments…’)

Peptide Proteins; Recent Findings from Federal University Has Provided New Information about Adipokines
September 14, 2013
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Hyperleptinemia has emerged as a marker of proinflammatory status, while the adiponectin/leptin ratio has been used to identify anti-inflammatory state.’)

Women's Health - Pregnancy Complications; Data on Fetal Death Detailed by Researchers at Center for Disease Control and Prevention
September 14, 2013
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “obesity is a strong risk factor for adverse fetal and infant outcomes…")

Diet and Nutrition Disorders; New Obesity Data Have Been Reported by Investigators at Feinstein Institute for Medical Research
September 12, 2013
Women's Health Weekly
(This article indicates that ‘Metformin improves metabolic and inflammatory biomarkers in nonpregnant adults.’)

Post-Operative Pain; Findings from INSERM Provides New Data about Post-Operative Pain
September 11, 2013
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that ‘The physiological differences between obese and normal-weight subjects may modify not only anaesthetic requirements during surgery but also post-operative analgesic management…’)

You Are Your Bacteria: How the Gut Microbiome Influences Health
August. 29, 2013
(This article indicates that ‘The bacteria in our gut already plays an important role in digestion. But new studies indicate that our bacteria could play a major role in whether or not we become obese…’)

How Mobile EHR Apps Can Revolutionize and Mobilize Health Care
August 29 2013
(This article indicates that ‘According to a recent survey from Black Book Rankings, demand for mobile EHR, or electronic health record, solutions is extremely high…’)

Who Will Be the Winner in the Fight Against Obesity?
August 22, 2013
Daily Finance
(This article indicates that Orexigen’s Contrave may be the most successful weigh loss drug.)

Losing weight: Lifestyle changes trump any diet
August 21, 2013
Fox News
(This article indicates that “lifestyle interventions, such as physical activity and supportive behaviors that help people stay on track” are more important the diet in losing and maintaining a healthy weight for the long term.)

Obesity May Be Caused By Faulty "Appetite Hormone," Study Finds
August 20, 2013
Medical Daily
(This article indicates that “The appetite hormone glucagon may be to blame for obesity and other weight-related health complication.”)

Quest Diagnostics Care360 is Top EHR, as Ranked by Doctors in 2013 Black Book Survey
August 14, 2013
(This article indicates that Black Book ranked Quest Diagnostics’ Care360 cloud-based electronic health record (EHR) as the best EHR in a number of categories.)

Childhood Obesity Declines in Some States
August 06, 2013
(This article indicates that “Childhood obesity may be starting to turn a corner…”)

He Diets, She Diets: More Weight-Loss Plans Target Men
August 06, 2013
(This article indicates that “Weight-loss companies are becoming savvier about getting men to go on a diet.”)

Bigger Meals Earlier Can Help Weight Loss
August 05, 2013
(This article indicates that “consuming the heaviest meal of the day at breakfast and the lightest at dinner can lead to significant weight loss.”)

Mobile Apps Take Their Toll on Weight Watchers
August 02, 2013
(This article indicates that Weight Watchers is having a problem in the weight-loss market. And “A big part of the problem is that it is hard to convince dieters to pay for meetings and subscriptions when there is abundance of free smartphone apps and gadgets to help track calories.”)

Scientists unravel obesity surgery's potent effect on diabetes
July 29, 2013
The Bostom Globe
(This article indicates that bariatric surgery may help to resolve diabetes by producing a molecule in the intestine “that acts as a glucose transporter and ferries sugar out of the blood and into cells.”)

Congressional EHR interest brings both opportunity and risk
July 25, 2013
Fierce EMR
(This article indicates that “More than 30 bills aimed directly at EHR use have been introduced since the new session began in January….”)

Obamacare requires most insurers to tackle obesity
July 4, 2013
(This article indicates that “Many insurers are stepping up their coverage of obesity.”)

Obesity Drug Finally Hits Pharmacies
July 2, 2013
Daily Finance
(This article indicates that “patients can finally walk into a pharmacy and get their prescription for VIVUS' weight loss drug Qsymia.”)

Intestine Bugs Could Be Key To Obesity-Cancer Link
July 1, 2013
Asian Scientist
(This article indicates that “obese mice carry an altered gut flora, which is linked to an increase in the production of DNA-damaging acid that causes liver inflammation and cancer.”)

MRI Proves The Obvious: Exercise Reduces Fat Deposits, Benefits Diabetes Patients
June 25, 2013
Medical Daily
(This article indicates that “Both unhealthy diet and physical inactivity are thought to contribute to diabetes, which is intimately linked with obesity.”)

When Talking About Diet, Parents Should Leave Weight Out Of It
June 25, 2013
Huffington Post
(This article indicates that Parents often struggle with how to discuss diet and nutrition with their children, knowing there is a fine line between providing help and doing harm. )

If Obesity Is A Disease, Why Are So Many Obese People Healthy?
June 24, 2013
(This article indicates that “American Medical Association (AMA)” designation of obesity as a disease is good in some cases and bad in others.)

School-based obesity prevention programs: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
June 22, 2013
(This article indicates that “more recent studies showed convincing evidence that school-based prevention interventions are at least mildly effective in reducing BM in children…”)

Foods that fight inflammation
June 22, 2013
Fox News
(This article indicates that out of control inflammation plays “a role in obesity, heart disease and cancer.”)

Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2013
June 21, 2013
(This article indicates that lawmakers released a new bill “that would require Medicare to cover more obesity treatment costs.”)

Which Weight Loss Surgery is Right for You?
June 21, 2013
Wall Street Journal
(This article indicates that gastric bypass surgery is often the weight loss surgery of choice.)

People want schools to help prevent childhood obesity, survey says
June 19, 2013
Los Angeles Times
(This article indicates that “Ninety percent of Americans said schools should take a role in combating obesity…”)

Major Study Examines Meat-Diabetes Link
June 18, 2013
Wall Street Journal
(This article indicates that “People who increased their consumption of red meat during a four-year period were more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes in a subsequent four-year period…”)

Study Says Two Drug Types May Combat Obesity And Treat Metabolic Syndrome
June 18, 2013
Red Orbit
(This article indicates that “Researchers have been experimenting with different types of drugs in an attempt to prevent metabolic syndrome as well as to battle soaring obesity rates.”)

Experience counts with weight loss surgery
June 18, 2013
News Fix
(This article indicates that ‘The rate of complications in gastric bypass surgery goes down if the operation is done at a center with’ experienced practitioners.)

Smart nutrition makes stroke risk smaller
June 18, 2013
UT San Diego
(This article indicates that “a sensible diet and moderate exercise” can “decrease risk of stroke…”)

Obesity Leads to Brain Inflammation, and Low Testosterone Makes It Worse
June 17, 2013
Science Daily
(This article indicates that “Low testosterone worsens the harmful effects of obesity in the nervous system…”)

Jury Is Still Out on Bariatric Surgery for Patients with Moderate Obesity and Diabetes
June 14, 2013
(This article indicates that “there is not enough evidence to recommend bariatric surgery for the treatment of type 2 diabetes in the moderately obese.)

Chronic kidney disease outlook improves with exercise
June 10, 2013
News Fix
(This article indicates that “those with chronic kidney disease ought to be encouraged to keep on with, or take up, exercise because … it has a real survival benefit.”)

Two new diet drugs can boost weight loss by 5% to 10%
June 7, 2013
Tucson Citizen
(This article indicates that the two new drugs Qsymia and Belviq can help a person lose from five to ten percent of his or her weight.)

Two stage surgery safer for morbid obesity
June 5, 2013
News Fix
(This article indicates that “Performing surgery to reduce obesity in two stages not only leads to significant weight loss, but it also decreases surgical complications.”)

Mom's obesity surgery may help break cycle in kids
May 27, 2013
(This article indicates that “Obese mothers tend to have kids who become obese. Now provocative research suggests weight-loss surgery may help break that unhealthy cycle in an unexpected way — by affecting how their children’s genes behave.”)

Obesity fight: Study shows phone effective as weight loss tool
May 27, 2013
(This article indicates that the “phone may serve to be an equally effective weight loss tool in the fight against obesity at a much reduced cost than face to face intervention programs.”

Best Tool to Fight Childhood Obesity? Your Kitchen
May 25, 2013
New York times
(This article indicates that “the road to a slimmer waistline starts in the home kitchen…”)

Novo Nordisk says obesity drug trial confirms weight loss
May 23, 2013
(This article indicates that Novo Nordisk’s drug, liraglutide, has led to significant weight loss in trials.)

Probability of obesity in kids is reduced by gym class (Video)
May 21, 2013
(This article indicates that “researchers found that an additional 60 minutes per week of physical education time reduces the probability that a fifth-grader is obese by 4.8 percentage points.”)

Changes in brain chemistry sustain obesity
May 15, 2013
Brown University
(This article indicates that in “brain cells of rats, obesity impedes the production of a hormone that curbs appetite and inspires calorie burning…”)

New Treatments Using Gut Bacteria Could Ease Obesity-Related Health Problems
May 13, 2013
Medical Daily
(This article indicates that “raising the levels of [the] human gut bacteria Akkermansia muciniphilia is one viable way to treat obesity and related metabolic disorders.”)

U.S. workers: Lack of exercise more closely linked to obesity
May 10, 2013
(This article indicates that “U.S. workers who exercise fewer than three days a week are more closely linked to being obese than any of 26 other factors, a survey indicates.”)

Discovery of New Hormone Opens Doors to New Type 2 Diabetes Treatments
May 10, 2013 
eNews Park Forest
(This article indicates that “a particular type of protein (hormone) found in fat cells helps regulate how glucose (blood sugar) is controlled and metabolized (used for energy) in the liver.”)

Obesity In Middle-Age Could Lead To Dementia, Study Suggests (PICTURES)
May 5, 2013
The Huffington Post UK
(This article indicates that "Evidence shows that obesity increases the risk of developing dementia.")

Exercise Prevents Obesity and Alzheimer’s
May 4, 2013
News Fix
(This article indicates that “Staying physically active can both reduce your risk of obesity, and your chances of developing Alzheimer’s.”)

Arena withdraws diet drug application in Europe; shares fall
May 2, 2013
(This article indicates that “Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc withdrew an application to market its anti-obesity drug in the European Union…)

Study Finds Possible Alternative to Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery
April 30, 2013
(This article indicates that “Scientists at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center used a catheter to re-direct the flow of bile from the bile duct into the small intestine, producing the same metabolic and weight-loss benefits as bariatric surgeries such as gastric by-pass.”)

Regular Exercise Helps Keep Inflammation in Check
April 30, 2013
News Fix
(This article indicates that “Physical activity lowered markers of inflammation.”)

More evidence adding nuts is a healthy choice
Apr 26, 2013
bit.ly/15MepVc American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, online April 17, 2013.
(This article indicates that “People can safely add a few nuts to their diet…”)

Future obesity risk can be predicted by age two
April 26, 2013
News Fix
(This article indicates that “the future risk of obesity can actually be predicted by the age of two years.”)

Factors associated with poor weight loss after surgery revealed
April 23, 2013
News Fix
(This article indicates that “Some patients do not lose weight effectively after bariatric surgery.”)

First Study Shows Overweight and Obese Youth Can Lose Weight From Active Videogames, or Exergames
April 23, 2013
Wall Street Journal
(This article indicates that there is a place for videogames in an exercise program.)

Abdominal obesity doubles risk of gall bladder surgery
April 17, 2013
News Fix
(This article indicates that “Women with waist measurements over 36 inches have doubled the risk of having gallstone problems.”)

Adding Resistance to Aerobic Exercises Benefits Obesity
April 17, 2013
News Fix
(This article indicates that “combining resistance with aerobic exercise may be the optimal exercise strategy for reducing insulin resistance and functional limitation in previously sedentary, abdominally obese older adults.”)

Vivus Shares Jump as FDA Clears Wider Sales of Obesity Drug
April 16, 2013
Money News
(This article indicates that Qsymia…can now be offered through certified retail pharmacies…”)

Uptake of Vivus's Qsymia and Arena/Eisai's Belviq Will Be Hampered by Widespread Managed Care Formulary Exclusion
April 16, 2013
Wall Street Journal
(This article indicates that “market access hurdles are significant barriers for uptake of new drugs such as Vivus's Qsymia (phentermine and topiramate) and Arena/Eisai's Belviq…”)

Vivus gets FDA nod to sell diet pill via retail pharmacies
April 16, 2013
(This article indicates that “U.S. health regulators' approval to sell its diet pill Qsymia through retail pharmacies removed ‘a major barrier’ to the drug's adoption…”)

Should airlines weigh a “pay-as-you-weigh” pricing strategy?
April 14, 2013
Troy Media
(This article indicates that some airlines may make heavier passengers pay more to fly while allowing lighter passengers to pay less.)

Study Identifies Four New Genetic Markers For Severe Childhood Obesity
April 12, 2013
(This article indicates that “researchers … identified a series of 29 genetic changes that distinguished the heavier children” from normal weight children.)

Weight loss surgery not only shrinks waists but also affects genes
April 11, 2013
Medical Xpress
(This article indicates that “weight loss after surgery causes changes in DNA” that lead to weight loss, glucose control, and fat metabolism.”)

Obesity driving rates of deadly cancer of the esophagus
April 03, 2013
Edmonton Journal
(This article indicates that Canada’s rising obesity rate is associated with an increase in “cancer of the esophagus…”)

White Blood Cell Enzyme Contributes to Inflammation and Obesity
April, 02, 2013
Science Daily
(This article indicates that “an imbalance between an enzyme called neutrophil elastase and its inhibitor causes inflammation, obesity, insulin resistance, and fatty liver disease.”)

Is Self-Help the Secret to Reducing Childhood Obesity?
April 01, 2013
(This article indicates that a more flexible approach to treating childhood obesity may be more effective than what's sometimes used.)

After weight-loss surgery, new gut bacteria keep obesity away
March 27, 2013
(This article indicates that Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery helps a person lose weight by changing gut bacteria, as well as the stomach and small intestines.)

What Exactly is Inflammation?
March 27, 2013
Business 2 Community
(This article indicates that chronic inflammation is a problem, because the “immune response has not been turned off.”)

Obesity alone may not affect knee replacement outcome or increase overall complication risk
March 21, 2013 in Surgery
Medical Xpress
(This article indicates that “Obesity alone may not diminish outcomes or increase the risk of complications in total knee replacement…but patients may face significantly longer hospital stays and related costs.”)

The Obesity Drug War Continues
March 21, 2013 in Surgery
Daily Finance
(This article indicates that “At $2,000 per year for treatment, a drug needs to be prescribed to 500,000 patients to be a blockbuster. There [are] over 78 million obese Americans. The drugmakers have to capture a tiny chunk of the market to hit blockbuster status.”)

Novo Nordisk obesity drug results underwhelm investors
March 18, 2013
(This article indicates that “Overweight and obese diabetes patients given high doses of Novo Nordisk's drug liraglutide achieved 6 percent weight loss in a clinical trial…”)

Exercise improves adiponectin concentrations irrespective of the adiponectin gene polymorphisms SNP45 and the SNP276 in obese Korean women.
10 March 2013
(This article indicates that “aerobic exercise affects adiponectin levels regardless of weight loss and this effect would not be influenced by SNP45 and SNP276 in the adiponectin gene.”)

Increased Risk of Colorectal Cancer After Obesity Surgery
March 06, 2013
Annals of Surgery:
(This article indicates that “Obesity surgery seems to be associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer over time.”)

Fat Cells Trigger Inflammation in Obesity
March 06, 2013
(This article indicates that “People who are overweight or obese often have various health problems due to the inflammation of adipose tissue.”)

Obesity Makes Fat Cells Act Like They're Infected
March 05, 2013
Science Daily
(This article indicates that “The inflammation of fat tissue is part of a spiraling series of events that leads to the development of type 2 diabetes in some obese people.”)

Survey Finds Public Support for Legal Interventions to Fight Obesity, Noncommunicable Diseases
March 05, 2013
News Park Forest
(This article indicates that “The public is very supportive of government action aimed at changing lifestyle choices that can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other noncommunicable diseases” under certain circumstances.)

B Cells Regulate Obesity-associated Inflammation, Type 2 Diabetes
March 03, 2013
Bioscience Technology
(This article indicates that “B cells regulate obesity-associated inflammation and type 2 diabetes …”)

Effects of exercise and group counseling on body composition and VO(2max) in overweight women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
March 2013
(This article indicates that “Exercise in groups followed by counselling or vice versa had beneficial effects on waist circumference, weight, and VO(2max) in women with PCOS.”)

Dietary sugar and artificial sweetener intake and chronic kidney disease: a review.
March 2013
(This article indicates that the possibility that “sugar causes kidney disease remains plausible...")

Simulation modeling of policies directed at youth sugar-sweetened beverage consumption.
March 2013
(This article indicates that “simulation modeling is a promising methodology that can help advance our understanding of policy effects” associated with sugar consumption.)

VIVUS Obesity Drug Sales Only About 60% of Expectations
25 February 2013
(This article indicates that “VIVUS remains a developing story about its obesity drug Qsymia. Its revenue came to only $1.97 million, and that is shy of the $3.09 million projected by Thomson Reuters.”)

Weight-Loss Surgery Fails to Reduce Costs, Study Finds
20 February 2013
(This article indicates that “People who undergo weight-loss surgery don’t reduce their costs as they take off pounds, as hospital stays for complications from the procedure exceed savings from obesity-related illnesses…”)

Physiology; Data on Physiology Discussed by Researchers at University of Missouri
18 February 2013
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘exercise training and metformin have additive influences on adipose tissue secretion and plasma concentrations of leptin and IL-10.’)

Diabetes; New Findings Reported from Dalhousie University Describe Advances in Diabetes
18 February 2013
Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘The antidiabetic drug Metformin causes weight loss in both diabetic and non-diabetic individuals.’)

Artificial sweeteners tied to obesity, Type 2 diabetes
17 February 2013
(This article indicates that “Diet pop and other artificially sweetened products may cause us to eat and drink even more calories and increase our risk for obesity and Type 2 diabetes…”)

Houston Bariatric Surgeons Discuss ASMBS Gastric Sleeve Position Statement
6 February 2013
Texas Laparoscopic Consultants
(This article indicates that “data has shown significant remission of diabetes in patients who have undergone a sleeve gastrectomy, with a complete remission in 66% of patients and improvement in 27%.”)

Kaiser Permanente's Obesity Prevention Interventions in Schools Show Signs of Success for Improving Children's Health
5 February 2013
(This article indicates that “Community-based efforts to change the environment are proving to be an effective way of encouraging more physical activity and nutrition among school-age children…”)

America's Interest in Obesity Surgery Soars Following its Success in Europe and ROW, Finds Frost & Sullivan
22 January 2013
(This article indicates that “Obesity surgery's success in Europe and Rest of World (ROW) has piqued the interest of consumers in the United States.”)

European health regulator raises concerns over Arena obesity drug
23 January 2013
(This article indicates that “the European health regulator … raised concerns with the [Arena’s] obesity drug, Belviq, sending its shares down as much as 10 percent.”)

Childhood Obesity Linked To Wide Range Of Health Problems
17 January 2013
Huffington Post
(This article indicates that “obesity can also put children at risk for 20 … surprising health problems, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, allergies and ear infections.”)

Childhood Obesity Rates Drop in New York City, Los Angeles: Study
17 January 2013
(This article indicates that “New York City and Los Angeles are beginning to see real declines in childhood obesity rates…”)

The Obesity Drug Stock Rally Has Started (OREX, ARNA, VVUS, BAC)
16 January 2013
Market Watch
(This article indicates that “the obesity drug market is expected to be in the billions of dollars.”)

Obesity, lack of insurance cited in U.S. health gap
10 January 2013
(This article indicates that “Overeating, lack of health insurance access and comparatively high poverty are among the many reasons why Americans are less healthy and die younger than people in other wealthy countries…”)

Weight Counseling Decreases Despite Rise in Obesity
8 January 2013
(This article indicates that “While the number of overweight and obese Americans has increased, the amount of weight counseling offered by primary care physicians has decreased -- especially for patients with high blood pressure and diabetes…”)

Arena Seeks Partners in Europe, China for Obesity Drug
7 January 2013
(This article indicates that “Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc. (ARNA), the maker of weight-loss drug Belviq, is looking for partners to sell the medicine abroad once it clears regulatory hurdles…”)

Physicians Admit Feeling Under Qualified and Lacking Necessary Education to Treat Obesity
7 January 2013
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
(This article indicates that “primary care physicians agree they may not be the best health care professionals to give weight related counseling.”)

Measures of U.S. Child Obesity Flawed
December 2012
Population Reference Bureau
(This article indicates that “The prevalence of childhood obesity in the United States is often tracked using outdated, self-reported data.”)

Childhood Obesity Rates Drop Slightly In Some Cities: What Are They Doing Right?
12 December 2012
Time Health & Family
(This article indicates that obesity “rates among children in some cities and states are starting to drop.”)

Novo bets on high-price niche for obesity drug
11 December 2012
(This article indicates that “Denmark's Novo Nordisk is sizing up a high-price niche market for its drug liraglutide as a weight-loss treatment, with the United States the prime opportunity.”)

Brown Fat Transplants May Spur Weight Loss
10 December 2012
WebMD Health News
(This article indicates that “Mice given brown fat transplants lose weight and avoid the kinds of metabolic changes that lead to type 2 diabetes, even on high-fat diets…”)

More Salt in Kids' Diets May Mean More Obesity
10 December 2012
WebMD Health News
(This article indicates that “Limiting children’s salt intake could be one way to reduce childhood obesity...”)

Extra fruit may not ward off daily hunger
30 November 2012
International Journal of Obesity
(This article indicates that “filling up on fruits and vegetables will cut one's appetite for higher-calorie fare did not pan out in a new study…”)

Risk of Childhood Obesity Can Be Predicted at Birth
27 November 2012
Science Daily
(This article indicates that “A simple formula can predict at birth a baby's likelihood of becoming obese in childhood…”)

Why Buy Vivus And Arena? Private Insurance, ObamaCare to Cover Their Obesity Drugs
29 November 2012
(This article indicates that ‘the Mayo Clinic informs patients visiting its website that Qsymia and Belviq are ‘prescription weight-loss medications your doctor may prescribe.’)

High-Fructose Corn Syrup Linked to Diabetes
27 November 2012
WebMD Health News
(This article indicates that “Countries that mix high-fructose corn syrup into processed foods and soft drinks have higher rates of diabetes than countries that don’t use the sweetener…”)

Gastric bypass surgery disappoints for diabetes
27 November 2012
(This article indicates that ‘gastric bypass reverses obesity, but the surgery is no cure for type 2 diabetes…’)

Medicare to Pay for Obesity Counseling in the Name of Prevention
21 November 2012
(This article indicates that “Medicare will begin reimbursing primary care physicians and other qualified practitioners for administering face-to-face behavioral counseling to patients with a body mass index of 30 or more.”)

VIVUS rallies after Aetna revises obesity drug policy
21 November 2012
The Fly on the Wall
(This article indicates that Aetna shows on its website that Qsymia and Belviq are among the drugs it covers.)

Hormone Combination Effective and Safe for Treating Obesity in Mice
13 November 2012
Science Daily
(This article indicates that “Scientists at Indiana University and international collaborators have found a way to link two hormones into a single molecule, producing a more effective therapy with fewer side effects for potential use as treatment for obesity and related medical conditions.”)

Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction Has Higher Failure Rate in Obese Patients
8 November 2012
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
(This article indicates that “For obese women undergoing breast reconstruction after surgery for breast cancer, reconstructions using implants have a higher failure rate…”)

Parents: Living a healthy lifestyle better than talking to teens about obesity
9 November 2012
(This article indicates that “when parents create a home environment complete with healthy behaviors (along with encouragement and support), teens are less likely to become defensive about being overweight.”)

An Exciting Year Ahead For Arena
November 8, 2012
Seeking Alpha
(This article indicates that Arena’s “Belviq will be available in the market during the first quarter of 2013. Further, Arena will receive a decision in the first half of 2013 about marketing of Belviq from European and Swiss authorities.”)

Body Contouring Brings Lasting Improvement in Quality of Life After Weight-Loss Surgery
8 November 2012
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
(This article indicates that “Body contouring after weight-loss (bariatric) surgery produces long-term gains in several aspects of quality of life…”)

Diabetes Treatment Could Start Earlier Thanks to Newly Discovered Protein Risk Factor
7 November 2012
WebProNews / Science
(This article indicates that “individuals who have above-average levels of a protein called SFRP4 in the blood are five times more likely to develop diabetes in the next few years than those with below-average levels,”)

Obesity drug makers continue slide after VIVUS report
7 November 2012
Yahoo! Finance
(This article indicates that “Shares of anti-obesity drug makers are sinking” in the market.)

When Considering Bariatric Surgery, Think About Bones
2 November 2012
Science Daily
(This article indicates that “some types of bariatric surgery may also cause bone loss … particularly when carried out on young people who have not yet reached their peak bone mass…”)

Allergan may shed obesity business, GSK a chairman
31 October 2012
(This article indicates that Allergan is “contemplating shedding its lap-band business over concerns that the margins were slim and line extensions were unlikely.”)

Medical Schools Fall Short On Teaching Students About Obesity, Study Finds
31 October 2012
Science Daily
(This article indicates that “few U.S. medical schools are providing adequate, effective training on how to address weight issues in obese patients, according to researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.”)

Medical schools fall short on teaching students about obesity
31 October 2012
(This article indicates that “More than one-third of adults and one-sixth of children are obese and it is one of the leading causes of preventable death.”)

Exercise Benefits Brain In Middle Age
29 October 2012
Medical News Today
(This article indicates that “cognitive ability improved significantly in a group of six middle-aged people with increased cardiovascular risk who followed a four-month program of high intensity interval training combined with resistance training.”)

GI Dynamics, Inc. Receives FDA Approval to Commence Pivotal Clinical Trial of EndoBarrier®
29 October 2012
(This article indicates that GI Dynamics, Inc. … has received full approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to commence a 25-site pivotal clinical trial of EndoBarrier® for the treatment of patients who have uncontrolled type 2 diabetes and are obese.”)

Top 10 Fitness Trends Picked for 2013
29 October 2012
(This article indicates that “A new survey of fitness trends shows body-weight training, including back-to-basics exercises like push-ups, planks, and pull-ups, is expected to be one of the top 10 fitness trends of 2013.”)

Adult Kidney Failure Tied to Excess Weight as Teen
29 October 29, 2012
(This article indicates that a study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, showed that excess weight during childhood can lead to kidney problems.)

Slimmer future for heavy kids who get help early
29 October 2012
(This article indicates that “Weight-loss programs can help even very young children slim down, and it appears that acting early may improve the odds of success, according to a pair of new studies.”)

Orexigen Therapeutics Says FDA Supports Obesity Drug's Faster NDA Resubmission
22 October 2012
(This article indicates that may support a faster path to resubmission of [Orexigen’s] new drug application for investigational obesity drug Contrave.”)

GI Dynamics Announces First Clinical Study to Demonstrate Improvement in Weight Loss and Co-morbid Conditions Following EndoBarrier® Re-implantation
22 October 2012
(This article indicates that “GI Dynamics, Inc. (ASX: GID) today announced the first study evaluating the long-term benefits and safety of re-implanting EndoBarrier® to extend weight loss benefits for three years.”)

European regulators reject Vivus obesity drug
19 October 2012
(This article indicates that “Vivus Inc said European regulators recommended that its obesity pill not be approved, citing potential safety concerns related to the long-term use of the drug.”)

Counseling slows weight gain in obese moms-to-be
18 October 2012
The International Journal of Obesity
(This article indicates that “Motivational counseling can slow down pregnancy weight gain in obese women and may take the edge off their anxiety, too, according to a new study from Belgium.”)

A Conservative Valuation For Belviq In The EU
18 October 2012
Seeking Alpha
(This article indicates that “the sheer size of the global obesity epidemic and the human tendency to seek out the path of least resistance (diet and exercise be damned) make Belviq possibly one of the easiest drugs ever to turn into a blockbuster.”)

Target for Obesity Drugs Comes Into Focus
11 October 2012
Science Daily
(This article indicates that ‘Like insulin, leptin is part of a regulatory network that controls intake and expenditure of energy in the body, and a lack of leptin or resistance to it has been linked to obesity in people.’)

With a Little Exercise, Your Fat Cells May Coax Liver to Produce 'Good' Cholesterol
9 October 2012
Science Daily
(This article indicates that “With a little exercise and dieting, overweight people with type 2 diabetes can still train their fat cells to produce a hormone believed to spur HDL cholesterol production…”)

Flipping the switch that halts obesity
2 October 2012
Harvard Gazette
(This article indicates that there is a molecular switch, TRPV4, in mice that enables “mice to eat a high-calorie diet without becoming obese or developing the inflammation that causes insulin resistance…”)

Obese Brain May Block Ability to Lose Weight
2 October 2012
Medical daily
(This article indicates that ”people who eat a diet high in saturated fats and refined sugar may have impacted the hippocampus's ability to suppress unwanted thoughts that would cause them to modify eating habits.”)

Vivus’s Weight-Loss Pill Covered by Insurers 30% of the Time
1 October 2012
Business Week
(This article indicates that “Vivus Inc. (VVUS)’s obesity drug Qsymia was covered by health insurers more often than anticipated in its first week on the market…”)

Childhood obesity may impact on heart health in later life
26 September 2012
(This article indicates that obese children are ‘more likely to have [a] heart attack or stroke in adulthood…’)

Population-based trends in overweight and obesity: a comparative study of Israeli male and female adolescents born 1950-1993.
28 September 2012
Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
(This article indicates that more preventive efforts to fight overweight and obesity should be “directed at adolescents as a whole, and particularly vulnerable groups with lower education levels and poverty, or those with specific geographical origins.”)

Knee replacements soar among US older folks
25 September 2012
(This article indicates that “older folks have seen a surge in knee replacement surgeries, driven partly by a desire to stay active and by joint-damaging obesity…”)

Obesity Promotes Prostate Cancer by Altering Gene Regulation
25 September 2012
Science Daily
(This article indicates that “fat surrounding the prostate of overweight or obese men with prostate cancer provides a favorable environment to promote cancer growth.”)

The percentage of American adults who are 100 or more pounds over a healthy weight has skyrocketed since 2000, a study released Monday shows.
18 September 2012
(This article indicates that "Patients should talk to their physicians and focus on the risks of their current health problems, as well as future health risks and weigh those with the risks of surgery,")

Psychiatric Predictors of Surgery Non-completion Following Suitability Assessment for Bariatric Surgery.
9 September 2012
Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, sanjeev.sockalingam@uhn.on.ca.
(This article indicates that “A past history of an anxiety or substance use disorder may play a role in patients not completing the assessment component of the bariatric surgery process.”)

Correlations of HOMA2-IR and HbA1c with Algorithms Derived from Bioimpedance and Spectrophotometric Devices.
8 September 2012
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM/UNICAMP), Campinas University, Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz, Barão Geraldo, 13083970, Campinas, SP, Brazil, chaim@hc.unicamp.br.
(This article indicates that for obese patients “ES [Electro Sensor] complex algorithms will be useful in large-scale screening studies to predict insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and HbA1c >6.5 %.”
Body Mass Index and the Risk of Dementia among Louisiana Low Income Diabetic Patients.
5 September 2012
Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States of America
(This article indicates that “Higher baseline BMI was associated with a lower risk of dementia among diabetic patients…”)

Manipulating gut flora could help tackle obesity
27 August 2012
Zee News (india.com)
(This article indicates that ‘Diet-induced obesity depends not just on calories ingested but also on the host’s microbiome…’)

Would school weigh-ins curb childhood obesity?
27 August 2012
ABC News
(This article indicates that one study “calls for all young students to be weighed regularly at school to help collect official data and to confront parents about the health of their children.”)

Only Children are Significantly More Likely To Be Overweight
27 August 2012
Health Canal
(This article indicates that ‘being an only child appears to be a risk factor in and of itself,’)

Fertile women with obesity more likely to develop atrial fibrillation
26 August 2012
(This article indicates that ‘obesity increases the risk of new-onset atrial fibrillation in seemingly healthy fertile women…’)

Dietary weight loss protects the heart in obese women
25 August 2012
(This article indicates that “weight loss as much as 6.0 kg after six months of caloric restriction was associated with 26 percent reduced myocardial triglycerides.”)

The evolutionary basis for obesity
26 August 2012
(This article indicates that “Mankind has not had sufficient time to evolve any natural genetic defense against obesity or diabetes.”)

Couch-Potato Kids Are Top U.S. Child Health Problem: Poll
24 August 2012
(This article indicates that “Lack of exercise and obesity are the top two health concerns for U.S. children…”)

Debunking the Hunter-Gatherer Workout
24 August 2012
Milken Institute, news release, Aug. 21, 2012
(This article indicates that “to end obesity, we need to focus on our diet and reduce the number of calories we eat” more so than on physical activity, although physical activity is important in maintaining good health.)

Kaiser Permanente Study Finds Obese Youth Have Significantly Higher Risk of Gallstones
24 August 2012
(This article indicates that being overweight or obese increases the chances of gallstones in children.)

Modern Technology Adds to Worldwide Obesity Woes: Report
23 August 2012
Milken Institute, news release, Aug. 21, 2012
(This article indicates that “The increasing amount of time that people spend using computers, playing video games and watching TV is a major factor in rising rates of obesity worldwide...”)

Weight-Loss Surgery May Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
22 August 2012
HealthDay News
(This article indicates that ‘If the heart is healthy enough for surgery, someone who is morbidly obese, with a BMI over 40 or more, bariatric surgery may be something’ to consider in light of a possibility of type 2 diabetes.)

New Estimates: Americans Can Prevent Almost 400,000 Cancers Annually
22 August 2012
The American Institute for Cancer Research
(This article indicates that ‘New AICR [American Institute for Cancer Research] estimates … show that close to 400,000 cases of cancers in the United States can be prevented each year by eating a healthy diet, undertaking regular physical activity, being at a healthy weight and limiting alcohol consumption.’)

Inflammation and Obesity
20 August 2012
Bariatric Surgery Resource
(This article indicates that “Scientists have discovered that the inflammation associated with obesity may start in the brain.”)

Abdominal Obesity, Body Mass Index, and Hypertension in US Adults: NHANES 2007-2010
16 August 2012
(This article indicates that “Abdominal obesity is independently associated with hypertension after adjusting for BMI.”)

Eating Behavior and Disorders; Researchers from University of California Discuss Findings in Eating Behavior and Disorders
11 August 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘interventions designed for and delivered only to African American girls might be more successful than those delivered in mixed gender settings.’)

Diet and Nutrition Disorders; Researchers from University Hospital Report Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Obesity
11 August 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Growing evidence supports a link between obesity and inflammation.’)

Respiratory Tract Diseases and Conditions; New Obstructive Sleep Apnea [OSA] Research Reported from National University Hospital
11 August 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that there is ‘an independent association of OSA severity with IL-6 levels and an interaction between OSA severity and BMI...’)

Diet and Nutrition Disorders; Investigators from University of Minnesota Have Published New Data on Obesity
11 August 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Researchers and clinicians should focus on encouraging parents to lose weight to assist their overweight and obese child in weight management.’)

Diet and Nutrition Disorders; Research Conducted at Purdue University Has Updated Our Knowledge about Obesity
11 August 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Vitamin D supplementation in healthy, overweight, and obese adults participating in a resistance training intervention did not augment exercise-induced changes in inflammatory biomarkers.’)

Biology; Studies from M.Z. Li and Colleagues Reveal New Findings on Biology
10 August 2012
Genomics & Genetics Weekly
(This article indicates that there is ‘epigenetic evidence for functionally relevant methylation differences between different adipose depots.’)

Weight Loss; Investigators at Uppsala University Publish New Data on Weight Loss
10 August 2012
Health & Medicine Week
(This article indicates that ‘Supplementation with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids does not appear warranted.’)

Weight Loss; Boosting Metabolism with 7-Keto DHEA Found to be a Better Weight Loss Plan
10 August 2012
Health & Medicine Week
(This article indicates that “By adding 7-Keto DHEA [produced naturally in the body, but decreasing with age] to a solid regimen of diet and exercise, individuals are showing a boost to their weight loss results.”)

Bariatric Surgery Cuts MI Incidence in Obese With T2DM
8 August 2012
MPR, Monthly Prescribing Reference
(This article indicates that ‘bariatric surgery is associated with reduced incidence of myocardial infarction in obese individuals with type 2 diabetes…’)

Diabetes; Studies in the Area of Diabetes Reported from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University
8 August 2012
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that ‘Appropriate exercise training is a clinically proven, cost-effective, primary intervention that delays and in many cases prevents the health burdens associated with MetS.’)

Simulation Modeling of Policies Directed at Youth Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption
19 July 2012
(This article indicates that simulation “shows that policies directed at SSBs [sugar-sweetened beverages], particularly tax hikes, could lead to substantial reductions in the number of calories consumed by youth.”)

The relationship between high-fat dairy consumption and obesity, cardiovascular, and metabolic disease
19 July 2012
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 1100 Fairview Avenue
(This article indicates that “high-fat dairy consumption within typical dietary patterns is inversely associated with obesity risk.”)

The effect of weight loss magnitude on pro/anti-inflammatory adipokines and carotid intima-media thickness in obese adolescents engaged in interdisciplinary weight-loss therapy
19 July 2012
Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
(This article indicates that “Interdisciplinary therapy may reduce cardiovascular risk factors among adolescents…”)

Abnormal spiral arteries modification in stillbirths: the role of maternal prepregnancy body mass index
19 July 2012
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
(This article indicates that ‘Given the association between obesity and adverse pregnancy outcome, …counselling obese women to lose weight before pregnancy becomes increasingly imperative.”)

Obesity; Studies from University Hospital Have Provided New Data on Obesity
24 June 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that the day of the appearance of a leak after bariatric surgery, plus the severity and the leaks’ location, can be used to determine what treatment is warranted to treat the leak.)

Weight Loss; New Weight Loss Research from Aristotle University Outlined
24 June 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that under certain circumstances, ‘BIB [BioEnterics Intragastric Balloon] seems to be effective for significant weight loss and maintenance for a long period…’)

Obesity; New Data from University of Auckland Illuminate Research in Obesity
24 June 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates th
at “Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) may be applicable in bariatric surgery.”)
Obesity; Investigators from University of Pennsylvania Publish New Data on Obesity
24 June 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that studies are needed to determine the optimum follow-up schedule to maximize weight loss after bariatric surgery.)

Obesity; Investigators from University Hospital Publish New Data on Obesity
24 June 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘Vigilant follow-up during the first 30 days [after bariatric surgery] is critical to avoid catastrophe, because most leaks will happen after patient discharge.’)

Obesity; Studies from University of Bristol in the Area of Obesity Described
23 June 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that a child’s homework may be used to involve parents in ‘school-based obesity prevention interventions.’)

Adipokines; Studies from Nanjing University Yield New Data on Adipokines
23 June 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘regulating the expression of leptin and the leptin receptor might be’ the mechanism electroacupuncture that causes weight reduction in obese rats.)

Acute Pancreatitis; Scientists identify possible drug target for acute pancreatitis
23 June 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “the inflammatory protein interleukin-6 (IL-6) plays a pivotal role in the duration of acute pancreatitis in animal models.”)

Adipokines; Researchers from Meharry Medical College Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Adipokines
23 June 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Leptin assessment may be informative in future studies that investigate racial differences in the development of obesity-related diseases.’)

Obesity; Research on Obesity Discussed by Investigators at Regional Hospital
23 June 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘there is a need for an effective but less invasive treatment to bridge the gap between medical and surgical therapy.’)

Diabetes; Investigational diabetes drug may have fewer side effects
23 June 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “an investigational drug appears to improve insulin sensitivity without [many] troublesome side effects.”)

Obesity; Findings from University of the Basque Country Advance Knowledge in Obesity
23 June 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that hypoxia in conjunction with diet and exercise may be a viable treatment for obesity.)

Diabetes; 'Jack Spratt' diabetes gene identified
22 June 2012
Drug Week
(This article indicates that “type 2 diabetes in lean people is more 'genetically driven' than in obese persons.)

Reuters Health News Summary
21 June 2012
Reuters News
(This article indicates that “Minimally-invasive weight loss surgery is safer than open surgery, with patients suffering fewer complications during those procedures…”)

Kidney Disease Risk in Obese People Reduces with Weight-Loss Surgery
21 June 2012
Health Daily Digest
(This article indicates that bariatric surgery can lead to a resolution of diabetic nephropathy.)

Obesity; New Obesity Findings from New York University Published
21 June 2012
Food Weekly News
(This article indicates that bariatric surgery results in ‘increased satiety and decreased hunger.’)

Obesity; University of Genoa Publishes Research in Obesity
10 June 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that "When data are controlled for preoperative BMI values, smoking status and presence of sleep apnea, respiratory function data cannot predict the occurrence of RPC [respiratory postoperative complications] after bariatric surgery.")

Bariatrics; Studies from Emory University Yield New Information about Bariatrics
10 June 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that "higher risks of bariatric surgery among patients with worse renal function, but whether the potential benefits outweigh the risks in this population requires further study.")

Weight Loss; Research on Weight Loss Detailed by Investigators at Washington University
10 June 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that "In severely obese and high-risk patients, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy provides superior total weight loss at 2 years.")

Eclampsia; Weight management in pregnancy with diet is beneficial and safe and can reduce complications
9 June 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “dietary and lifestyle interventions in pregnancy improve outcomes for both mother and baby, but … [points out] the lack of data on risk factors such as age, ethnicity and socioeconomic status.”)

Skin Cancer; Surgical removal of abdominal fat reduces skin cancer in mice
9 June 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “Rutgers researchers found that surgical removal of abdominal fat from obese mice fed a high-fat diet had between 75-80 percent fewer UV-induced skin cancers than mice that did not undergo fat-removal surgery.”)

Obesity; Studies from University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Provide New Data on Obesity
9 June 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 (SOCS3) is thought to be involved in the development of central leptin resistance and obesity by inhibiting STAT3 pathway. And this process may be part of ‘the mechanisms behind the development of central leptin resistance and obesity.’)

Obesity; Studies from University of Hawaii Describe New Findings in Obesity
9 June 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that "cognitive dissonance interventions may be a successful way to reduce obesity stigma, particularly by changing attitudes about the appearance and attractiveness of obese individuals.")

American Thoracic Society; Sleep disordered breathing is associated with an increased risk of cancer mortality
9 June 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “Sleep disordered breathing (SDB), which is associated with an increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events and psychopathological outcomes, is also associated with an increased risk of cancer mortality…”)

Obesity; Research on Obesity Detailed by Scientists at University of Arkansas
9 June 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Clinical experience suggests some individuals begin obesity treatment weighing more than they did at pretreatment assessment. Therefore, ‘pretreatment weight change may be a clinical marker for likely success in behavioral weight…’)

Obesity; Research Conducted by J.R. Dahn and Co-Researchers Has Updated Our Knowledge about Obesity
9 June 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that there is a "need for a lifestyle modification program such as MOVE! in primary care settings to assist overweight and obese patients in managing their weight.")

Preeclampsia; Scientists at University of Athens Publish Research in Preeclampsia
9 June 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Prepregnancy maternal obesity is steadily increasing over time.’ And that there is a ‘need for public health programs to focus on obesity prevention…’)

Prostate Cancer; Investigators at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Target Prostate Cancer
6 May 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘By avoiding weight gain, men with prostate cancer may both prevent recurrence and improve overall well-being.’)

Weight Loss; Study Findings from Bowling Green State University Provide New Insights into Weight Loss
5 May 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘The application of SC [stepped care] principles to the treatment of obesity needs further study.’)  

Weight Loss; Study Data from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Update Understanding of Weight Loss
5 May 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘both host adiposity and diet composition impact microbiota composition, possibly through leptin-mediated regulation of mucus production and/or inflammatory processes that alter the gut habitat.’)  

Diabetes; Researchers' Work from State University of New York Focuses on Diabetes
5 May 2012
(This article indicates that ‘The mechanism underlying resolution of insulin resistance and T2DM after RYGB may be attributable, at least in part, to the reduction of endotoxemia and associated proinflammatory mediators.’)  

Steatosis; Researchers from Royal Perth Hospital Describe Findings in Steatosis
5 May 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Identifying the genetic determinants of hepatic steatosis will lead to a better understanding of the pathogenesis and progression of NAFLD.’)  

Adipokines; Researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Report Recent Findings in Adipokines
5 May 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘restoring normal leptin signaling can reduce vascular stiffness, increase endothelial relaxation, and correct dyslipidemia associated with IH [intermittent hypoxia].’)  

Weight Loss; New Research on Weight Loss from Stanford University School of Medicine Summarized
5 May 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Social support could be a powerful weight-loss treatment moderator or mediator…’)  

Weight Loss; Data on Weight Loss Published by Researchers at Medical University
5 May 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘significant reduction of visceral fat mass may contribute to the reduced cardiovascular morbidity and mortality after bariatric surgery by a concomitant decrease in PAI-1 [Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1] concentrations.’)  

Obesity; Findings from Children's Hospital Broaden Understanding of Obesity
5 May 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘As no single intervention [for obesity prevention]will fit all schools and populations, further high-quality research needs to focus on identifying specific program characteristics predictive of success.")  

Diabetes; GI Dynamics Announces First Cases of EndoBarrier(R) Therapy in Australia
3 May 2012
Politics & Government Week
(This article indicates that “EndoBarrier Therapy may be the preferred treatment option for” some diabetic patients that are overweight.)  

Adipokines; Findings from A. Serrano and Co-Researchers Advance Knowledge in Adipokines
2 May 2012
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that research ‘results support the role of adiponectin signaling in diet-induced obesity and set in place a potential use of compounds able to induce adiponectin release for the treatment of obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver, with the limits imposed by the induction of pharmacological tolerance.’)  

Weight Loss; Weight Loss Surgeon in Hawaii Discusses Recent Gastric Sleeve Advancements
29 April 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that gastric sleeve can potentially “help patients achieve a fitter, healthier self.”)  

Obesity; Research on Obesity Detailed by Scientists at University Hospital
29 April 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘preliminary results of the first [endoliminal bariatric] studies are extremely promising, but definitive statements cannot be drawn yet’ about the endoliminal bariatric methods.)  

Asthma; Research on Asthma Discussed by Scientists at University of Sydney
28 April 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘An understanding of the various physiological perturbations that might be contributing to symptoms in obese patients with asthma will allow for a more targeted and rational treatment approach for these patients.’)  

Obesity; New Obesity Findings from T. Johnson and Co-Researchers Published
28 April 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘school nurses can be an advocate for school-based programs and facilitate success’ in fostering healthy behavior among children.)  

Weight Loss; New Study in Obesity Journal Finds Armband System Boosts Weight Loss Efforts
26 April 2012
Computer Weekly News
(This article indicates that “the combination of wearable body monitors and behavior support increased weight loss over behavior support alone by keeping consumers engaged in the program.”)  

Weight Loss; Reports from University of Kansas Describe Recent Advances in Weight Loss
26 April 2012
Women's Health Weekly
(This article indicates that ‘Obese breast cancer survivors have increased risk of recurrence and death compared to their normal weight counterparts.’)  

Obesity; Studies from Roger Williams Hospital in the Area of Obesity Described
25 March 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that estimates of physical activity at the group level are similar for the two following measuring devices: the Stayhealthy RT3 triaxial accelerometer (RT3) and the Sensewear Pro(2) Armband (SWA). However, there are discrepancies at the individual level.)

Obesity; Federal University Details Research in Obesity
25 March 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘Sensory thresholds [in abdominal skin] in post-bariatric patients showed improvement relative to morbidly obese, but remained worse than” persons of normal weight.)  

Weight Loss; Weight-loss surgery safe for obese kidney disease patients
24 March 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘it is safe to proceed with bariatric surgery in kidney failure patients who suffer from obesity…’)  

Diabetes; Teaching fat cells to burn calories
24 March 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that the protein PRDM16 plays a role in enabling the body to convert white fat into brown fat, sometimes called the “good fat” because brown fat burns energy, rather than storing it.)  

Colon Cancer; Study shows how high-fat diets increase colon cancer risk
24 March 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that certain foods in our diets can change the methylation patterns on insulin genes causing them to pump out too much insulin, which can play a role in colon cancer.)  

Psoriasis; Studies from Asahikawa Medical University Have Provided New Information about Psoriasis
24 March 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that psoriasis is a component of metabolic syndrome.)  

Diabetes; Researchers at Columbia University Have Published New Data on Diabetes
24 March 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that bariatric surgery may lead to improvements in kidney disease.)

Obesity; Studies from Vaasa Central Hospital in the Area of Obesity Described
26 February 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘Revisional bariatric surgery can be performed with an increased but acceptable risk, with at least short-term weight loss comparable to primary operations.’)  

Obesity; School of Medicine Details Research in Obesity
26 February 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that in laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG),‘[s]uturing of the staple line may be more time consuming but costs are considerably less.’)  

Obesity; Researchers from Medical University Provide Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Obesity
26 February 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘A huge disparity exists between the number of subjects who desire a body contouring surgery and those who actually received it.’)  

Obesity; Reports Outline Obesity Research from University of Oslo
26 February 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘This kind of approach [optimizing procedures] may be transferred to other types of standardized surgery…’)  

Obesity; Recent Studies from Hospital Clinic Add New Data to Obesity
26 February 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘An appropriated training in laparoscopic bariatric surgery contributes to a significant reduction in postoperative complications and mortality during the learning curve of LGBP.’)  

Obesity; Findings in Obesity Reported from Seoul National University
26 February 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘The researchers concluded: "Obesity itself does not affect the surgical and clinicopathological outcomes or even survival in EOC [epithelial ovarian cancer] patients.’)  

Medical Device Companies; Ethicon Endo-Surgery Launches the First Comprehensive Solution for Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Designed to Help Minimize Leaks
26 February 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. (EES) today launched the first comprehensive solution for laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy designed to help minimize leaks, the company announced.”)  

Adipokines; Studies in the Area of Adipokines Reported from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
25 February 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘long-term exposure to leptin, similarly to the situation in obese individuals with elevated serum leptin levels, significantly impairs integral parts of NK [natural killer] cell immune functions, possibly linking leptin to increased cancer susceptibility in obesity.’)  

Thromboembolism; New Thromboembolism Findings from University of California Described
12 February 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that selecting the appropriate bariatric surgical options can reduce the risk of VTE [venous thromboembolism].)  

Cardiovascular Diseases; Study Results from Springfield College Provide New Insights into Cardiovascular Diseases
11 February 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Emerging data suggest vascular integrity is disrupted in metabolic syndrome…’)  

Obesity; Researchers at School of Public Health Target Obesity
11 February 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Obesity often coexists with low calcium intake and vitamin D insufficiency. There is emerging evidence of a role for these nutrients in the regulation of body weight...’)  

Weight Loss; Research from University of Auckland Provides New Insights into Weight Loss
11 February 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Mobile phones provide a medium for reaching large numbers of people [who are overweight or obese] in a cost-effective manner…’)  

Adipokines; Research from Faculty of Biomedical Science Has Provided New Information about Adipokines
11 February 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘leptin resistance does not induce hyperphagia…’)  

Weight Loss; Study Data from Columbia University Update Understanding of Weight Loss
22 January 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘weight loss surgery might be indicated at a younger age for severely obese individuals.’)  

Obesity; Studies from Thomas Jefferson University Describe New Findings in Obesity
22 January 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘The obesity epidemic must be addressed by policy efforts at the local, state, and national levels…’)  

General Surgery; Research from M.T Baker and Co-Authors Reveals New Findings on General Surgery
22 January 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘Variations, alterations, and modifications of these original [bariatric surgical] procedures, combined with intense efforts to follow and document outcomes, have led to the evolution of modern bariatric surgery.’)  

General Surgery; Research Reports on General Surgery from J.M. Snow and Colleagues Provide New Insights
22 January 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that a larger ‘fraction of patients fail to lose weight [with adjustable lap band surgery] than with other surgical weight loss procedures, frequently necessitating conversion to these other options.’)  

Obesity; Research from Wake Forest University Provides New Data about Obesity
22 January 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘Minimally invasive or laparoscopic techniques such as laparoscopic Roux-en-Y (LRNY) have replaced open procedures.’)  

General Surgery; Reports from University of Minnesota Describe Recent Advances in General Surgery
22 January 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that bariatric surgical‘Outcomes vary according to the primary operation and chosen approach to revision.’)  

Diabetes; New Diabetes Findings from Manchester Royal Infirmary Published
22 January 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery ’offered greater weight loss and a chance of remission of T2DM compared with LAGB (laparoscopic adjustable gastric band) and within 2 years of surgery.)  

General Surgery; Investigators from University of Minnesota Zero in on General Surgery
22 January 2012
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘With the increase in bariatric surgical procedures, an increase in revision operations is expected.’)  

Insulin Resistance; Research on Insulin Resistance Described by Investigators at Fourth Military Medical University
21 January 2012
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Metformin and fenofibrate can increase insulin sensitivity and recover beta-cell function in patients with simple obesity accompanied by insulin resistance.’)  

Obesity; Research Reports on Obesity from Queen's University Provide New Insights
31 December 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[d]uring critical illness, extreme obesity is not associated with a worse survival advantage compared with normal weight. However, among survivors, BMI >= 40 kg/m(2) is associated with longer time on mechanical ventilation and in the ICU...’)  

Heart Failure; Recent Findings from University of Alberta Highlight Research in Heart Failure
31 December 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[w]hile accumulating data demonstrate the health benefits of calorie restriction and resveratrol in experimental animal models, whether these interventions translate to patients with cardiovascular disease remains to be determined.’)  

Adipokines; Researchers from Touchstone Diabetes Center Describe Findings in Adipokines
31 December 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘local leptin action within the mammary gland is a critical mediator, linking obesity and dysfunctional adipose tissue with aggressive tumor growth.’) 

Weight Loss; Research on Weight Loss Published by Investigators at University of London
17 December 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘TTM SOC [The transtheoretical model stages of change] and a combination of physical activity, diet and other interventions resulted in minimal weight loss, and there was no conclusive evidence for sustainable weight loss…’)  

Diabetes; Research from National Institutes of Health Broadens Understanding of Diabetes
17 December 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘{r}esearch is needed to determine whether early intervention to decrease elevated depressive symptoms in youth ameliorates later development of insulin resistance and lessens the risk of type 2 diabetes.’)  

Weight Loss; Research Reports on Weight Loss from School of Public Health Provide New Insights
17 December 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[a]fter weight loss surgery, the absolute risk of cardiovascular disease should be reassessed, but tools to facilitate risk assessment need to be developed.’)  

Hypertension; Reports from University of Freiburg Add New Data to Research in Hypertension
17 December 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that there is ‘a possible interaction between gut peptides and the cardiovascular system in hypertension and obesity.’)  

Crohn's Disease; New Crohn's Disease Study Findings Recently Were Reported by Researchers at University of Massachusetts
17 December 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[i]ncreasing BMI adversely affects perioperative morbidity in patients with Crohn's disease.’)  

Obesity; New Obesity Research from B. Burguera and Co-Researchers Described
17 December 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that researchers in Spain “found a beneficial effect on body composition, fitness parameters, and systolic blood pressure in children who participated in” a study where an intervention consisting of ”an incentive-driven physical activity program with lifestyle lectures” was investigated.)  

Weight Loss; New Findings in Weight Loss Described from University of California
16 December 2011
Drug Week
(This article indicates that ‘[f]avorable changes in cytokine levels were observed in association with weight loss in [an] … exploratory study with overweight breast cancer survivors.’)  

Obesity; Reports Outline Obesity Study Findings from Johns Hopkins University
11 December 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘obesity status increased the odds of experiencing a complication by 11.8-fold after adjusting for other variables. Obesity is associated with a nearly 12-fold increased odds of a postoperative complication after elective breast procedures.’)  

Weight Loss; ASMBS and ASGE issue white paper on endoscopic bariatric therapies EBTs
11 December 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘endoscopic therapy has the potential to be applied across the continuum of obesity and metabolic disease…’)  

Staphylococcus aureus; Studies from University Hospital Further Understanding of Staphylococcus aureus
10 December 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘because cell viability is not affected during [an] infection, adipose tissue might function as a host for chronic infection by bacteria-causing metabolic, proinflammatory, and prodiabetic disturbances.’)  

Weight Loss; Studies from S.S. Summer and Co-Authors Have Provided New Information about Weight Loss
10 December 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘results confirm that diet-induced loss of weight and body fat is associated with increased adiponectin concentrations…’)  

Adipokines; Research in the Area of Adipokines Reported from A. Hrabak and Colleagues
10 December 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “obesity provokes inflammation.”)  

Obesity; Recent Studies from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Add New Data to Obesity
12 November 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘studies suggest that loss of LM [lean mass] after RYGB is significant and strategies to maintain LM after surgery should be explored.’)

Science; Study Findings from University of Surrey Provide New Insights into Science
8 November 2011
Science Letter
(This article indicates that ‘[w]hereas failed surgery is characterised by a battle for control, successful surgery involves handing control over to their restricted stomachs or considering WLS as a tool to be worked with.’)

FDA Sets April Deadline to Review Vivus' Qnexa
7 November 2011
Drug Industry Daily
(This article indicates that “[t]he FDA plans a first-quarter 2012 advisory committee meeting to discuss the drug [qnexa]…”)

Weight Loss; Research from University of Arkansas Provides New Data on Weight Loss
7 November 2011
Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘[a] behavioral lifestyle weight-loss intervention delivered by a lay health educator offers a promising vehicle for translation of evidence-based obesity treatment programs in underserved areas.’)

Obesity; Studies Conducted by J.B. Alley et al on Obesity Recently Published
6 November 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[t]he use of an integrated absorbable synthetic polymer for stapled tissue reinforcement in laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy appears to be feasible and safe, and yields results consistent with other published techniques.’)

Obesity; Scientists at University of Wisconsin Detail Research in Obesity
6 November 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘When feasible, laparoscopic conversion [from Vertical-banded gastroplasty] to RYGB may offer the best outcomes.)

Obesity; Scientists at University of Kuwait Describe Research in Obesity
6 November 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘RYGB as a revisional bariatric procedure is effective to treat complications of restrictive procedures and to further reduce weight in morbidly obese patients.’)

Obesity, Fitness and Wellness; Research from University of Sussex Has Provided New Information about Obesity, Fitness and Wellness
6 November 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[a]ccurate diagnosis often relies on high-quality contrast and cross-sectional imaging, and effective surgical intervention necessitates a broad understanding of the altered anatomy, advanced surgical skills and liaison with specialists in the field when necessary.’)

Weight Loss; Research Reports from J.E.C. Holty and Co-Authors Provide New Insights into Weight Loss
6 November 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[b]ariatric surgery is associated with dramatic weight loss and improvements in physical functioning and daytime sleepiness.’)

Obesity; Reports from University of Marmara Add New Data to Research in Obesity
6 November 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[intraoperative endoscopic assessment of the pouch and anastomosis during surgery] helps solve intraoperative problems during the surgery so that postoperative complications might be prevented.’)

Weight Loss; New Findings from E. Lecumberri and Co-Researchers in the Area of Weight Loss Described
6 November 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[a]ir-filled Heliosphere BAGA (R) [intragastric balloon] has been effective in achieving a relevant loss of body weight.’)

Obesity; Data on Obesity Discussed by Researchers at University of Central Arkansas
6 November 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[t]he post-bariatric surgery populations will have improved QOL if the patients expend more energy and are active more hours as demonstrated in activity/day after their surgery.’)

Obesity; Studies from C. Manaouil and Colleagues Provide New Data on Obesity
23 October 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[p]hysicians and surgeons have an obligation to be able to prove that they informed their patients properly,’ when it comes to bariatric surgery.)  

Bariatrics; Research from C.M. Thomas and Co-Researchers in the Area of Bariatrics Described
23 October 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that nurse practitioners should impart to surgical patients ‘[k]nowledge of what the procedures involve, what changes to expect in the comorbid conditions, and what long-term monitoring and treatment should take place in the care of these patients will provide these patients with optimal care.’)  

Obesity; New Obesity Study Results Reported from University of California
23 October 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[p]atient characteristics and comorbidities, payer type, and operative technique (laparoscopic vs open) predict the risk of gastrointestinal (GI) tract leak in patients with morbid obesity undergoing gastric bypass. Retrospective database analysis.’)  

Adipokines; Study Data from St. Louis University Update Knowledge of Adipokines
22 October 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “[c]urcumin eliminated stimulatory effects of leptin on HSC [hepatic stellate cells] activation and increased AMPK [AMP-activated protein kinase] activity, leading to inducing expression of genes relevant to lipid accumulation and elevating the level of intracellular lipids…")  

Kidney Cancer; Scientists at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Detail Research in Kidney Cancer
22 October 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that adiponectin might be a mediator of obesity-associated malignancies and might have direct antineoplastic effects acting via the adiponectin receptors AdipoR1 and AdipoR2.)  

Adipokines; Research on Adipokines Discussed by Scientists at Harbin Medical University
22 October 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[o]besity is a risk factor for breast cancer, and low blood concentrations of adiponectin are associated with high incidence and poor prognosis of breast cancer.’)  

Blood Pressure; Research Results from Vascular Biology Center Update Knowledge of Blood Pressure
22 October 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[t]hese data indicate that, despite metabolic leptin resistance, leptin-mediated stimulation of the heart, the vasculature, and aldosterone production persists in obesity. Blood pressure effects in response to leptin may be limited by a tachyphylactic response in the circulation, suggesting that failure of adrenergic desensitization may be a requisite step for hypertension in the context of obesity.’)  

Weight Loss; Frequently used weight-loss method is light on evidence
22 October 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “[a]lthough the transtheoretical model stages of change (TTM SOC) method is frequently used to help obese and overweight people lose weight, a newly published Cochrane systematic review indicates there is little evidence that it is effective.”)  

Adipokines; Findings from F. Lovren et al in Adipokines Reported
22 October 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[c]onditions associated with low adiponectin levels, such as visceral obesity and insulin resistance, may promote atherosclerosis, in part through aberrant macrophage kinetics.’)  

Obesity; Research in the Area of Obesity Reported from University Hospital
22 October 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[t]hese data suggest that ghrelin is a physiological regulator of GH [growth hormone] in the post-oral glucose state, and the decreased ghrelin secretion could be one of the mechanisms responsible for the altered GH secretion in obesity.’)  

Weight Loss; Studies from Medical University in the Area of Weight Loss Published
19 October 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that ‘[b]ackground All major guidelines for antihypertensive therapy recommend weight loss. Thus dietary interventions that aim to reduce body weight might be a useful intervention to reduce blood pressure and adverse cardiovascular events associated with hypertension.’)  

Weight Loss; Researchers from University of Illinois Provide Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Weight Loss
19 October 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that ‘[w]eight loss maintenance," is the subject of a report. "Successful long-term weight loss maintenance can be achieved by various means. A combination of dietary and physical activity interventions, along with one or more behavioral approaches, has proven successful in some persons, as documented by the National Weight Control Registry, but is limited by adherence to a consistent weight loss regimen…’) 

Thromboembolism; Study Results from Johns Hopkins University Update Understanding of Thromboembolism
18 September 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[t]he high frequency of VTE [Venous thromboembolism] up to 6 months following bariatric surgery suggests that more aggressively extended prophylaxis should be considered in patients at higher risk for VTE.’)  

Weight Loss; Researchers from University of Navarra Publish Findings in Weight Loss
18 September 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[t]he positive effects of SG [sleeve gastrectomy] on weight reduction are observed in obese rats’ after ND [normal chow diet] or HFD [high-fat diet])  

Weight Loss; Research from Columbia University in the Area of Weight Loss Described
18 September 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[l]onger-limb gastric bypass is not required in patients with BMI > 50 kg/m(2) for them to obtain long-term, sustained weight loss.’)  

Diabetes; Research Conducted by C.K. Huang and Co-Authors Has Provided New Information about Diabetes
18 September 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[e]arly intervention in low-BMI patients yields better remission rates because age, BMI, and duration of T2DM predict glycemic outcomes.’)  

Obesity; New Obesity Study Findings Have Been Published by S.Y. Hayashi and Colleagues
18 September 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘RYGB patients needed 45.8% less outpatient visits and 53.0% less laboratory tests than nonoperated moderately obese cases, even including esthetic operations...’)  

Obesity; Tackling the obesity epidemic: governments must lead
17 September 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[t]he UN meeting provides a key opportunity to strengthen international leadership from the UN and its agencies, and to stimulate other agencies and states to begin to seriously address the continuing global epidemic of obesity.’)  

Cardiovascular Diseases; Studies from University of Oslo in the Area of Cardiovascular Diseases Described
17 September 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[t]rying to capture the overall inflammatory activity, in addition to the mass of adipose tissue, could provide useful hints towards a pathogenetic link between obesity and presence of cardiovascular disease.’)  

Obesity; STOP Obesity Alliance Task Force urges HHS to give obesity equal weight in essential health benefits
17 September 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that the STOP Obesity Alliance Task Force feels “that obesity and weight-related interventions should receive the same consideration as any other health condition.”)  

Peptide Hormones; Researchers from University of Athens Report on Findings in Peptide Hormones
17 September 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that sleeve gastrectomy (SG) ‘affects the serum levels of leptin and des-acyl ghrelin but not the levels of acylated ghrelin in’ obese Wistar rats.)  

Weight Loss; Researchers from Johns Hopkins University Discuss Findings in Weight Loss
17 September 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[t]he results suggest that sTNF alpha R2 may be a specific sleep apnea biomarker across a wide range of body weight.’)  

Obesity; Research Conducted by E. Hemmingsson and Co-Researchers Has Updated Our Knowledge about Obesity
17 September 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[b]icycling may be more effective than walking for reducing insulin levels in abdominally obese women.’)  

Obesity; New Obesity Research from R.A. Luvizotto and Co-Researchers Described
17 September 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘T(3) [Triiodothyronine], directly or indirectly, inhibits the expression of leptin and adiponectin in calorie restricted obese animals.’)  

Obesity; Data on Obesity Published by Researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital
17 September 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[t]he collaborative effort between surgeons and pharmacists effected changes in medication transitioning perioperatively and resulted in improved pharmaceutical care for this patient population.’)  

Obesity; Data on Obesity Discussed by S.I. Saarni and Colleagues
17 September 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[p]ositive actions to ensure patient autonomy and just access to surgical treatments may be warranted.’)  

Diabetes; Research on Diabetes Discussed by H.R. Zhang and Co-Researchers
15 September 2011
Food Weekly News
(This article indicates that ‘[t]he amelioration of adipose tissue inflammation and the improvement of endothelial function may represent important mechanisms that result in cardiovascular benefits after bariatric surgery.’)  

Metabolic Disorders; Research from Hokkaido University Provides New Data about Metabolic Disorders
15 September 2011
Food Weekly News
(This article indicates that ‘Salacia extract [from a plant] has remarkable potential to prevent obesity and associated metabolic disorders including the development of metabolic syndrome.’)  

Weight Loss; Personalized Data Input Portal and Online Patient Community to Be Launched at the World Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity
14 September 2011
Telecommunications Weekly
(This article indicates that ‘IntraPace, Inc., the developer of the innovative abiliti(R) implantable obesity management system, announced that it will launch its new lifestyle management portal and support network this week at the XVI World Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO) in Hamburg, Germany.’)  

Obesity; Child-care facilities can do more to promote healthy eating and physical activity among preschoolers
14 September 2011
Education Letter
(This article indicates that “[a]s the use of preschool child care increases and the prevalence of childhood obesity is at an all-time high, the opportunity to positively impact eating and exercise habits within this setting presents itself.”)

General Surgery; Study Findings from R. Sudan et al Broaden Understanding of General Surgery
11 September 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[a] cooperative network using teleconference and computerized records facilitated bariatric surgery in high-risk, remotely located VA patients with high patient satisfaction and without compromising surgical outcomes.’)  

Bariatrics; Report Summarizes Bariatrics Study Findings from J.B. Dixon and Co-Researchers
11 September 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[g]astroenterologists also need to be familiar with the risks and benefits of current and emerging procedures as they are likely to be increasingly involved in the integrated care of these patients.’)  

Diabetes; Studies from University of Edinburgh Provide New Data on Diabetes
10 September 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[d]iabetes treatments may influence the risk of cancer independently of their effect on glycaemia and complicate investigation of the association between diabetes and cancer ...’)  

Adipokines; Research Reports from Yonsei University Provide New Insights into Adipokines
10 September 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘genetic variants … influence adiponectin levels in Korean adults.’)  

Liver Diseases; Reports from Laval University Highlight Recent Research in Liver Diseases
10 September 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that the medicinal plant, milk thistle (Silibum marianum), ‘shows promising therapeutic potential for the treatment of NASH.’)  

Obesity; New Obesity Study Findings Have Been Reported by I. Sahin and Co-Researchers
10 September 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘obesity is a pathological condition in which ghrelin expression is changed in all tissues.’)  

Pancreatic Cancer; Findings from Indiana University School of Medicine Advance Knowledge in Pancreatic Cancer
7 September 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that ‘investigation of pancreatic cancer biology from the novel aspect of obesity offers the potential to identify unique therapeutic targets…’)  

4 September 2011
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
(This article indicates that Consumer Reports recently rated the Jenny Craig diet program higher than other diet programs.  Counseling is an important part of the program.)

Laparoendoscopy; Studies from M.A. deWolfe and Co-Researchers in the Area of Laparoendoscopy Published
4 September 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[w]ith the rapid advances in endoluminal technology and increasing experience with natural orifice surgery; the ability to successfully address surgical problems through less invasive means will continue to improve.’)  

Obesity; Research on Obesity Reported by Scientists at Washington University
4 September 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘RYGB affects adipose tissue leading to the restoration of adipose redox balance within the first postoperative week and that plasma 8-isoPGF2 alpha is primarily derived from subcutaneous adipose tissue.’)  

Weight Loss; Milton Hospital Announces New Weight Loss Surgery Program
4 September 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[s]urgeries like the LAP-BAND procedure require a commitment to changing one's lifestyle and continuous, ongoing support.’)  

Diabetes; Scientists at Ehime University Publish New Data on Diabetes
3 September 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘serum HMW [high-molecular weight] adiponectin concentrations were inversely associated with blood pressure (BP) in the general male population.’)  

Weight Loss; Reports Outline Weight Loss Study Findings from University of Vermont
3 September 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[w]hen participant time costs are included in an economic evaluation of a behavioral weight loss intervention, Internet-based weight loss delivery may be a more cost-effective approach to obesity treatment.’)  

Weight Loss; New Weight Loss Study Findings Have Been Published by C.D. Still and Colleagues
3 September 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘response to a surgical weight loss intervention is influenced by genetic susceptibility and BMI.’)  

Acute Pancreatitis; Findings from Indiana University Advance Knowledge in Acute Pancreatitis
3 September 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘adiponectin upregulation modulates the pancreatic cytokine milieu but does not attenuate pancreatitis in this model of mild acute pancreatitis.’)  

Weight Loss; Study Results from University of Alabama in the Area of Weight Loss Published
1 September 2011
Food Weekly News
(This article indicates that ‘[m]inimizing the decline in these behaviors may be important in achieving long-term weight loss.’) 

Diabetes; Studies from M.P. Ostlund and Co-Researchers in the Area of Diabetes Published
28 August 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that a study appears to indicate that gastric bypass surgery reduces the risk of diabetes and myocardial infarction to levels representative of the normal population. However restrictive bariatric surgery did not reduce the risks. And the mortality rates of those having undergone bypass surgery or restrictive surgery remained high for both groups.)  

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus; Researchers from University of Naples Report Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
28 August 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that LSG or laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrotomy where Peri-Strips Dry (PSD) was used to reinforce the staple line led to fewer complications and a reduction in Type ll diabetes.)  

Obesity; Research Reports on Obesity from Brown University Provide New Insights
28 August 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that if sedentary behaviors (SB) are reduced, the reduction might cause an increase in physical activity.)  

Weight Loss; New Weight Loss Findings from A. Vandelaar and Co-Researchers Published
28 August 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that a measurement of total weight loss ((%TWL) is the best way to compare weight loss results.)  

Obesity; Reports Summarize Obesity Study Results from University of Colorado
28 August 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[f]ollowing suction lipectomy, BF [body fat] was restored and redistributed from the thigh to the abdomen.’)  

Laparoendoscopy; New Laparoendoscopy Study Findings Reported from T. Sommer and Co-Authors
28 August 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[u]sing a systematic training program in LRYGB surgery eliminates morbidity of the learning curve without affecting the volume.’)  

Adipokines; Researchers at Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Release New Data on Adipokines
27 August 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[h]igher levels of the adipocyte-specific hormone adiponectin have been linked to increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and lower insulin resistance.’)  

Weight Loss; Research Results from University of Wollongong Update Understanding of Weight Loss
27 August 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that "knowing the total energy expenditure (TEE) of overweight adults is important for prescribing weight loss interventions.”)  

Adipokines; Reports Outline Adipokines Study Results from University of Pennsylvania
27 August 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that study ‘results support a role for hippocampal leptin signaling in the control of food intake and food-related memory processing.’)  

Weight Loss; Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University Report on Findings in Weight Loss
27 August 2011
(This article indicates that ‘[f]inancial incentives produced significant weight loss over an 8-month intervention; however, participants regained weight post-intervention.’)  

Antibiotics a long-term danger: study
25 August 2011
The Hamilton Spectator
(This article indicates that “[e]xcessive use of antibiotics may be … doing permanent harm to the human gut, contributing to increases in obesity, allergies, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease and diabetes…”)  

25 August 2011
US Fed News
(This article indicates that “the University of Illinois Medical Center's bariatric surgery center has received reaccreditation as an American College of Surgeons Level 1 Accredited Bariatric Center -- the only such center in Chicago.”)  

Gastric surgery: the benefits
24 August 2011
Irish Independent
(This article indicates that ‘[g]astric bypass is so good at making diabetes disappear that researchers worldwide are taking note and demand is increasing.”)  

Adipokines; Research on Adipokines Published by Scientists at Kyoto University
20 August 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘depression associated with obesity is due, at least in part, to impaired leptin activity in the hippocampus.’)  

Diabetes; Research from X.J. Cai and Colleagues Provide New Insights into Diabetes
20 August 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘findings provide a basis for application of C-peptide as a potentially effective therapy for diabetes and diabetic encephalopathy.’)  

Weight Loss; Obesity counseling should focus on neurobehavioral processes, not personal choice, researchers say
20 August 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “according to preventive medicine and behavioral experts at Rush University Medical Center, research supports a new counseling approach that views obesity as a result of neurobehavioral processes - ways in which the brain controls eating behavior in response to cues in the environment.”)  

Adipokines; Research from University of South Carolina Provides New Data on Adipokines
18 August 2011
(This article indicates that obesity affects the central nervous system in that ‘obesity impairs hippocampal synaptic transmission and support the hypothesis that these deficits are mediated through the impairment of hippocampal leptin activity.’)  

Obesity; Research from S. Bianchi et al Has Provided New Information about Obesity
15 August 2011
(This article indicates that ‘lipid-lowering therapy with statins should be part of the standard treatment of patients with CKD [chronic kidney disease].")  

Diabetes; Investigators at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Target Diabetes
15 August 2011
Clinical Trials Week
(This article indicates that the ‘glucose-reducing and weight-loss properties [of exenatide], together with minimal hypoglycemia and a once-weekly dosing schedule, make it a potentially attractive treatment option for overweight type 2 diabetics.’)

Endoscopy; Research from M.P. Morales and Colleagues Has Provided New Data on Endoscopy
24 July 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘[r]ecently, endoscopically placed covered esophageal stents have been used to exclude the leak site, allowing oral nutrition and speeding healing,’ after bariatric surgery.)  

Diabetes; Recent Findings from J.B. Dixon and Co-Authors Highlight Research in Diabetes
24 July 2011
(This article indicates that ‘[n]ational guidelines for bariatric surgery need to be developed for people with Type 2 diabetes and a BMI of 35 kg/m2 or more.’)  

Diabetes; Studies from University of Miami Further Understanding of Diabetes
23 July 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[b]ariatric surgery has the potential to be an effective treatment option for weight loss and chronic disease risk improvements in’ Hispanics)  

Weight Loss; New Weight Loss Research Has Been Reported by Scientists at University of Alabama
23 July 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “higher adherence (i.e., higher tertile) to the previous low-calorie diet predicts lower weight regain over 2-year follow-up for weight maintenance, which is explained by lower energy intake and higher physical activity")  

Obesity; New Obesity Study Results Reported from Seoul National University
23 July 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “[a]ccording to the authors of a study from Seoul, South Korea, ‘[o]besity, an abnormal condition of adipose tissue, has recently been recognized as a major cause of metabolic syndromes, especially non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).’)  

Diabetes; New Diabetes Study Findings Reported from University of Alberta
23 July 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘bariatric surgery serves as one component of a multifaceted weight management strategy that is required for long-term success,’ in weight loss, and diabetes resolution.)  

Obesity; Heavy exercise not too high a hurdle for bariatric surgery patients
23 July 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “bariatric surgery patients can undertake a rigorous exercise program after the procedure, in order to continue to lose weight and avoid regaining weight, according to a UT Southwestern Medical Center study.”)  

Obesity; Research Conducted at University of Sydney Has Updated Our Knowledge about Obesity
21 July 2011
Food Weekly News
(This article indicates that ‘[o]verweight and obesity interventions should consider addressing family functioning.’)  

Obesity; Research from Children's Hospital Yields New Findings on Obesity
18 July 2011
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘[u]se of MR [meal replacements] significantly improved short-term weight loss, compared with CD [conventional diet], but its continued use did not improve maintenance of lost weight.’)  

Diabetes; Study Data from T.M. Stewart et al Provide New Insights into Diabetes
18 July 2011
Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘body image dissatisfaction improved following participation in an intensive behavioral weight loss program.’)  

Obesity; Research from University of Virginia Reveals New Findings on Obesity
17 July 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “BMI > 40 kg/m(2) should not preclude patients from undergoing this functional and beneficial surgical procedure [abdominal contouring].")  

Acid Reflux Disease; Reports from Bern University Hospital Highlight Recent Research in Acid Reflux Disease
17 July 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘roux-en-Y gastric bypass is the most effective bariatric procedure that consistently leads to weight reduction and improvement of GERD symptoms in patients undergoing direct gastric bypass and among those converted from restrictive bariatric procedures to gastric bypass.’)  

Weight Loss; Evergreen Hospital Bariatric Surgery Program Recognized for Excellence
17 July 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “Evergreen Hospital announced its Bariatric Center for Weight-Loss Surgery was renewed as a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence, reaffirming the program's dedication to long-term patient care and institutional excellence in the field of weight-loss surgery.”)  

Diabetes; University of Ioannina School of Medicine Describes Research in Diabetes
16 July 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘implication of the HbA(1c) criterion may increase the rate of diabetes diagnosis among people with metabolic syndrome and fasting glucose >100 mg/dL (5.’)  

U.S. Food and Drug Administration; The Davis Clinic Set to Perform LAP-BAND(R) System Surgery in Patient with Body Mass Index Below 35
16 July 2011
Investment Weekly News
(This article indicates that “The Davis Clinic, headquartered in Houston, Texas, announced that it will begin offering the LAP-BAND System in patients with a body mass index between 30 and 35…”)

Adipokines; New Adipokines Study Findings Have Been Published by L.Y. Xie and Colleagues
16 July 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘ADPN [adiponectin] inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis of [cervical cancer] HeLa cells by altering the expression of cell cycle regulators.’)  

Bariatrics; Data on Bariatrics Published by Researchers at University of Florida School of Medicine
16 July 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘certain foods may not only be more addictive than others, but may actually have a direct effect on pro-inflammatory mediators that determine both metabolic dysfunction as well as overall neuropsychiatric function and well-being.’)  

Obesity; Research Findings from University of Leipzig Update Understanding of Obesity
16 July 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[l]eucocytes are a major source of enzymatically active NAMPT [Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase], which may serve as a biomarker or even mediator linking obesity, inflammation and insulin resistance.’)  

Weight Loss; Study Data from Y. Vannieuwenhove et al Provide New Insights into Weight Loss
15 July 2011
Drug Week
(This article indicates that ‘LAGB can achieve an acceptable weight loss in some patients, but the failure in one out of four patients does not allow proposing it as a first-line option for the treatment of obesity.’)  

Weight Gain; Research from Nanjing Medical University Has Provided New Information about Weight Gain
13 July 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that ‘an adipose tissue-targeted pharmacological inhibitor of 11 beta-HSD1 may prove to be a new approach for the treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome.’)  

Metagenics, Inc. Bariatric Advantage's Nutritional Products for Surgical Weight Loss Patients Are Now Available in Canada
12 July 2011
Life Science Weekly
(This article indicates that “Bariatric Advantage(R), the market leader in the development of micronutrient replacements for weight loss surgical patients, announced that a number of its nutritional products are now available in Canada.”)  

Obesity; Data on Obesity Described by Researchers at Yale University
11 July 2011
Health & Medicine Week
(This article indicates that ‘[a]lthough the beverage industry is fighting taxes [on sugar-sweetened beverages] with massive lobbying and public relations campaigns, support for the policies is increasing, especially when revenue is earmarked for obesity prevention.’)  

Weight Loss; Patients and Primary Care Physicians Aren't Having Candid Conversations About Obesity and Weight-loss Surgery, Survey Finds
3 July 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “[s]ignificant barriers are keeping adults affected by obesity (a) and physicians (b) from talking frankly about bariatric, or weight loss, surgery, a new survey sponsored by the Obesity Action Coalition and Ethicon Endo-Surgery shows.”)  

Diabetes; Genetic factor controls health-harming inflammation in obese
2 July 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “[r]esearchers at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine have discovered a genetic factor that can regulate obesity-induced inflammation that contributes to chronic health problems.”)  

Bariatrics; Gore Receives Health Canada Approval for GORE(R) SEAMGUARD(R) Bioabsorbable Staple Line Reinforcement
29 June 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that “W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. (Gore) … has received approval from Health Canada for GORE(R) SEAMGUARD(R) Bioabsorbable Staple Line Reinforcement. The device is specifically engineered to reduce the incidence of perioperative leaks and bleeding in a variety of open and minimally invasive surgeries.”)  

U.S. Food and Drug Administration; Obesity Groups See Evidence FDA Decisions Will Discourage Obesity Research
29 June 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that “The Obesity Care Continuum (OCC) … expresses a deep concern for the recent decision by the FDA, Division of Metabolic and Endocrinologic Products (DMEP), to require Orexigen to conduct a pre-approval cardiovascular outcomes trial for Contrave, even after the FDA.”)  

Weight Loss; Scientists at University of Pittsburgh Release New Data on Weight Loss
29 June 2011
Education Letter
(This article indicates that ‘Internet technology may enable improved access to evidence-based counseling for chronic health problems.’)  

Weight Loss; ReShape Medical Announces Results of Phase 1 U.S. Clinical Study for Weight Loss
29 June 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that “[a]fter six months of therapy, 21 study participants treated with the ReShape Duo(TM) [a dual-balloon] achieved an average of 32% excess weight loss and maintained much of this weight loss six months after the device was removed.”)  

Weight Loss; Data on Weight Loss Reported by G.A. Martos-Moreno and Co-Researchers
29 June 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that ‘impairment of T-and HMW-adiponectin levels in childhood obesity is different [from] that in elder OB patients, showing closer relationship with carbohydrate metabolism parameters than with BFC [body fat composition], but increasing their levels after weight loss and in association with metabolic improvement.’)  

Obesity; EndoSphere Inc. Receives Patent for Obesity Treatment
27 June 2011
Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that “EndoSphere Inc., a medical technology company, was issued a U.S. patent for a device that causes food to stay in the small intestine for a longer period of time than usual, thus increasing satiety.)

Robotics; Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center Performs Mid-Atlantic Region's First Robotic Sleeve Gastrectomy
27 June 2011
Journal of Robotics & Machine Learning
(This article indicates that “[w]eight loss surgeon Dr. Alex Gandsas recently completed the Mid-Atlantic region's first robotic sleeve gastrectomy at Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center.”)  

Osteoporosis; Bariatric surgery linked to increased fracture risk
26 June 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “[p]eople who have had gastric bypass surgery or other bariatric weight-loss surgery have an even higher increased risk of breaking bones than previously found.”)  

Obesity; New Obesity Research from J. Matlach et al Outlined
26 June 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that, ‘[w]hile weight loss is the primary goal of bariatric procedures, the impact of quality of life (QoL), comorbidity, and surgery-related complications continue to grow.’)  

Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. EES; Ethicon Endo-Surgery Introduces ENDOPATH(R) XCEL With OPTIVIEW(R) Technology, Only 5mm Trocar Designed to Mitigate Smudging of Endoscope During Reinsertion
25 June 2011
Marketing Weekly News
(This article indicates that “Ethicon Endo-Surgery (EES) announced the launch of a new 5mm ENDOPATH(R) XCEL(TM) trocar enhanced with OPTIVIEW(R) Technology, the only trocar designed to mitigate smudging of the endoscope or laparoscope during surgical procedures.”)  

Obesity; Research from Wayne State University Yields New Findings on Obesity
25 June 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[a]diponectin is a protein derived from adipose tissue suspected to have an important role in prostate carcinogenesis.”)  

Weight Loss; Data from New York Obesity Research Center Advance Knowledge in Weight Loss
25 June 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘[m]echanisms other than weight loss may explain changes of leptin and amylin after GBP.’)  

Weight loss surgery may cure obese diabetics - study
24 June 2011
Reuters News
(This article indicates that “[m]ost obese people with diabetes will be cured of it by weight loss surgery, with gastric bypass surgery allowing more than 80 percent of patients to come off their diabetes medication, according to a study.”)  

Gastric Bypass Slashes Levels Of Disease-Promoting Proteins Within Six Months
Wake Forest University; PR Newswire
24 June 2011
PR Newswire (U.S.)
(This article indicates that “[n]ew research shows that gastric bypass significantly reduces the inflammation associated with diseases including cancer and diabetes - more proof of the overall health benefits of such surgery beyond weight loss.”)  

Evergreen Hospital Bariatric Surgery Program Recognized for Excellence
Evergreen Healthcare; PR Newswire
24 June 2011
PR Newswire (U.S.)
(This article indicates that “Evergreen Hospital today announced its Bariatric Center for Weight-Loss Surgery was renewed as a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence, reaffirming the program's dedication to long-term patient care and institutional excellence in the field of weight-loss surgery.”)  

Should the over 60s be banned from having gastric surgery?
Alison Palmer
24 June 2011
The Daily Mirror
(This article indicates that “[a]ccording to the UK’s NHS statistics, one person in 200 dies shortly after a gastric band is fitted and one in 100 after a gastric bypass operation. Those aged over 45 are more at risk.”)  

HealthGrades Rolls Out Report on Bariatric Surgery Patients
24 June 2011
Entertainment Close-Up
(This article indicates that “[a] report released by HealthGrades, the nation's most trusted, independent source of physician information and hospital quality outcomes, found that bariatric surgery patients have a nearly 70 percent lower risk of experiencing an inhospital complication at top-rated hospitals compared to poorly-rated hospitals.”)  

Renowned Experts to Share Early Insights Into Why Bariatric Surgery Improves Type 2 Diabetes for Many Patients; Ethicon Endo-Surgery partners with top scientists to address future of obesity and metabolic disease treatment
Ethicon Endo-Surgery; PR Newswire
24 June 2011
PR Newswire (U.S.)
(This article indicates that “for several years, researchers have known that bariatric surgery can significantly reduce or even eliminate symptoms of type 2 diabetes and other metabolic diseases/disorders in many patients.(1,2,3,4) What has been unclear is why.”)  

 Obesity; Study links obesity to increased risk of developing postoperative infection following colon surgery
5 June 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “obese patients appear to have a significantly increased risk of developing a surgical site infection after colectomy (a procedure involving either partial or full removal of the colon)…”)

Diabetes; Researchers at University of Washington Target Diabetes
5 June 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘"although data continue to accumulate supporting the myriad metabolic and other health benefits of bariatric surgery, there are also concerns regarding the mounting reports of severe hypoglycemia.” While the incidence of this complication is less than 1%, because the complication is severe, it warrants more research.)  

Wellness; New Wellness Study Findings Reported from University of Gothenburg
5 June 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that between one and two years after bariatric surgery, “fear of weight gain, and some loss of sef-control, increase. '[And] when this occurs, health care professionals need to provide interventions that help to maintain the weight loss in order to achieve a good long-term outcome.’)  

Diabetes; University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Details Research in Diabetes
4 June 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘given the expected rise in the prevalence of obesity and Type 2 diabetes in the following decades, hepatic steatosis will, if not already, become an epidemic…’)  

Obesity; Studies from University of Murcia Reveal New Findings on Obesity
4 June 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that there is an ’ association between polymorphisms in the circadian clock-related gene PERIOD2 (PER2) and attrition in patients prone to withdrawal from a behavioral weight-reduction program based on the Mediterranean diet.’)  

Weight Loss; Research on Weight Loss Published by Scientists at University of Navarra
4 June 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘hypocaloric-diet-induced weight loss in humans could alter DNA methylation status of specific genes…’)  

Weight Loss; RediClinic(R) Launches the First Weight Loss Program Delivered in Grocery Stores
4 June 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “RediClinic(R), the largest independent operator of retail-based, convenient care clinics in the United States, announced the launch of Weigh Forward(TM), a medically supervised program for lifelong weight management.”)  

Adipokines; Investigators at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Have Published New Data on Adipokines
4 June 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘restoring normal leptin signaling can reduce vascular stiffness, increase endothelial relaxation, and correct dyslipidemia associated with IH [intermittent hypoxia].")  

Obesity; Research Data from Arizona State University Update Understanding of Obesity
4 June 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that having ‘childbearing may be an important contributor to the development of obesity in women.’)  

Diabetes; 'Master switch' gene for obesity and diabetes discovered
3 June 2011
Drug Week
(This article indicates that “a gene linked to type 2 diabetes and cholesterol levels is in fact a 'master regulator' gene, which controls the behaviour of other genes found within fat in the body.”)  

Obesity; Rigorous study confirms video game playing increases food intake in teens
2 June 2011
Food Weekly News
(This article indicates that “trends in video game playing parallel obesity rates on a population basis.”)  

EndoSphere Inc.; PR Newswire
1 June 2011
PR Newswire (U.S.)
(This article indicates that “EndoSphere Inc., a medical technology company developing a platform of endoscopically implantable devices for the treatment of metabolic diseases … announced today the completion of a highly oversubscribed Series A Preferred Financing …”)  

Research Presented at American College of Sports Medicine Conference Offers New Method to Study Childhood Obesity Patterns; Body Monitoring Technology from BodyMedia, Inc., Can Help Shed Light on Behavior and Lifestyle Patterns that Contribute to Childhood Obesity
BodyMedia, Inc.; PR Newswire
1 June 2011
PR Newswire (U.S.)
(This article indicates that “Research Presented at American College of Sports Medicine Conference Offers New Method to Study Childhood Obesity Patterns; Body Monitoring Technology from BodyMedia, Inc., Can Help Shed Light on Behavior and Lifestyle Patterns that Contribute to Childhood Obesity. The BodyMedia Armbands gather information about the wearer using multiple sensors to measure motion, sweat, and heat related variables that allow for the Armband to estimate the energy level of complex movements (common in children), previously difficult to gauge.)  

$1.9 Million Funding Available for Virtual Reality Technologies for Innovation Research in Obesity and Diabetes
By RAMESH NEGI Targeted News Service
1 June 2011
Targeted News Service
(This article indicates that “The U.S. Health and Human Services Department's National Institutes of Health has announced that it expects to award a maximum of 10 discretionary grants for encouraging the small business research community to submit applications that capitalize on the unique capabilities of virtual reality technologies to teach, motivate, visualize outcomes, and to extend the health care and learning environments for patients with obesity and diabetes.”)  

Obesity; Scientists at California State University Report Research in Obesity
1 June 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that ‘Signs and symptoms of surgical complications may mimic medical complications, making diagnosis difficult.’ The complications could be associated with anesthesia. Therefore, ‘Anesthetists must perform a thorough preoperative assessment to identify potential risk factors related to anesthesia and adequately prepare for intraoperative management.’)  

Obesity; Research on Obesity Reported by Scientists at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
1 June 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that ‘some beneficial effects of tea may be attributed to the inhibition of PTP1B.’ Where  ‘PTP1B is a widely expressed tyrosine phosphatase which has been defined as a target for therapeutic drug development to treat diabetes and obesity…’)  

Asthma; Sleepiness in children linked to obesity, asthma
1 June 2011
Education Letter
(This article indicates that “obese, asthmatic, anxious or depressed children are more likely to experience excessive daytime sleepiness, or EDS, according to Penn State College of Medicine sleep researchers.”)

Obesity; Researchers from Washington University School of Medicine Discuss Findings in Obesity
22 May 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that a 'lower BMI is associated with lower operative times and blood loss  [in bariatric surgery].')  

Weight Loss; Research Conducted by D. Jacobi and Co-Researchers Has Updated Our Knowledge about Weight Loss
22 May 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that 'observational evidence of self-reported physical activity suggests that physical activity increases after bariatric surgery and that physical activity is associated with surgically induced weight loss.')  

Obesity; Reports from M.C. Larsen et al Highlight Recent Research in Obesity
22 May 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that 'there was no linear relationship between gastric wall thickness and waist circumference.’)  

Health Care, Hospitals; Ready4aChange, a Leader in Bariatric Surgery, Opens a New Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico
22 May 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that "Ready4aChange, Ready 4A Change, LLC, opens a new full-service facility in Tijuana, Mexico.")  

Obesity; New Obesity Study Findings Recently Were Reported by R.L. Kolotkin and Co-Researchers
22 May 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that 'CRF (cardiorespiratory fitness ) confers some HRQOL (Health-related quality of life) benefits in severely obese adults, though these benefits may largely be explained by differences in age, gender, and BMI.')

Obesity; Study Data from A.B. Alharakeh et al Provide New Insights into Obesity
15 May 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that a study shows that ‘lparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass effectively improved the overall health and quality of life of patients.’)  

Laparoendoscopy; Studies from Texas A&M University Further Understanding of Laparoendoscopy
15 May 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘it is beneficial to utilize RCS [reinforced circular staplers] for the gastrojejunal anastomosis in RYGBP procedures.’)

Weight Loss; Studies from J. Ponce et al in the Area of Weight Loss Described
15 May 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘the RBC patients had the least weight loss, with a high band-fill volume needed to achieve effective restriction.’)  

Weight Loss; Studies from G. Dapri and Co-Authors Have Provided New Information about Weight Loss
15 May 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘conversion of RYGB to DRYGB [distal RYGB] for weight regain can safely be performed by laparoscopy, with satisfactory early results.’)  

Obesity; Research from University of Maryland Provide New Insights into Obesity
15 May 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘use of current CPGs [Clear clinical practice guidelines], simple tools, and face-to-face meetings with PCPs may improve the care of obese patients and could be replicated at other practice locations.’)  

Weight Loss; Research from University of Alabama Reveals New Findings on Weight Loss
15 May 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘the results of the present study add to the growing evidence of the positive relationship between the frequency of support group attendance and the percentage of excess weight loss’ after gastric bypass surgery.)  

Bariatric Solutions; Dallas Lap-Band Surgeons Offer Free Seminars, Buddy Program
1 May 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that Bariatric Solutions, located at Wise Regional Medical Center in Decatur, TX is “unveiling a new Buddy Referral Program that helps motivate both parties to keep up with the weight loss efforts.”) 

Weight Loss; New Clinical Studies Reinforce the LAP-BAND(R) System is a Safe and Effective Weight-Loss Treatment for Obese Adults with Obesity-Related Comorbid Conditions
1 May 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “the LAP-BAND(R) Adjustable Gastric Banding System, made by Allergan, Inc., is a safe and effective weight-loss procedure.”)  

Diabetes; Reports Summarize Diabetes Research from Washington Hospital
1 May 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘the daily doses of micronutrient supplements, such as vitamin D, may need to be revised.’)  

Weight Loss; Weight loss improves memory, according to Kent State researcher
1 May 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “bariatric surgery patients demonstrated improved memory and concentration 12 weeks after surgery, improving from the slightly impaired range to the normal range.” Exercise also improves the memory.)

Diabetes; Einstein researchers find link between brain molecule and obesity and diabetes
2 May 2011
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that researchers have found that “increased levels of [a] protein, known as thioredoxin-interacting protein, or TXNIP, contribute to the onset of obesity and the impaired control of blood sugar levels that characterizes type 2 diabetes.”)  

Weight Loss; Studies from Southeastern Louisiana University Have Provided New Data on Weight Loss
2 May 2011
Health & Medicine Week
(This article indicates that ‘It is vital for researchers and clinicians to improve communication with the public about efficacious weight loss programs.’)

Obesity; Study suggests gastric banding associated with relatively poor long-term outcomes
10 April 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that a clinical investigation of 151 LAGB patients showed that “thirty-nine percent of patients experienced major complications, and 22 percent experienced minor complications. Nearly half the patients required removal of their gastric bands and nearly 60 percent needed additional operations.” However, 60.3 percent expressed an improved quality of life and 54.3 percent achieved a mean excess weight loss of 42.8 percent after 12 years.)  

Bariatrics; Studies by J.A. Graciasolanas and Co-Authors Describe New Findings in Bariatrics
10 April 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘the best technique to resolve metabolic syndrome is the modified biliopancreatic diversion. Due to its high morbidity, it only must be considered in superobese patients. In obese patients, the laparoscopic gastric bypass may be a less aggressive choice, but it should be coupled with lifestyle changes to keep away from the weight gain in the long run…’)  

Metabolism; Study Results from University of Colorado in the Area of Metabolism Published
9 April 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘the trend for decreased postprandial free fatty acid may indicate that leptin decreases adipose tissue lipid stores without increasing lipolysis.’)

Obesity; Study Data from University of Hawaii Update Knowledge of Obesity
9 April 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘compared to Caucasians of similar BMI, Asians may experience a higher chronic disease risk due to lower levels of adiponectin despite their lower levels of leptin.’)  

Obesity; New Obesity Study Findings Reported from Federal University
9 April 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘observed massive weight loss (mainly visceral fat) was highly correlated with a decreased inflammatory state, suggesting that the interdisciplinary therapy was effective in decreasing inflammatory markers.’)  

Weight Gain; New Findings from University of Rhode Island in the Area of Weight Gain Published
9 April 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “Weight management interventions for college-age men and women might be more effective if they were tailored to subgroups of students with similar behavioral and psychosocial characteristics associated with body weight status," researchers in Kingston, United States report.”)  

Adipokines; New Data from Scuola Normale Superiore Illuminate Research in Adipokines
9 April 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘"EE [environmental enrichment ] and physical activity had an impact on feeding behavior, leptin production/action, and insulin sensitivity, and EE affected ARC [hypothalamic arcuate nucleus] circuitry. The leptin-hypothalamic axis is maximally enhanced if environmental stimulation is applied during development.’)  

Diabetes; Research Conducted by D.B. Ehrenthal and Co-Researchers Has Updated Our Knowledge about Diabetes
7 April 2011
Women's Health Weekly
(This article indicates that ‘women with chronic hypertension carry the greatest risk of PIH [Pregnancy-induced hypertension] but incur no obesity-associated increase in risk.’)  

Depression; Research in the Area of Depression Reported from University of Patras School of Medicine
6 April 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that ‘bariatric surgery is an effective way to reduce weight, manage depression, and improve sexual function in female obese patients.”)  

Obesity; New Findings in Obesity Described by D.E. Bellanger and Co-Researchers
4 April 2011
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is gaining acceptance among bariatric surgeons as a viable option for treating morbidly obese patients.’)  

Weight Loss; New Weight Loss Research from University of Bologna Outlined
4 April 2011
(This article indicates that ‘The presence of NES does not affect weight loss outcome of an obesity treatment based on lifestyle modification.’)  
Cholesterol; Researchers from San Diego State University Discuss Findings in Cholesterol
2 April 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘in comparison with sucrose, honey may reduce weight gain and adiposity, presumably due to lower food intake, and promote lower serum triglycerides but higher non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations.’)
Nucleoproteins; Study Findings from University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Broaden Understanding of Nucleoproteins
2 April 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘genomic recruitment of HDAC3 by Rev-erba directs a circadian rhythm of histone acetylation and gene expression required for normal hepatic lipid homeostasis.’)  

Coronary Heart Disease; Studies from University of California in the Area of Coronary Heart Disease Published
2 April 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘the involvement of adiponectin provides clues to the inflammatory and atherogenic mechanisms associated with pathological coronary disease progression.’)  

Cholesterol; Researchers from San Diego State University Discuss Findings in Cholesterol
2 April 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘in comparison with sucrose, honey may reduce weight gain and adiposity, presumably due to lower food intake, and promote lower serum triglycerides but higher non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations.’)  

Adipokines; Research on Adipokines Detailed by Scientists at Hoshi University
2 April 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘the up-regulation of AACS expression by leptin is due to the suppression of AMPK activity via neural leptin signaling and that the deficiency of this regulation may be responsible for neurological disorders in central appetite control.’)  

Bariatrics; Benefits of bariatric surgery may outweigh risks for severely obese
31 March 2011
Food Weekly News
(This article indicates that “bariatric surgery can result in long-term weight loss and significant reductions in cardiac and other risk factors for some severely obese adults, according to a scientific statement from the American Heart Association.”)  

Obesity; New gene sites affecting nonalcoholic fatty liver disease discovered
30 March 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that “NAFLD affects anywhere from 11% to 45% of some populations and is associated with obesity, hypertension, and problems regulating serum lipids or glucose.”)  

Weight Loss; New Weight Loss Study Findings Have Been Reported by Scientists at University Medical Center
30 March 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that ‘improving adipose tissue function may contribute to reducing the risk of vascular diseases and the development of type 2 diabetes.’)  

Weight Loss; Weight-loss surgery successful in treating overweight adolescents
27 March 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “that bariatric surgery in older children results in significant weight loss and improvements in comorbidities and quality of life.”)  

14 March 2011
States News Service
(This article indicates that “bariatric surgery can result in long-term weight loss and significant reductions in cardiac and other risk factors for some severely obese adults, according to a scientific statement from the American Heart Association.”)  

Weight Loss; Reports Outline Weight Loss Research from University of Kentucky
14 March 2011
Cardiovascular Week
(This article indicates that ‘medically supervised weight loss is very effective approach for improving cardiovascular risk factors and reducing medical costs.’)

Wealthy obese prefer surgery to better diet
Gabrielle Monaghan
13 March 2011
The Sunday Times
(This article indicates that “42% of GP practices in Dublin have referred patients for bariatric surgery.”)  

Bariatrics; Researchers at Pennsylvania State University Have Published New Data on Bariatrics
13 March 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘although the  RBS [revisional bariatric surgery] patients had decreased weight loss and increased complications compared with the PBS [primary bariatric surgery] patients, >= 50% EBWL was achieved by a significant number of RBS patients.’)  

Obstructive Sleep Apnea; Research from A.B. Alharakeh and Co-Researchers in the Area of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Described
13 March 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘patients denied LRYGB had a greater incidence of new co-morbidities diagnosed within a short follow-up period, without a significant change in their body mass index.’)  

Bariatrics; Reports from Eastern Michigan University Add New Data to Research in Bariatrics
13 March 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘a bariatric surgery history might be overrepresented in substance use programs and such patients' recovery efforts might pose unique challenges.’)  

Public Health; To increase physical activity, focus on how, not why
12 March 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “University of Missouri researchers found that healthy adults who received interventions focused on behavior-changing strategies significantly increased their physical activity levels. Conversely, interventions based on cognitive approaches, which try to change knowledge and attitudes, did not improve physical activity.”)  

Proinsulin; Study Data from Vanderbilt University, Department of Surgery Update Knowledge of Proinsulin
12 March 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘insulin upregulates adiponectin expression and release, and that TNF-a opposes the stimulatory effects of insulin. A combination of insulin resistance and increased TNF-a production could explain the decline of adiponectin levels and alterations of isomer composition in plasma of obese insulin-resistant subjects.’)  

Weight Loss; Scientists at University of Oulu, Institute of Clinical Medicine Detail Research in Weight Loss
12 March 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘enhancing cognitive restraint could be a target for improving weight loss counseling, although further evaluation of the causal relationship would be needed in order to find the best practices for enhancing cognitive restraint.’)  

Obesity; Research Conducted at Scripps Research Institute Has Updated Our Knowledge about Obesity
12 March 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “development of obesity was coupled with emergence of a progressively worsening deficit in neural reward responses.”)  

Weight Loss; Reports Summarize Weight Loss Study Results from University of Southern Florida
12 March 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘adiponectin has anti-inflammatory properties and is increased with weight loss. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that negatively regulates adiponectin.’ However, roux-en-y gastric bypass (RYGB) did not cause an increase in adiponectin or a decrease in TNF-alpha in the liver within nine weeks after the surgery in rats. ) 

Bariatrics; New Research on Bariatrics from University of California, Department of Surgery Summarized
6 March 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that social support may be associated with increased weight loss after bariatric surgery.)  

Genetics and Obesity; Studies from Medical College of Wisconsin, Medical College in the Area of Genetics and Obesity Published
5 March 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘the application of gene network analysis highlights the transcriptional relationships among NAFLD-associated genes and allows identification of hub genes that may represent high-priority candidates for NAFLD.’)  

Heart Failure; Investigators at University of Rio Grande, Division of Cardiology Publish New Data on Heart Failure
5 March 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘in patients with chronic systolic HF, beta-blocker therapy correlated with lower adiponectin levels, especially in nonobese patients. This relation should be taken into account when studying the complex role of adiponectin in patients with chronic systolic HF.’)  

Obesity; Study Results from R.K. Golley and Colleagues in the Area of Obesity Published
5 March 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that since parental involvement is so important in improving a child’s diet and exercise, support for parents is quite important.)  

Bariatrics; Research in the Area of Bariatrics Reported from A. Salle and Colleagues
5 March 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘zinc supplementation is necessary early after bariatric surgery, but this requirement is often underestimated or is inadequate.’)  

Weight Loss; 4 Important Tips for Ensuring a Successful Lap Band Procedure
5 March 2011
Marketing Weekly News
(This article indicates that there are four tips for insuring a life long lap band procedure. They include healthy eating habits, picking a well qualified surgeon, making sure your doctor treats the surgery as a multidisciplinary approach, and that the doctor insures that post-op care is provided.)  

Breast Cancer; Reports Summarize Breast Cancer Study Results from University of Minnesota, Hormel Institute
3 March 2011
Women's Health Weekly
(This article indicates that it is possible that “leptin promotes human breast cancer cell proliferation while adiponectin exhibits anti-proliferative actions.”)  

Diabetes; Trial will test whether surgery is the best option for type 2 diabetes
2 March 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that a study is underway to determine if bariatric surgery is the best treatment for type ll diabetes treatment in some patients.)  

Depression; Researchers at University of Bologna Target Depression
2 March 2011
(This article indicates that since some antidepressants cause weight gain, using the results presented in this study might enable providers to  make “a more accurate treatment selection in patients at risk of obesity or related medical illness.”)  

Bariatrics; Research from James Cook University in the Area of Bariatrics Described
2 March 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that in this patients needing lower limb joint replacement, 'the risk of complications following joint replacement appears to be lower if bariatric surgery is performed first.’)  

Weight Loss and Stress Reduction Top the List of Employee Wellness Concerns for 2011
ComPsych Survey
28 February 2011
PR Newswire (U.S.)
(This article indicates that “more than one-third of employees said weight loss was their top health concern this year, according to a Tell It Now(SM) poll released today by ComPsych Corporation.”)  

Rules and Regulations
TRICARE Program; Surgery for Morbid Obesity
14 February 2011
Federal Register
(This article indicates that Tricare  the “U.S. government sponsored health insurance plan for active military members [and] their family and retirees” has added a definition of obesity and amended  “the definition of Morbid Obesity, and [revised] the language relating to the treatment of morbid obesity to allow benefit consideration for newer bariatric surgical procedures that are considered appropriate medical care.”)  

Neurological Disease; Research from University of Alberta Yields New Data on Neurological Disease
13 February 2011
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “routine supplementation of vitamins and minerals may be a cost-effective strategy for preventing neurologic complications in” bariatric surgical patients.)  

Experts are conducting a new clinical trial at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center to test whether surgery is best option for type 2 diabetes.
12 February 2011
Asian News International
(This article indicates that ‘there is preliminary evidence suggesting that [control of diabetes is] attainable even in overweight or mildly-obese patients.’ and not just in those persons who are morbidly obese.)  

Diabetes; Study Results from D.J. Pournaras and Colleagues Update Understanding of Diabetes
12 February 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘improved insulin resistance within the first week after [bariatric] surgery remains unexplained, but increased insulin production in the first week after surgery may be explained by the enhanced postprandial GLP-1 responses.’)  

F.D.A. Fails to Approve Diet Drug
2 February 2011
The New York Times
(This article indicates that “The Food and Drug Administration has declined to approve yet another prescription diet pill [contrave], vanquishing nearly any prospect that a new obesity medicine will be available to overweight Americans this year.”)

New Hypno-Band for Weight Loss creates same results as Gastric Band Surgery
2 February 2011
(This article indicates that hypnosis may be a useful tool for weight loss.)
Call for State to Fund Fat Surgery
2 February 2011
(This article indicates that “the Australian Medical Association said yesterday it wanted five public hospitals to be funded over a three-year period to perform bariatric surgery.”)

Obesity; Study Results from Wake Forest University, Center on Aging in the Area of Obesity Published
2 February 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that “lifestyle interventions [diet and exercise] were consistently successful at improving … [inflammation] and metabolic profiles.")

Weightloss surgery is 'last resort'
19 January 2011
Carmarthen Journal
(This article indicates that “DOCTORS and fitness workers have hit back at a Carmarthenshire private hospital for suggesting surgery to overweight and obese people. Werndale Private Hospital, in Bancyfelin, said it wanted obese people to consider weight-loss surgery as a ‘real option’.”)

Weight Loss; Research on Weight Loss Reported by Scientists at Brown University
19 January 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that ‘Weight reduction achieved through lifestyle intervention leads to improvements in liver histology in NASH.’)

Obesity; School-Based Interventions for Obesity
19 January 2011
Education Letter
(This article indicates that “Thanks to the Let's Move initiative, society is becoming more aware of alarming statistics like 1 in 4 children are obese and childhood obesity has nearly doubled over the past two decades!”)

Weight Loss; Bariatric Physicians Question Fda Recommendations to Lower Bmi Requirements for Lap-Band Surgery
19 January 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that “The American Society of Bariatric Physicians (ASBP) is concerned that the FDA advisory panel recommended lowering the BMI requirement for lap-band surgery, while the FDA recently denied two new obesity medications.”)

TennCare pays little for obesity prevention; Program excludes dietitians but covers surgery
19 January 2011
The Knoxville News Sentinel
(This article indicates that “TennCare pays little for obesity prevention; Program excludes dietitians but covers surgery.”)

Weightloss surgery is 'last resort'
19 January 2011
Carmarthen Journal
(This article indicates that “DOCTORS and fitness workers have hit back at a Carmarthenshire private hospital for suggesting surgery to overweight and obese people. Werndale Private Hospital, in Bancyfelin, said it wanted obese people to consider weight-loss surgery as a ‘real option.’)”

Weight Loss; Research on Weight Loss Reported by Scientists at Brown University
19 January 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that ‘weight reduction achieved through lifestyle intervention leads to improvements in liver histology in Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.’)

Diabetes; Research from Wake Forest University, Department of Health in Diabetes Provides New Insights
Biotech Week
19 January 2011
(This article indicates that ‘a community-based program that is administered through local [Diabetes Care Centers] ... that harnesses the experience of community members (CHW's) may be a promising strategy for the widespread dissemination of interventions effective at preventing type 2 diabetes in high risk individuals.’)

Obesity; School-Based Interventions for Obesity
19 January 2011
Education Letter
(This article indicates that “thanks to the Let's Move initiative, society is becoming more aware of alarming statistics like 1 in 4 children are obese and childhood obesity has nearly doubled over the past two decades!”)

Weight Loss; Bariatric Physicians Question Fda Recommendations to Lower Bmi Requirements for Lap-Band Surgery
19 January 2011
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that “The American Society of Bariatric Physicians (ASBP) is concerned that the FDA advisory panel recommended lowering the BMI requirement for lap-band surgery, while the FDA recently denied two new obesity medications.”)

Healthy UK women demanding gastric bands to stay thin
18 January 2011
Asian News International
(This article indicates that “cosmetic surgery companies in the UK have revealed that more and more healthy women are demanding gastric bands in a bid to stay thin and avoid going to the gym…”)

Why does it seem easier for men to lose weight than for women?
17 January 2011
The Boston Globe
(This article indicates that men lose weight easier than women.)

Blood Pressure; Research from Baylor College of Medicine, College of Medicine yields new data on blood pressure
15 January 2011
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that reducing the daily intake of sugar sweetened beverages can lower blood pressure.)

Florida Hospital, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute and Takeda Announce Partnership to Target Obesity
28 December 2010
(This article indicates that “Florida Hospital, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute (Sanford-Burnham), and Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (Takeda)... have signed a research agreement to form a collaboration to discover and evaluate new therapeutic approaches to obesity, a growing worldwide health problem.")

Diabetes; Researchers from University of Chicago report on findings in diabetes
27 December 2010
Cardiovascular Week
(This article indicates that ‘laboratory studies have found that short-term sleep restriction is associated with impairments in glucose metabolism, appetite regulation and blood pressure regulation.’)

Obesity; New findings reported from State University of New York describe advances in obesity
27 December 2010
Cardiovascular Week
(This article indicates that “an area that has recently aroused considerable research interest is investigating the potential role of spices, particularly the Asian spice turmeric, for combating obesity.”)

Is obesity surgery the best option? Weight-loss experts say bariatric procedures are best when limited to patients who have tried everything else
26 December 2010
The Columbus Dispatch
(This article indicates that “some experts question whether other [weight loss] approaches are being given enough of a chance by patients and doctors, in part because insurance companies typically don't cover things such as weight-loss programs and nutritional counseling.”)

Reuters Health News Summary
25 December 2010
Reuters News
(This article indicates that “only a minority of obese youths are screened for diabetes, liver problems and high cholesterol, electronic medical records from an Ohio healthcare system show. Researchers say the findings are a call for action, since such complications could be part of the reason why heavy kids appear to have shorter lives than their slimmer peers.”)

Obesity; Engaging pediatricians and primary care physicians in childhood obesity prevention and intervention
25 December 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘alcohol absorption was considerably modified after LSG with higher and longer blood alcohol values for equivalent amounts of alcohol.’)

Heart Failure; Symptoms of obese heart failure patients improved after bariatric surgery
5 December 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “morbidly obese heart failure patients who undergo bariatric surgery gain long-lasting and meaningful improvements in disease symptoms and quality of life.”)

Bariatrics; Scientists at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions discuss research in bariatrics
5 December 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘malabsorptive bariatric procedures such as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) place patients at risk for developing kidney stones.’)

Bariatrics; Researchers at University of Wisconsin have published new data on bariatrics
5 December 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “a lack of insurance benefits is the biggest barrier to performing bariatric surgery.”)

Weight Loss; Research from Catholic University yields new data on weight loss
5 December 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘a greater percentage of excess weight loss at 1 and 5 years was observed after LRYGB than LAGB.’)

Bariatrics; Research data from Florida Hospital update understanding of bariatrics
5 December 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “bariatric surgery resolves/improves ... co-morbidities [for class III morbid obesity patients], along with reduction in healthcare costs.”)

Depression; Research results from Linkoping University update knowledge of depression
2 December 2010
Food Weekly News
(This article indicates that ‘adopting obesity provoking behaviour for 4 weeks decreases HRQoL [health related quality of life] and mood in young normal weight subjects. The effect is temporary and when followed up 6 and 12 months after the short-term intervention no remaining influence is found.’)

Diabetes; Reports summarize diabetes study results from D. Hofso and co-researchers
2 December 2010
Women's Health Weekly
(This article indicates that ‘remission rates of type 2 diabetes and hypertension [are] significantly higher [with bariatric] surgery ... than [with] lifestyle intervention...”)

Obesity; New obesity research from B.W. Graves and co-researchers described
2 December 2010
Women's Health Weekly
(This article indicates that ‘as the obesity epidemic increases, primary care clinicians are encountering obesity and health problems associated with obesity more frequently than ever before.’) 

Obesity Surgery May Become Option for Many More
December 1, 2010
The New York Times
(This article indicates that “an advisory committee to the Food and Drug Administration will consider" lowering the BMI guidelines for lap-band surgery on Friday.)

Every Excess Pound Gained Raises Risk of Death
Dec. 1, 2010
WebMD Health News
(This article indicates that research shows that weighing more than normal increases a person’s risk of death.)

Bariatrics; Researchers from University of Pittsburgh publish findings in bariatrics
28 November 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that bariatric surgery may be linked to an increased number of suicides.)

Hypertension; Research conducted at University of Minnesota has provided new information about hypertension
28 November 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘many observations have pointed to improvement in renal parameters following weight loss.’)

Bariatrics; Recent findings from Central Hospital, Department of Surgery highlight research in bariatrics
28 November 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘Finnish patients awaiting bariatric surgery suffer from a very poor HRQoL compared with age-and gender-standardized general population.’)

Weight Loss; New weight loss research has been reported by C.L. Rock et al
27 November 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘compared with usual care, [a] structured weight loss program resulted in greater weight loss over 2 years.’)

Obesity; Scientists at Baylor College of Medicine, Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery target obesity
14 November 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘waist circumference, a measure of central obesity, is a better predictor of short-term complications than body mass index and can be used to identify patients who may benefit from more aggressive infection control and prevention...’)

Bariatrics; Research from St. Mary's Hospital, Imperial College in the area of bariatrics published
14 November 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “more research examining the energy and protein requirements of obese patients needing nutrition support following bariatric surgery is urgently required.”)

Diabetes; Study data from Columbia University, New York Obesity Research Center update knowledge of diabetes
10 November 2010
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that “data suggest that weight loss and incretins may contribute independently to improved glucose levels in the first year after GBP surgery.”)

Patients facing big bills to fix obesity surgery
8 November 2010
New Zealand Herald
(This article indicates that “stomach bands can slip and make overweight people able to eat full meals...”)

Bariatrics; Study findings from University of Texas broaden understanding of bariatrics
8 November 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that perhaps ‘there is no cost savings associated with ambulatory bariatric surgery.’)

Should Commercial Weight-loss Programs Be Covered by Health Insurance?
Psychology Today
November 6, 2010
(This article indicates that “perhaps health insurance coverage [for commercial Weight-loss] programs should be contingent on results: dieters are reimbursed if they are able to keep their weight off a year after the program has ended.”)

Obesity; Report summarizes obesity study findings from S. Agha-Mohammadi and co-researchers
6 November 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘appropriate nutritional supplementation is an effective means for correcting ... nutritional parameters and can significantly reduce surgical complications associated with obesity and bariatric surgery.’)

Obesity; Researchers from Deakin University, World Health Organization publish findings in obesity
6 November 2010
Marketing Weekly News
(This article indicates that "Application of [a framework for selecting specific groups for specific weight loss treatment] has the potential to enhance the effective use of limited obesity prevention resources and to identify areas in need of additional research evidence.’)

Obesity; Michigan Children Have a Champion in Their Corner
5 November 2010
Drug Week
(This article indicates that “Detroit-based Health Plan of Michigan (HPM) took the vital first step to initiate reimbursement for children to attend a structured group program addressing Childhood Obesity.”)

Obesity; New findings from Pennsylvania State University describe advances in obesity
31 October 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that gastric bypass surgery alters taste preferences in obese rats, reducing their desire for sweets.)

Weight Loss; Studies from University of North Carolina, Department of Nutrition add new findings in the area of weight loss
30 October 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘the use of behavioral, theory-based podcasting may be an effective way to promote weight loss.’)

Obesity; Scientists at University of Kansas describe research in obesity
27 October 2010
Education Letter
(This article indicates that ‘75 min of Physical Activity Across the Curriculum activities may attenuate increases in Body Mass Index...’)

Weight Loss; Study results from Grand Rapids Medical Education and Research Center broaden understanding of weight loss
26 September 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “Weight loss surgery is effective in patients >or=65 years of age, producing significant excess weight loss...”)

Diabetes; Study data from Duke University, Department of Surgery update knowledge of diabetes
26 September 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘gastric bypass provides more effective treatment for diabetes than adjustable gastric banding within 6 to 12 months.’)

Diabetes; Research from Castle Hill Hospital provides new data about diabetes
26 September 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “early surgical intervention in the morbidly obese diabetic patient” can improve the chances of diabetes remissions.)

Obesity; Studies from M. Naef and co-authors have provided new information about obesity
24 September 2010
Drug Week
(This article indicates that ‘the high complication, re-operation, and long-term failure rates lead to the conclusion that LAGB should be performed in selected cases only, until reliable criteria for patients at low risk for long-term complications are developed.’)

Wellness; Recent findings from University of Oslo highlight research in wellness
23 October 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘high-intensity training-combining weight lifting with aerobic exercising-has been proven effective for losing weight.’)

Obesity; Investigators at State University of New York publish new data on obesity
23 October 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘directly mailing an educational toolkit to physicians can have a small but positive effect on clinical practice.‘)

Type 2 Diabetes; Findings from University of Queensland, Cancer Prevention Research Center in type 2 diabetes reported
15 September 2010
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that an Australian study will examine the feasibility of telephone-delivered weight loss interventions.)

Public Health; Research from Florida International University in public health provides new insights
13 September 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘economic constraints and cultural preferences may be communicated directly by family involvement in ... public health programs.’)

Bariatrics; New bariatrics study findings reported from Johns Hopkins University
12 September 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that because bariatric surgery reduces the use of medications and symptoms of type 2 diabetes, insurances companies should cover the cost of the operation.)

Obesity; First European Incisionless Procedure to 'Reverse Weight Gain After Gastric Bypass Surgery' Takes Place in UK
12 September 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ROSE (Restorative Obesity Surgery, Endolumenal) can be effective in reversing the weight regain that some gastric bypass patients experience.)

Fat ops could save millions
8 September 2010
Evening Gazette
(This article indicates that some surgeons believe that bariatric “surgery would reduce NHS cash burden of treating obesity-related illness.”)

Ipsos Vantis Study Finds Majority Support for Obesity and Weight Management Drugs
PR Newswire
8 September 2010
(This article indicates that “between one-half and two-thirds of primary care physicians would likely ... prescribe [the weight loss drugs qnexa by Vivus, Inc., lorcaserin by Arena Pharmaceuticals or contrave by Orexigen Therapeutics], to treat their obese or overweight patients.” If approved by the FDA.)

New business for treatment of obesity in Denmark; Global Health Partner AB
8 September 2010
Cision Sverige AB
(This article indicates that “Global Health Partner is starting a business for the treatment of obesity in Copenhagen and Odense in Denmark.”)

Obesity; Reports outline obesity study results from University of Utah, Genetics Division
5 September 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that Roux-en- Y gastric bypass surgery is highly effective in improving the health and quality of life for severely obese.)

Type 2 Diabetes; Study results from Tufts Medical Center, Department of Surgery update understanding of type 2 diabetes
4 September 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that gastric surgery continues to show effectiveness in morbidly obese and type 2 diabetes patients.)

C Reactive Protein; Research from State University of Campinas, Department of Surgery in the area of C Reactive Protein published
4 September 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘a month after RYGBP, fasting glucose metabolism improves independent of a change in peripheral insulin sensitivity.’)

Clinical Hypertension; Reports from Albany Medical Center, Internal Medicine Department describe recent advances in clinical hypertension
4 September 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘hypertension, diabetes, and obesity frequently coexist and significantly contribute to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Weight loss in obese individuals has been associated with improved blood pressure control and regression in left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy...’)

Women's Health; Data on women's health discussed by researchers at Case Western Reserve University
4 September 2010
Marketing Weekly News
(This article indicates that ‘a community partnership was an effective way to promote a church-based, culturally specific dance intervention to improve the health of African American women.’)

Contraception; Scientists at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discuss research in contraception
3 September 2010
Drug Week
(This article indicates that ‘weight loss after bariatric surgery often improves fertility but can pose substantial risks to maternal and fetal outcomes.’)

Obesity; Research on obesity reported by scientists at University Medical Center
1 September 2010
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that before a kidney transplant, obese patients will need to lose weight to improve the transplant outcome.)

Pharmacology Watch: Weight-loss Drug Effective Without Cardiac Side Effects?
1 September 2010
OB/GYN Clinical Alert
(This article indicates that the FDA might approve Arena’s locaserin for weight loss.)

Public Health; Study results from Florida International University update understanding of public health
30 August 2010
Health & Medicine Week
(This article indicates that ‘parental status may be associated with children's health outcomes including their eating habits, body weight and blood cholesterol...’)

I can't stomach fat bandwagon
29 August 2010
The News of the World
(This article indicates that Britain’s National Health Service is willing to spend more money on fighting obesity than on cancer.)

Obese teens go under knife to lose weight
29 August 2010
Hindustan Times
(This article indicates that in Mumbai India, bariatric surgery among adolescents is increasing due to the rise in obesity.)

Type 2 Diabetes; Weight Loss Procedures Performed by Los Angeles Surgeon, Dr. Michael Feiz, Create Amazing Recovery Rates for Type 2 Diabetes
29 August 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that bariatric surgery can be an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes.)

Obesity; Study findings from Catholic University broaden understanding of obesity
29 August 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
2010, Medical Devices ...
(This article indicates that single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) may be an option that can reduce trauma to the body.)

Obesity; New research on obesity from Harvard University, Division of Plastic Surgery summarized
29 August 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that body contour surgery after bariatric surgery is becoming a sub-specialty.)

Public Health; Studies from Kansas State University, Department of Human Nutrition provide new data on public health
21 August 2010
Marketing Weekly News
(This article indicates that ‘Girl Scouting may offer a viable channel for health promotion and obesity prevention programs.’)

Obesity; New data from University of Colorado, Center for Human Nutrition illuminate research in obesity
18 August 2010
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that primary care medical assistants could play an important role in weight management counseling.)

Bariatrics; Study examines hospital complication rates of bariatric surgery
15 August 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘risk of serious complications [from bariatric surgery] was inversely associated with average annual bariatric procedure volume...’)

Bariatrics; Scottsdale Healthcare Surgeon to Lead National Bariatric Society
15 August 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “Scottsdale Healthcare surgeon Robin Blackstone, MD is the new president-elect of the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS)”)

Bariatrics; Scientists at Queen's University publish research in bariatrics
15 August 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that although adolescent obesity is increasing and some adolescents may want bariatric surgery, a referral for the surgery depends a lot on the primary care physician’s attitude concerning the surgery.

Nutrition; The more frequently you log on, the more weight you can keep off
14 August 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “The more people used an interactive weight management website, the more weight loss they maintained ...”)

Professional Education; Research results from University of Melbourne update understanding of professional education
9 August 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘randomised controlled trials may establish whether SPs (simulated patients) actually raise [general practitioners] skills or improve outcomes.’)

Obesity; Data on obesity published by researchers at University of Vermont
9 August 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘the addition of periodic in-person sessions [to an Internet behavioral weight loss program] did not improve outcomes.’)

Obesity; Research from Hospital for Special Surgery, Department of Orthopedic Surgery broadens understanding of obesity
8 August 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that Surgeons should incorporate weight loss counseling into their preoperative discussions with patients.)

Obesity; Data from L.J. Damschroder et al provide new insights into obesity
7 August 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that a ‘telephone-based [weight loss] program has the potential to reduce rates of overweight and obesity among veterans and thus prevent and improve prognosis of associated chronic conditions.’)

Obesity; Researchers from New York University, Division of General Internal Medicine detail new studies and findings in the area of obesity
2 August 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that “Quality of physician counseling (as measured using the 5As counseling framework and patient-centeredness scales) was associated with motivation to lose weight and intentions to change behavior. Future studies should determine whether higher quality obesity counseling leads to improved behavioral and weight outcomes.”)

Obesity; 'Tough love' no good for obesity interventions
31 July 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘obese people support lifestyle-change interventions, rather than those [interventions] that purely promote weight loss.’)

Obesity; Reports on obesity findings from Harokopio University provide new insights
25 July 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘lifestyle intervention favorably affects weight loss and maintenance following obesity surgery')

Type 2 Diabetes; When bariatric surgery is a family affair, patients do better: Significantly More Weight Loss and Higher Resolution of Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension for Family Members who have Gastric Bypass Together
25 July 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “if you and a family member have gastric bypass together, chances are you'll both do much better than if you have surgery alone...”)

Bariatrics; New study finds women face fewer complications after gastric bypass surgery: Gender, Race, Age Before Surgery May Play Role in Patient Outcomes
1000 words
25 July 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “there are significant differences in patient outcomes, particularly when it comes to gender and race, though the cause of these disparities in outcomes is unclear...")

Bariatrics; New Study Shows Health Insurer Required Program; May Unnecessarily Delay Bariatric Surgery: Patients Wait Nearly Four Months Longer for Surgery, But Get No Additional Benefit
25 July 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that “patients required by their health insurance providers to complete a six-month medical weight loss program before bariatric surgery do no better than patients who have no such requirement...”)

Public Health; Study findings on public health are outlined in reports from University of Alberta
24 July 2010
Marketing Weekly News
(This article indicates that ‘gender specific approaches to prevention [of childhood overweight and obesity] may be more effective.’)

Obesity; Investigators at Hosp University publish new data on obesity
24 July 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘alcohol absorption was considerably modified after LSG [laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy] with higher and longer blood alcohol values for equivalent amounts of alcohol.’)

Obesity; Data on obesity reported by researchers at University of Wollongong
24 July 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘limiting exposure to SSCB [sugar-sweetened carbonated beverage] could ... have a large public health impact.’)

Type 2 Diabetes; New study shows bariatric surgery resolves sexual dysfunction in women with morbid obesity: Researchers from Miriam Hospital and Brown University Medical School Find New Benefit to Weight Loss Surgery
21 July 2010
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that “Bariatric surgery not only helps people lose weight, it can resolve or significantly improve female sexual dysfunction (FSD)...”)

Health and Medicine; Data on health and medicine described by researchers at University of Missouri
20 July 2010
Life Science Weekly
(This article indicates that ‘Weight loss improves metabolic syndrome (MetS) factors, but risk may return with weight regain.’)

Obesity; New obesity research has been reported by scientists at University of Illinois
19 July 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that “Because obese women underestimated their optimal weight loss goals, it is necessary to target this group for further education.)

Rapid weight loss better than slow
18 July 2010
The South Asian Times
(This article indicates that although losing weigh quickly appeared to be better than losing weight slowly, ‘more research is needed to determine optimal weight loss targets, and to establish best practices for optimal maintenance of weight loss.’)

The obesity operation you walk away from
18 July 2010
The Express on Sunday
(This article indicates that “BRITISH surgeons are set to carry out a revolutionary incision-less obesity operation.”)

Drug helps to curb the sweet cravings
Rachel Browne
18 July 2010
Sun Herald
(This article indicates that “AUSTRALIAN researchers have developed a drug that may combat overeating by making sweet food less pleasurable.”)

Why a woman really will be the size of her mother; Research suggests strongest obesity link in female line
By Richard Alleyne in Stockholm
17 July 2010
The Daily Telegraph
(This article indicates that ‘Studies found that obesity is passed from parents to children but it is the mothers who have the strongest effect — especially on daughters.’)

Obesity; Studies from Downstate Medical Center, Department of Surgery yield new data on obesity
17 July 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “"Bariatric surgery is 58 years old and has undergone dramatic improvements recently becoming significantly safer and more accessible owing to the development of minimally invasive approaches and other advances.”)

Hospital pharmacists helped create bariatric surgery education program.
1 June 2010
Drug Formulary Review
(This article indicates that “as increasing numbers of hospitals add bariatric surgery to their services, it's an opportunity for hospital pharmacists to become point people in developing patient education processes and materials.”)

Obesity; Study documents geographic variation in childhood obesity
22 May 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that childhood obesity continues to be a problem with the number of obese children tripling over the past three decades.)

Obesity; Report: Majority of Minnesotans Overweight or Obese
22 May 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that according to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, Minnesotans need to lose weight.)

Obesity; Scientists at University of Zaragoza detail research in obesity
22 May 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that waist circumference is probably a good predictor of “obesity related metabolic risk variables.”)

Obesity; Study data from University of Vermont update knowledge of obesity
22 May 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that people who perceive exercise to be difficult are likely to regain weight after weight loss intervention.)

Obesity; New obesity research reported from Maastricht University
22 May 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that high calorie food is more enticing to overweight or obese persons than the food is to persons of normal weight.)

Obesity; Research on obesity published by scientists at Monash University
22 May 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that obese patients spend more time in the hospital than non obese patients.)

Obesity; New studies examine adverse outcomes associated with obesity and more applicable measures of obesity
19 May 2010
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that “pay-for-performance reimbursement models may create unintended financial incentives for doctors to discriminate against obese patients, measuring a patient's waist circumference may be more effective in predicting surgical outcomes than the more traditional body mass index measure, and childhood obesity doubles the risk of developing colon cancer...”)

Obesity; Research results from D. Kiermeir and co-authors update knowledge of obesity
17 May 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘due to the increased awareness of obesity-related morbidity, efficient dietary regimens and the recent successes with bariatric surgery, there is now a high demand for body contouring surgery to correct skin abundances after massive weight loss.’)

Obesity; Research on obesity reported by A.J.R. Roskam et al
17 May 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that “a lower educational level is often associated with a higher prevalence of overweight and obesity.”)

Obesity; Reports by M. Murshid and co-researchers describe recent advances in obesity
17 May 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘patients benefit for [abdominoplasty] even when it is performed as a functional operation and not as a cosmetic procedure.’)

Obesity; New obesity findings from Harvard University described
17 May 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that we need to understand better how gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms and obesity are related.)

Obesity; Findings in obesity reported from University of Sydney
17 May 2010
Cardiovascular Week
(This article indicates that sibutramine (meridia) may be useful for patients not fitting the normal guidelines for the weight loss drug’s use.)

Obesity demon for kids
16 May 2010
Sunday Times (Perth)
(This article indicates that ‘OBESITY-PREVENTION campaigns are leading to eating disorders among children and may even make some kids fatter, a Perth psychology expert claims.’)

Obesity; New obesity study findings have been published by scientists at Harvard University
16 May 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that obesity should not rule out surgery for gynecomastia.)


Obesity; New findings reported from University of Virginia describe advances in obesity
16 May 2010
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
(This article indicates that ‘Extreme obesity is not an absolute contraindication to [abdominal contouring] and may be performed safely.")

Rise in weight-loss pills as diet advice goes unheeded
David Rose Health Correspondent Sally Clayton; David Rose ; Sally Clayton
15 May 2010
The Times
(This article indicates that “the number of prescription weight loss drugs being given out in England is continuing to rise as doctors struggle to provide specialist advice on diet and exercise to overweight patients.”)

Low testosterone, obesity linked
McClatchy-Tribune Regional News
15 May 2010
The Buffalo News (MCT)
(This article indicates that obesity may be associated with low testosterone levels in men.)

Obesity; Make Schools Healthy to Beat Childhood Obesity, Says Leading Expert
15 May 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “making schools healthy, with lots of nutritious food choices and plenty of opportunity for exercise, is key to winning the battle against childhood obesity”)

Obesity Risk Factors; University of Tokushima, Institute of Health Bioscience describes research in obesity risk factors
1 May 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that there is a critical period, early in life, where we should do research to better treat childhood obesity.)

Weight Loss; Findings from Stanford University in weight loss reported
1 May 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that the complexity of the rules one must follow in lifestyle modification to lose weight should be considered in a weight loss program.)

Obesity Animal Studies; Research reports from University of Pecs provide new insights into obesity animal studies
1 May 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Leptin resistance depends on body fat content rather than on age itself, although with age the proportion of fat tissue increases and contributes to self-perpetuating rise in body weight.’)

Obesity Prevention; Investigators at University Medical Center, Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care have published new data on obesity prevention
30 April 2010
Drug Week
(This article indicates that ‘Exercise counseling may, however, further improve waist circumference.’)

UnitedHealth Group; UnitedHealth Group Launches Innovative Alliance Providing Free Access to Programs That Help Prevent and Control Diabetes and Obesity
26 April 2010
Pharma Business Week
(This article indicates that “UnitedHealth Group (NYSE:UNH) is launching the Diabetes Prevention and Control Alliance, a partnership with YMCA of the USA and
Walgreens to help prevent and control diabetes, pre-diabetes and obesity.”)

Oregon Health & Science University; Diet alone will not likely lead to significant weight loss
26 April 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that just reducing caloric intake is not enough to achieve significant weight reduction.)

University of California - Davis; New study may explain how weight-loss surgery reverses type 2 diabetes
25 April 2010
Heart Disease Weekly
(This article indicates that a surgical procedure, done in rats, may delay the onset of type 2 diabetes, in a way similar to what gastric bypass surgery does to relieve diabetes symptoms.)

Obesity prevention campaigners say it is "fantastic" that politicians will soon...
24 April 2010
The Press (Christchurch)
(This article indicates that in New Zealand, GST (goods and services tax) may be dropped from healthy food to make the food more affordable, and thus help combat obesity.)

Obesity Prevention; Studies from University of Minnesota in the area of obesity prevention published
24 April 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘worksite environmental interventions for nutrition and physical activity behavior change may have limited impact on BMI among ... workers who spend most of their workday outside the worksite.’)

Obesity Prevention; Reports outline obesity prevention research from University of Memphis
24 April 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that parental involvement can be an important element in the fight against child obesity.)

Obesity Prevention; Data from University Medical Center, Institute for Health provide new words
24 April 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that differences in overweight and obesity in the Dutch working population are explained partly by socio-demographic factors.)

Obesity Epidemiology; Data from University of Trento advance knowledge in obesity epidemiology
24 April 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that, at least in Italy, overweight and obesity is not increasing.)

Obesity Prevention; Study data from Washington State University provide new insights into obesity prevention
24 April 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that there is enough blame to go around when it comes to the cause of adolescent overweight and obesity.)

Obesity Animal Studies; Scientists at University of Alberta, Department of Sociology discuss research in obesity animal studies
24 April 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that when food is scarce, an obese-prone genotype is more advantageous than a lean-prone genotype.)

Optimal weight gain for obese moms-to-be depends on obesity level
23 April 2010
Asian News International
(This article indicates that ‘The safe weight gain for obese mothers-to-be depends on level of obesity...’)

Weight Loss; Research from Ben Gurion University of the Negev provide new insights into weight loss
23 April 2010
Drug Week
(This article indicates that “Focusing on [couples] could provide a cost-effective approach to weight-loss programmes.")

Obesity and Diabetes Prevention; Studies from J.J. de Castro et al add new findings in the area of obesity and diabetes prevention
23 April 2010
Drug Week
(This article indicates that orlistat and proper diet can lead to noteworthy reductions in weight and BMI.)

Obesity and Diabetes; New findings from Cleveland Clinic in the area of obesity and diabetes published
23 April 2010
Drug Week
(This article indicates that in comparing gastric bypass surgery and gastric restrictive surgery in severely obese patients with type 2 diabetes, insulin sensitivity increased only after the gastric bypass surgery.)

Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center; Belief that intentional weight loss is harmful to seniors is unfounded
23 April 2010
Drug Week
(This article indicates that diet and exercise for weight loss in seniors leads to a lower risk of death within the next eight years.)

Overcoming childhood obesity; Television, computers, video games can be threats to long-term health
20 April 2010
Montreal Gazette
(This article indicates that “media consumption is linked to a sedentary lifestyle and an increase in childhood obesity that is expected to result in countless heart attacks and strokes during the next decades.”)

Obesity gene can shrink the brain
20 April 2010
Asian News International
(This article indicates that “the obesity gene, which is carried by over half of all people in the US with European ancestry, is also associated with a loss of brain tissue...”)

Newcastle University; Seaweed to tackle rising tide of obesity
9 April 2010
Drug Week
(This article indicates that “seaweed could hold the key to tackling obesity after it was found it reduces fat uptake by more than 75 percent, new research has shown.”)

Obesity and Diabetes Prevention; Data from Catholic University, Institute of Internal Medicine provide new insights into obesity and diabetes prevention*
5 April 2010
Pharma Business Week
(This article indicates that “transoral gastroplasty allows a significant weight loss 3 months after the [surgery]...”)

Obesity and Diabetes; Scientists at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center describe research in obesity and diabetes in women
5 April 2010
Pharma Business Week
(This article indicates that “diets higher in fat and CHO are associated with a hormonal profile (ie, lower leptin and higher ghrelin concentrations), which could enhance weight gain, particularly among individuals with higher circulating insulin concentrations.”)

Obesity and Diabetes; Data from T. Sammour et al provide new insights into obesity and diabetes*
5 April 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that “laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy has achieved satisfactory weight loss results with an acceptable complication rate...”)

Obesity; Researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University report on findings in obesity
5 April 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that “stigmatization towards obese individuals has not decreased despite the increasing prevalence of obesity.”)

Obesity; Research from M. Lahtikoski and co-researchers in the area of obesity described
5 April 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘a comprehensive public health strategy targeting the whole population and especially those with low education is urgently needed to halt the obesity epidemic.’)

Obesity; Research from J.D. Klein and colleagues provide new insights into obesity
5 April 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘framing obesity as a common threat’ can help in the fight again childhood obesity.)

Obesity Therapy; Saga University reports research in obesity therapy*
Heart Disease Weekly
14 March 2010
(This article indicates that aerobic exercise can have beneficial cardiovascular effects for overweight women.)

Obesity and Diabetes Prevention; Studies from University of Dundee provide new data on obesity and diabetes prevention
Heart Disease Weekly
14 March 2010
(This article indicates that not much study has gone into weight loss among person over sixty years of age, and more needs to be done.)

Obesity and Diabetes Genetics; Research results from University of Leeds update understanding of obesity and diabetes genetics
Heart Disease Weekly
14 March 2010
(This article indicates that Leeds University in the U.K. research indicates that as our genes are understood, we may be able to devise ways to effect the way they interact with the environment. And this knowledge may aid in the treatment of obesity.)

Weight Loss; Reports outline weight loss study findings from University of Tennessee, Department of Nutrition
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
13 March 2010
(This article indicates that “single-serving packages may help reduce [caloric] intake at breakfast within the context of a behavioral weight-control program.”)

Obesity Prevention; Scientists at Ghent University detail research in obesity prevention
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
13 March 2010, 366 words, (English)
2010 MAR 13
(This article indicates that Scientists at Ghent University “suggest that health consequences and disease risks of excessive weight should be better communicated to European populations. Furthermore, factors associated with obesity such as subjective health and perceived risk of chronic diseases should be considered both at individual counseling and at public health policy levels.”)

Obesity Prevention; Research from Virginia Commonwealth University yields new findings on obesity prevention
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
13 March 2010
(This article indicates that Internet interventions for weight management can be effective and feasible.)

Fat sensitivity may help battle obesity
The Courier-Mail
9 March 2010
(This article indicates that some persons can detect fat. And people who can detect fat tend to eat less fat.)
(This article indicates that Vitamin D deficiency could lead to obesity.)

Inflammation and how it triggers illness; Obesity scientists dig deep to find the connection between body fat, white blood cells and a
USA Today, 8 March 2010
(This article indicates that “Researchers are beginning to understand the ways in which being overweight or obese contributes to a downward spiral of inflammation that can trigger heart disease, diabetes and other ailments.”)

DNA signals best weight-loss diet
Investor's Business Daily
8 March 2010
(This article indicates that a simple DNA test could predict what kind of weight-loss diet — either low-carb or low-fat — would work best for the person to lose weight, according to a study by Stanford University.)

Obesity Therapy; University of Liverpool publishes research in obesity therapy
Pharma Business Week
8 March 2010
(This article indicates that in tests, sibutramine caused test subjects to eat at a slower rate, thus reducing the caloric intake.)

Obesity Quality of Care; Studies from Monash University, Center for Obesity Research and Education have provided new data on obesity quality...*
Pharma Business Week
8 March 2010
(This article indicates that the use of lap band enabled obese adolescents to lose more weight than normal weight loss approaches.)

Obesity and Diabetes Therapy; Research from Oregon Health & Science University, Oregon National Primate Research Center provides new data about obesity and diabetes therapy
Pharma Business Week
8 March 2010
(This article indicates that “early metabolic programming contributes to escalating obesity rates in children and adults.”)

Obesity and Diabetes Risk Factors; New obesity and diabetes risk factors research from Wake Forest University, Center on Aging outlined*
Pharma Business Week
8 March 2010
(This article indicates that “The prevalence of obesity among older adults has increased during the past 20 years and will affect both medical and social services.”)

Obesity and Diabetes Epidemiology; Research from University Hospital in the area of obesity and diabetes epidemiology described
Pharma Business Week
8 March 2010
(This article indicates that the availability of high calorie food and “the low requirement for physical activity” contribute to obesity.)

Obesity and Diabetes; Study findings on obesity and diabetes are outlined in reports from Rockefeller University
Obesity & Diabetes Week
8 March 2010,
(This article indicates that leptin may be a viable diabetes treatment.)

Obesity and Diabetes; Study findings on obesity and diabetes are outlined in reports from F. Andreelli and colleagues
Obesity & Diabetes Week
8 March 2010
(This article indicates that calorie restriction alone cannot account for the immediate reduction in type 2 diabetes symptoms in patients after gastric bypass surgery.)

Obesity and Diabetes Epidemiology; Study findings from Children's
Hospital, Division of Endocrinology broaden understanding of obesity and
diabetes epidemiology
Heart Disease Weekly
7 March 2010
(This article indicates that if researchers can better understand the hormones produced as the result of childhood obesity and bodily changes after weight loss, this knowledge will help in the fight against obesity.)

Obesity; Reports outline obesity study results from Winston-Salem State University
Heart Disease Weekly
7 March 2010
(This article indicates that according to an article from a recent Mayo Clinic Proceedings Medical Journal, men, suffering from cardiac artery disease, who were overweight or obese had greater longevity if they registered high fitness. Metabolic guidelines were established, and the men were subjected to exercises that measured their fitness.)

National League of Cities; National League of Cities Launches Effort to Combat Childhood Obesity in the South
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
6 March 2010
(This article indicates that The National League of Cities (NLC) Institute for Youth, Education, and Families, and organization established to promote cities, has launched the “the Municipal Leadership for Healthy Southern Cities project in partnership with the Foundation for the Mid South (FMS)” to fight overweight and obesity and children and adolescents.)

Local Initiatives Support Corporation; LISC Applauds Administration's Let's Move Initiative, Calls Comprehensive Community Revitalization a Key to Answering Children's Health, Obesity Challenges
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
6 March 2010
(This article indicates that “The Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) applauds the White House plan to promote healthy lifestyles among children through the Let's Move program announced by the First Lady this week.”)

Obesity Therapy; New obesity therapy research from Louisiana State University, Pennington Biomedical Research Center discussed
Drug Week
5 March 2010
(This article indicates that according to a Pennington Biomedical Research Center study, “Primary care practices can initiate effective medical management for extreme obesity ...”)

Startling obesity risks hit minority kids and troubling inflammation seen in obese 3-year-olds
Associated Press Newswires
1 March 2010
(This article indicates that “The odds of obesity appear stacked against black and Hispanic children starting even before birth, provocative new research

VIVUS Announces FDA Acceptance of Qnexa(R) New Drug Application for
Treatment of Obesity
PR Newswire
1 March 2010
(This article indicates that the FDA has accepted Vivus, Inc.’s New Drug Application (NDA) for the weight loss drug Qnexa.)

Obesity link with moods
Scottish Daily Record
1 March 2010
(This article indicates that “Fat people are 55 per cent more likely to get depressed, while depressed people are at a 58 per cent greater risk of becoming

American Society for Nutrition; Later introduction of baby foods related to lower risk of obesity later in life
Pharma Business Week
1 March 2010
(This article indicates that, while “breastfeeding per se may not have an effect on body weight; ... other feeding choices” may establish a predisposition to be of normal weight or obese.)

Obesity and Diabetes Prevention; New obesity and diabetes prevention
study findings have been reported by scientists at Veterans Affairs...
Pharma Business Week
1 March 2010
(This article indicates that superobese patients can lose weight on an in-patient program to improve gastric bypass surgery outcomes.)

Study findings on obesity and diabetes are outlined in reports from University of Utah
Obesity & Diabetes Week
1 March 2010
(This article indicates that “Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery when compared to severely obese groups not enrolled in planned weight-loss intervention was highly effective for weight loss, improved health-related quality of life, and resolution of major obesity-associated complications measured at 2 years.”)

Obesity and Diabetes; Studies in the area of obesity and diabetes reported from Duke University
Obesity & Diabetes Week
1 March 2010
(This article indicates that ‘Diabetes is associated with lower prostate
cancer risk.’)

Obesity and Diabetes; Studies from Medical University of Vienna describe new findings in obesity and diabetes
Obesity & Diabetes Week
1 March 2010
(This article indicates that ‘Over 1 billion people are estimated to be overweight...’) 

Obesity; Researchers from University of Texas detail new studies and findings in the area of obesity
Obesity & Diabetes Week
1 March 2010
(This article indicates that “observable weight distributions affect perception of one's own obesity level.”)

Obesity; Research reports from H.M. Orpana and co-authors provide new insights into obesity
Obesity & Diabetes Week
1 March 2010
(This article indicates that although obesity leads to higher mortality rates than normal, overweight may not.)

Obesity Prevention; Studies from Columbia University, Department of Epidemiology describe new findings in obesity prevention
20 February 2010
(This article indicates that the risk of obesity varies depending on a number of factors including place of birth and education.)

Entelos, Inc. Entelos Granted Patent for Innovative Diagnostic Capability in Obesity, Diabetes
19 February 2010
Drug Week
(This article indicates that the company, Entelos, Inc., has patented a process that simulates drug treatment outcomes, including treatments for diabetes and obesity.)

Obesity Quality of Care; New research on obesity quality of care from University Medical Center summarized
19 February 2010
Drug Week
(This article indicates that lap band surgery may be an option for morbidly obese adolescents.)

Obesity Prevention; Studies from Harvard University have provided new data on obesity prevention
19 February 2010
Drug Week
(This article indicates that effective online weight-loss programs can be offered along with primary care.)

Obesity Prevention; Studies conducted at Louisiana State University, Pennington Biomedical Research Center on obesity prevention recently published
19 February 2010
Drug Week
(This article indicates that calorie restriction might increase lifespan by improving the balance between the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system, when the calorie restriction and weight loss are combined with exercise.)

Obesity Prevention; Researchers at University of California, Department of Community Health Sciences have published new data on obesity prevention
19 February 2010
Drug Week
(This article indicates that scientists at the University of California, Department of Community Health Sciences, developed a participatory intervention program for elementary school employees which appeared to improve BMI and other key measurements.)

16 February 2010
(This article indicates that “Promoting health to grandparents may help to cut child obesity ...”)

NASBE Announces Grants to Help State Boards of Education Fight Childhood Obesity; NASBE’s Partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Also Renewed
16 February 2010
(This article indicates that ‘there is a growing body of research telling us that children who are obese have greater absentee rates and lower academic achievement, along with all the other health complications...’)

World; Fat chance if sleep is slim --- OBESITY LINK
16 February 2010
(This article indicates that lack of sleep can lead to obesity.)

Obesity 'tipping point before age 2
15 February 2010
UPI Energy Resources
(This article indicates that the ‘tipping point’ many times occurs before a person is two years old.)

BIZ BYTES Weight loss offer
15 February 2010
Taranaki Daily News
(This article indicates that the Women’s weight loss organization, Curves, is offering free weight management classes in New Zealand.)

News Pakistan: Start obesity prevention in the cradle, study urges
15 February 2010
Plus News Pakistan
(This article indicates that children become overweight before they are two years old.)

MEND Foundation; New Study Shows Effectiveness of the MEND Program Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do it! in Prevention and Treatment of Pediatric Obesity
15 February 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that the MEND (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do it!) program can lead to successful weight management.)

Obesity and Diabetes Genetics; New obesity and diabetes genetics study findings have been reported by scientists at Hospital for Sick Children
14 February 2010
Heart Disease Weekly
(This article indicates that ‘Obesity associates with increased health risks such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. The steady rise in the obese population worldwide poses an increasing burden on health systems.’)

Scottsdale Weight Loss Center; Scottsdale Weight Loss Center Provides Weight Loss Tips to Help Maintain Your New Year's Resolution
13 February 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that according to Scottsdale Weight Loss Center (SWLC), we can lose and maintain weight loss if we set goals based on where we want to go with respect to weight loss.)

Obesity; Investigators at Rollins School of Public Health, Public Health Institute release new data on obesity
13 February 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that ‘Implementation of effective workplace programs for the prevention and management of excess weight will benefit employers and their workers.’)

Research; Obesity ups cancer risk, and here's how
12 February 2010
Drug Week
(This article indicates that cancer can give rise to certain cancer, especially liver cancer.)

Envoy Therapeutics, Inc. Envoy Enters Diabetes and Obesity
Collaboration with Merck & Co., Inc.
12 February 2010
Drug Week
(This article indicates that ‘Envoy Therapeutics, Inc. announced that it has entered into a multi-year research collaboration agreement with an affiliate of Merck & Co., Inc. to discover novel diabetes and obesity drug targets.’)

Bariatrics; Heavy-Duty Bariatric Trolley for Rising Obesity Numbers
12 February 2010
Drug Week
(This article indicates that organizations in the U.K. have issued guidelines to health care organizations for the transport of overweight persons.)

Obesity Therapy; Findings from University of Hawaii, Department of
Public Health Sciences broaden understanding of obesity therapy
11 February 2010
Women's Health Weekly
(This article indicates that ‘Employers that provide worksite weight management interventions have the potential to reduce sick leave, health care costs, and workers compensation costs, and increase employee morale and worker efficiency,’)

University of Montreal; A gimmick-free weight-loss pill in the works
8 February 2010
Pharma Business Week
(This article indicates that researchers at the Universite de Montreal are developing a pill based on the protein leptin. Leptin instructs our brain to stop eating when we are full.)

UnitedHealth Group; More Than $180,000 in Grants Awarded to Schools and
Community Groups to Help Fight Childhood Obesity
8 February 2010
Pharma Business Week
(This article indicates that the UnitedHealth Group has given grants to schools, youth-focused organizations, and community organizations in over 30 states that have established organizations to fight childhood obesity.)

The Endocrine Society; Childhood obesity alone may increase risk of
later cardiovascular disease
8 February 2010
Pharma Business Week
(This article indicates that without any other health risks, by the time an obese child in 7, the child’s chances of having a stroke or heart attack have already increased.)

The Creative Coalition; Filmmaker Barry Levinson to Helm Documentary on
Obesity Crisis in America
8 February 2010
Pharma Business Week
(This article indicates that film director Barry Levinson will investigate obesity in America.)

Oregon State University; Parks and recreation programs declining as
obesity, health concerns rise
8 February 2010
Pharma Business Week
(This article indicates that parks and recreation areas are declining in U.S. due to existing budget problems.)

Nutrisystem, Inc. Nutrisystem Tops List for Best Value in Weight Loss Category
30 January 2010
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that “Nutrisystem is hundreds of dollars cheaper than other weight loss programs, based on a survey by National Business Research
Institute (October 2008).”)

Mindful Health; The Search for the Fountain of Weight Loss ends with Mindful Health's Body Balance Program
25 January 2010
Pharma Business Week
(This article indicates that an organization called Mindful Health has introduced a weight loss program that purports to reduce stress associated with weight loss. The program combines a special weight loss supplement with other lifestyle changes to help an individual lose weight.)

Duke University Medical Center; Race, obesity affect outcomes among diabetics following prostatectomy
25 January 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that obese men with diabetes have a more difficult time than men without diabetes after the surgical removal of the prostate gland.)

JAMA and Archives Journals; US adult obesity still high, but recent data suggest rates may have stabilized
25 January 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that US obesity rates are stabilizing.)

Experts call for greater obesity awareness: Weight of a nation
The Augusta Chronicle
24 January 2010
The Augusta Chronicle
(This article indicates that we gain weight in ways we don’t realize. And that our culture conspires to get us to gain weight.)

Regulator may ban anti-obesity drug ; Over 20 drug companies marketing anti-obesity drug sibutramine under a...
24 January 2010
Business Standard
(This article indicates that sibutramine (sold as meridia in the U.S.) may be banned in the future in some countries.)


WEEKEND WORKOUT / OBESITY IN THE WORKPLACE Report on Business: Globe Careers*The skinny on weight discrimination; Expanding waistlines create risks to your career, according to a new study that found overweight employees are much more likely to be overlooked for opportunities, advancement and pay raises than slimmer staff. At the same time, research shows that Canadians are increasingly packing on the pounds. Here's what you need to weigh about the dilemma.
23 January 2010
The Globe and Mail GLOB
(This article indicates that obesity can hurt your career.)

Karolinska Institutet; Weight-loss proves effective cure for sleep apnea
10 January 2010
Heart Disease Weekly
(This article indicates that “for obese men, a dramatic weight loss can be an effective way to improve moderate to severe sleep apnea, scientists at the Swedish medical university Karolinska Institutet report.”)

Obesity and Diabetes Risk Factors; Data from University of Hong Kong, Department of Medicine advance knowledge in obesity and diabetes risk factors
10 January 2010
Heart Disease Weekly
(This article indicates that drugs to combat obesity should be used in conjunction with lifestyle changes.)

University of Montreal; Proximity to convenience stores fosters child obesity
4 January 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that “childhood obesity is directly related to how close kids live to convenience stores.”)

The American Board of Bariatric Medicine; Newest Batch of Medical Professionals Pass Exam to Better Address America's Obesity Epidemic
4 January 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that “seventy-two individuals passed the [American Board of Bariatric Medicine certification exam] and are awaiting final approval for board certification.")

McMaster University; Role of addiction cannot be ignored in obesity epidemic
4 January 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that food addition sometimes plays a role in obesity.)

GI Dynamics; GI Dynamics Receives European CE Mark Approval for the EndoBarrier(TM) Gastrointestinal Liner System for the Treatment of Type
2 Diabetes and Obesity
4 January 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that “GI Dynamics, a leader in non-surgical, endoscopic treatments for type 2 diabetes and obesity, announced that it has received European CE mark approval for the EndoBarrier(TM), a non-surgical therapy to treat type 2 diabetes and obesity.”)

Foundation Surgical Hospital of San Antonio; Foundation Surgical Hospital of San Antonio, Bariatric Surgeons Dr. Michael Seger, Dr. Terive Duperier & Dr. Ramiro Cavazos Are Recognized by ASMBS for High-Quality Care in Bariatric Surgery
4 January 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that the “Foundation Surgical Hospital of San Antonio announced that it has been certified as an American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence(R) (BSCOE).”)

Morbid Obesity; Study data from Cleveland Clinic update understanding of morbid obesity
4 January 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘LSG [laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy] could provide short-term weight loss
after previously failed LABG, but prone to more complications compared to an initial LSG without a prior bariatric procedure.’)

Obesity Therapy; Research results from University of Chile, Department of Surgery update knowledge of obesity therapy
4 January 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that the time it takes for a leakage closure after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy will vary.)

Obesity; Studies from Royal Hobart Hospital, Department of Surgery in the area of obesity described*
4 January 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that slippage of the band in lap band surgery needs to be studies more.)

Obesity; Researchers at I-Shou University, Department of General Surgery target obesity
4 January 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that gastric bypass surgery performed transumbilically ‘can make the abdominal wound scarless and cosmetically more acceptable.’)

Obesity and Diabetes; Study results from University of Texas update understanding of obesity and diabetes*
4 January 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘Obesity is an established risk factor in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease; all components that are part of the metabolic syndrome.’)

Obesity and Diabetes; Researchers from University of Pittsburgh report on findings in obesity and diabetes
4 January 2010
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘an Internet- based lifestyle intervention may overcome significant barriers to preventive counseling and facilitate the incorporation of evidence-based lifestyle interventions into primary care.’)

New obesity data have been reported by researchers at University of Sherbrooke
13 December 2009
Heart Disease Weekly
(This article indicates that a six minute walk test can be used to determine the health of overweight or obese persons.)

Four Senior Executives Join Orexigen(R)Therapeutics Management Team
7 December 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that Orexigen has brought in four executives to strengthen its management team.)

To Manage Weight Over the Holidays, Experts From Alere Say Enjoy, Indulge a Little and Don't Diet!
7 December 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that one should not diet during the holidays.)

New morbid obesity study findings recently were reported by researchers at Baystate Medical Center
7 December 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that bariatric surgery is “an important tool in the fight against morbid obesity.”)

Horror complications from lap band weight-loss device Teens in pain for little gain
5 December 2009
(This article indicates that “lap banding was being used to treat the symptoms of obesity without addressing the psychological causes.”)

4 December 2009
US Fed News
(This article indicates that we all need to treat our overweight problem as an international problem.)

Epidemic of obesity
4 December 2009
Daily Telegraph
(This article indicates that governments are not approaching the overweight problem correctly.)

New Report Just Published: Obesity, Weight Loss and Diet Management Markets (Pharmaceutical, Surgical and Dietary Approaches)
3 December 2009
(This article indicates that “More than 100 million people in the United States are actively involved in a weight loss or weight management plan.)

Why weight loss fails
2 December 2009
The Jordan Times
(This article indicates that people lose weight on low carbohydrate diets because of reduced calorie intake, not reduced carbohydrates.)

15 Million Americans at Greatest Risk of Disease/Death Have Been Left Out of Health Reform Debate
23 November 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that a group is asking the U.S. Congress not to overlook Americans who suffer from obesity.)

Obesity and Diabetes; Research reports from Catholic University provide new insights into obesity and diabetes
23 November 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that gastric banding is less effective for treating obesity, and related comorbidities, than other forms of bariatric surgery, including bilio-pancreatic diversion (BPD), the duodenal switch procedure, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), and gastroplasty.)

Study Says Increase in Obesity Rates will Continue to Drive Health Care Costs
20 November 2009
Health & Beauty Close-Up
(This article indicates that “increasing obesity rates in Pennsylvania and across the country will result in higher health care spending for states and individuals.”)

Obesity Drug Allies Sought
18 November 2009
The Wall Street Journal
(This article indicates that “Vivus Inc. and Orexigen Therapeutics Inc. are in talks to find partners to sell their drugs...”)

Telcare Connects Last Mile between Patient and Doctor to Win MobiTechFest
15 November 2009
Heart Disease Weekly
(This article indicates that Telcare has developed an award winning wireless glucose monitoring device.)

Obesity; Nutrisystem and the American Diabetes Association Form a Strategic Alliance to Promote the Importance of Weight Loss for People With Type 2 Diabetes
15 November 2009
Heart Disease Weekly
(This article indicates that Nutrisystems and the American Diabetes Association will come together to educate people on the importance of losing weight to fight Type 2 diabetes.)

Research and Markets; Small and Regional Manufacturers of Mobility Aids Will Feel Heartened By the Rising Levels of Obesity in Europe, Across Age Groups
9 November 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that the rising levels of obesity will enable companies that make mobility aids more profitable.)

Obesity and Diabetes; Biggest Loser Trainer Kim Lyons Gets You Prepped for American Diabetes Month
9 November 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that “Type 2 Diabetes can be reduced as much as 57% through weight loss and physical activity.”)

Weight Loss; Researchers' work from University of North Carolina focuses on weight loss
9 November 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that podcasting may be an aid in weight-loss.)

Obesity; Researchers from University of Toronto describe findings in obesity
9 November 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘Obesity is associated with numerous inflammatory conditions including atherosclerosis, autoimmune disease and cancer.’)

GI Dynamics; GI Dynamics' EndoBarrier(TM) Gastrointestinal Liner Demonstrates Safety and Efficacy in Pre-surgical Weight Loss
9 November 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that there is a growing need for non-surgical treatments of obesity and type 2 diabetes. The Endobarrier may help fill the need.)

8 November 2009
States News Service
(This article indicates that the health care overhaul could establish government administered grant programs “at the community level focused on reducing obesity and improving local health.”)

Obesity 'affecting health and wealth'
6 November 2009
South Wales Evening Post
(This article indicates that, at least in Wales, obesity has a negative effect on both health and wealth.)
U Of M Researchers Awarded Prestigious Grants From ARRA Funds
5 November 2009
Targeted News Service
(This article indicates that the NIH has given out grants under the new "Challenge" and "Grand Opportunities" program. In this program, the NIH is looking to close gaps in technology ...”)

Obesity linked to specific cancers
5 November 2009
Gannett News Service

(This article indicates that "about 100,500 new cases of cancer are caused by obesity every year...”)

Wayne State To Launch Child-Focused Obesity Center Funded By $5.7 Million NIH Grant
21 October 2009
Targeted News Service
(This article indicates that a team at Wayne State University wants to improve the success rate of obesity interventions among African Americans.)

National Business Group on Health Unveils Employer Toolkit for Childhood Obesity
21 October 2009
Market Wire
(This article indicates that some believe that employers can lead “in the battle against childhood obesity.”)

Obesity is worst epidemic: Docs
19 October 2009
UNI (United News of India)
(This article indicates that “about 18 per cent deaths worldwide are smoking-related while 16.8 per cent deaths are obesity-related...”)

Lessons for fat parents - Plan to scale back child obesity
6 October 2009
The Courier-Mail
(This article indicates that recent research shows that “obese mothers were 10 times more likely to have obese daughters, while obese fathers were six times more likely to have” obese sons.)

University of Washington; New links among alcohol abuse, depression, obesity in young women found
6 October 2009
Life Science Weekly
(This article indicates that body image may explain “why women who are obese at 27 are more likely to report depression three years later.”)

Obesity; Recent findings from Thomas Jefferson University highlight research in obesity
5 October 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that the Chronic Care Model could be an important tool in fighting obesity.)

Obesity and Diabetes; Research on obesity and diabetes
5 October 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that bariatric surgery has be shown to produce greater long term weight loss than obesity drugs.)

An Obesity Treatment Fails in a Trial
3 October 2009
The New York Times
(This article indicates that EnteroMedics’ neuroblocking technology to combat obesity produces less than stellar results.)

Orexigen Reports Success Of Mid-Stage Obesity Drug
30 September 2009
Dow Jones News Service
(This article indicates that the companies Arena, Vivus and Orexigen are looking for pharmaceutical companies to help them sell their obesity drugs.)

Orexigen(R) Therapeutics Phase 2b Trial for Empatic(TM) Meets Primary Efficacy Endpoint Demonstrating Significantly Greater Weight Loss Versus Comparators in Obese Patients; New Data Highlights Strength of Company’s Obesity Franchise with Two Late Stage Drug Candidates; Company to host conference call to discuss results in more detail at 8:30 a.m. ET today
30 September 2009
PR Newswire
(This article indicates that Orexigen(R) is about to “ file a New Drug Application (NDA) for Contrave...”)

Weight Loss; Research from Ruhr University in the area of weight loss described
30 September 2009
Biotech Week
(This article indicates that staying on a diet is more important than the diet.)

Obesity and Diabetes; GENova Biotherapeutics signs collaboration agreement with Bridge Bioresearch
28 September 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that GENova Biotherapeutics Inc. will collaborate with the company Bridge Bioresearch Plc. This will allow GENova’s cancer research activities Bridge BioResearch’s obesity research to be shared with each other.)

California Center for Public Health Advocacy; New Research Shows Direct Link Between Soda and Obesity
28 September 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that there is scientific evidence that sugar-sweetened beverages are a big causes of overweight and obesity.)

Extra - Opinion*Obesity is not a right
27 September 2009
Sunday Age
(This article indicates that maybe it’s time for government to take action against obesity.) 

Covidien to Be Presenting Sponsor for American Diabetes Association EXPOs in New York and Minneapolis ; Sponsorship Reinforces Covidien’s Focus on Our Resolution Program Educating, Inspiring and Engaging Americans in the Fight Against Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity
21 September 2009
Business Wire
(This article indicates that bariatric surgery might resolve diabetes.)

Obesity; Newly Published Clinical Study Finds New Commercial Diet Program Superior to Standard Protocol for Diabetes Weight Loss and Blood Sugar Control
27 September 2009
Heart Disease Weekly
(This article indicates that a study showed that a special portion controlled meal led to more weight loss and better blood sugar control for diabetics.)

23 September 2009
US Fed News
(This article indicates that “depression, obesity and alcohol abuse or dependency are interrelated conditions among young adult women but not men.”)

21 September 2009
US Fed News
(This article indicates that childhood obesity is caused mostly by too little exercise and poor diet.)

Covidien to Be Presenting Sponsor for American Diabetes Association EXPOs in New York and Minneapolis; Sponsorship Reinforces Covidien’s Focus on Our Resolution Program Educating, Inspiring and Engaging Americans in the Fight Against Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity
21 September 2009
Business Wire
(This article indicates that for some, bariatric surgery resolves diabetes.)

Obesity and Diabetes; Obesity Driving America's Healthcare to a Tipping Point
21 September 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that health reform success depends on our addressing the chronic diseases it causes“)

Features The obesity industry is growing fat while we swallow its costs
20 September 2009
The Sunday Times
(This article indicates that a lack of an emphasis on ‘individual responsibility has contributed’ to overweight and obesity.) 

Health (xtra_health) Tackling childhood obesity
19 September 2009
Kidderminster Shuttle
(This article indicates that because obesity is becoming the norm, it is harder for parents to spot childhood obesity.) 

UPDATE: Arena Reports Obesity Drug Success; Data Disappoint
September 2009
Dow Jones News Service
(This article indicates that Arena will apply for marketing approval from the FDA for the drug lorcaserin.)

Metro S.F. looks at fee on soft drinks; Newsom wants to charge retailers, use revenue to help curb obesity
18 September 2009
(This article indicates that “adults who drink at least one soft drink a day are 27 percent more likely to be obese than those who don't.”)

News Obesity contributes to high health care costs in Oklahoma
16 September 2009
The Journal Record
(This article indicates that childhood obesity is associated with later pancreatic cancer.)

NEWS Obesity pill worth wait
15 September 2009
MX (Australia)
(This article indicates that “Experts claim patients can lose as much weight with Qnexa as they would with obesity surgery.”)

Weight Loss; Nutrisystem Now Offers Double the Fresh-Frozen Food for the Same Low Monthly Cost
5 September 2009
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that Nutrisystem has increased its available frozen food options.)

Scottsdale Weight Loss Center Deploys New App for iPhone, iTouch and BlackBerry
31 August 2009
Health & Beauty Close-Up
(This article indicates that The Scottsdale Weight Loss Center (SWLC) has introduced a smart phone application to help people lose weight.)

Obesity; New obesity study findings recently were reported by researchers at University of North Carolina
31 August 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that “exposures during fetal life affect adult metabolism.”)

Obesity and Diabetes; Reports summarize obesity and diabetes in children study results from Children's Hospital, Department of Pediatrics
31 August 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that we need to pay more attention to how many calories children take in.)

Warning: exercise makes you fat; Reprogramming body fat may be key to weight loss, studies find
27 August 2009
Edmonton Journal
(This article indicates that reprogramming belly fat may enable people to be healthier.)

Data from a Clinical Study Evaluating GI Dynamics’ EndoBarrier to be Presented at IFSO ; EndoBarrier ™ Gastrointestinal Liner Plus EndoBarrier Flow Restrictor Dramatically Increases Weight Loss in Obese Patients; Compelling Impact on Diabetes Risk Factors
26 August 2009
Business Wire
(This article indicates that the company GI Dynamics that develops non-surgical therapeutics may be defining a new category of metabolic treatments.)

Restricting child's eating may not thwart obesity-study
27 August 2009
Reuters News
(This article indicates that instead of restricting what children eat, children should be taught to regulate what they eat.)

Industry Trend Analysis - Rise In Obesity-Linked Diseases Could Pave Way For New Legislation
26 August 2009
(This article indicates that some countries are “limiting the availability of soft drinks and confectionery in schools and making nutritional information clear on packaging.”)

UCLA study: Obesity can be a drain on the brain
26 August 2009
Los Angeles Daily News
(This article indicates that brain shrinkage is associated with overweight and obesity.)

USANA-Supported Clinical Study Results Published in the Journal Obesity and Weight Management; Study Demonstrates That Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome Can Be Reversed
25 August 2009
Business Wire
(This article indicates that “lifestyle change can significantly improve outcomes in subjects with metabolic syndrome.”)

Weight-loss pill's effects on liver investigated
25 August 2009
The Boston Globe
(This article indicates that the FDA is investigating reports of liver damage in persons using alli.)

24 August 2009
St. Petersburg Times
(This article indicates that Obams’s feels that obesity is a huge health issue.)

Research and Markets; Pipeline and Commercial Insight: Obesity - the $11 Billion Market That Never Was
24 August 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that obesity drug failures have caused diet and exercise to be the most trusted method of weight loss.)

Obesity; the Obesity Society Position on Recent Criticism of Surgeon General Nominee Regina Benjamin
24 August 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that The Obesity Society is responding to Obama’s nomination of Dr. Regina Benjamin to become Surgeon General.)

Obesity; Recent findings from Duke University highlight research in obesity
24 August 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that the PSA test may be less effective for men with a high BMI.)

Obesity; New obesity research from J. Trogdon et al outlined
24 August 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that low cost approaches to workplace obesity interventions may be more cost effective than high cost approaches.)

Obesity and Diabetes; New research on obesity and diabetes from A.E.Pontiroli and co-authors summarized
24 August 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that “most metabolic abnormalities are associated with visceral fat.”)

Obesity; Researchers at Yale University, Medical Department target obesity
17 August 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that in order to control weight and our diet, we need to understand “the physiological regulators” that underlie weight and diet.)

Obesity; Research from University of the West Indies provide new insights into obesity
17 August 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘Overweight and obesity have increased to epidemic proportions among adolescents ...’)

Obesity; New obesity study findings have been reported by J.A. Batsis and co-researchers
17 August 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘Obesity does not increase resource utilization for elective total hip arthroplasty (THA).’ )

Virgin Health Miles and the STOP Obesity Alliance Rally Corporate America to Create Healthier Workplace Communities
13 August 2009
Market Wire
(This article indicates that at least one organization feels that the workplace is a good place to establish programs to fight obesity.)

Meal replacements 'aid weight loss'
13 August 2009
Asian News International
(This article indicates that using meal replacements, such as special shakes, in combination with medical supervision can enable a person to lose up to 16 percent of his weight.)

Obesity; Kaiser Permanente to Provide Calorie, Nutrition Information on Cafeteria Menus
10 August 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that Kaiser Permanente will provide calorie and nutrition information in its hospital cafeterias.)

Healthy Interactions; The Obesity Society Partners with Healthy Interactions® to Advance Obesity Prevention and Treatment
10 August 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that The Obesity Society and Healthy Interactions will form a five-year partnership to develop educational materials.)

Health Grades, Inc. Study: Bariatric Surgery Patients Have 67 Percent Lower Chance of Complications at Top-Performing Hospitals
10 August 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that a HealthGrades study concluded that five-star rated bariatric hospitals had drastically lower complication rates, hospital length of stay, and other items than lower rated hospitals.)

Combating Obesity With Appetite-Suppressing Chewing Gum
5 August 2009
(This article indicates that Ventana Biotech Inc is developing an “appetite-suppressing chewing gum.”)

Global Weight Loss and Diet Management
3 August 2009
M2 Presswire
(This article indicates that “focus on improving quality of life has increased the sale of products that claim to manage or reduce weight.”)

Obesity; Research from Y. Wang and colleagues has provided new data on obesity
3 August 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that ‘Meats are high in energy and fat content, and thus may be associated with higher risk of obesity...’)

Opinion* The cost of obesity; Study points to rising medical expenses associated with weight gain
31 July 2009
Las Vegas Sun
(This article indicates that the U.S. Congress should include the cost of obesity in any health care reform.)

30 July 2009
National Institutes of Health Documents
(This article indicates that the NIH there are low short-term risks following bariatric surgery.)

Obesity and Diabetes; New Study Shows About 60 Percent Remain Diabetes-Free 5 to 16 Years After Gastric Bypass: Long-Term Resolution Most Likely in Non-Insulin Dependent and Those That Maintain Most Weight Loss
2 August 2009
Heart Disease Weekly
(This article indicates that ‘people with Type 2 diabetes and morbid obesity who get surgery before becoming insulin-dependent have the greatest chance for complete resolution and avoiding the progression of diabetes.’)

Obesity and Diabetes; New Study Finds Social and Economic Factors Play Major Role in Determining Who Gets Bariatric Surgery: Medical Condition Similar, but Great Divides Between Race, Gender, Income and Insurance
2 August 2009
Heart Disease Weekly
(This article indicates that less than one half of one percent of the persons eligible for medical weight loss surgery actually get the surgery. And a high percentage of the persons getting the surgery are white females with private health insurance.)

Obesity and Diabetes; New Risk Management System Reduces Bariatric Surgery Complication Rate by 65%, Hospital Readmissions by 80%: Knowing Risk Potential Helps Doctors and Patients Reduce Complications and Costs
2 August 2009
Heart Disease Weekly
(This article indicates that using a new risk management system reduces the complication rate related to bariatric surgery.)

Obesity; New obesity study findings have been reported by scientists at Chinese University of Hong Kong
2 August 2009
Heart Disease Weekly
(This article indicates that orlistat, used in conjunction with diet, can reduce BMI and LDL, sometimes called the “bad” cholesterol.)

Obesity; Data on obesity published by researchers at University of Minnesota, Medical Department
27 July 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that African American women want programs that provide weight loss social support, meaning support from others interested in weight loss.)

Preschool obesity rate stable at 1 in 7 - US study
23 July 2009
Reuters News
(This article indicates that to reduce obesity we need it have ‘policy changes that promote physical activity and good Nutrition.’)

Federal agency wants more scrutiny of weight-loss ads
22 July 2009
McClatchy Washington Bureau
(This article indicates that TV ads that push weight loss products are sometimes misleading. And that these ads should be closely examined.)

Cutting Edge Obesity Surgery Successfully Completed With Power Medical Interventions'(r) Intelligent Surgical Instruments(tm); Novel, Minimally Invasive Procedure Results in Significant Weight Loss Following Surgery
16 July 2009
Globe Newswire
(This article indicates that laparoscopic vertical gastroplasty may be a good procedure to use in bariatric surgery.)

16 July 2009
(This article indicates that the grapefruit might help fight obesity.)

14 July 2009
TV World News Transcripts
(This article indicates that kids will likely eat the way their parents eat.)

New book offers solutions to obesity crisis and major public health issues
14 July 2009
(This article indicates that preventing obesity is the best way to combat the disease.)

Grant will help 2 troubled Chicago high schools to fight high obesity rates among black kids
14 July 2009
Associated Press Newswires
(This article indicates that 40 percent of the black children in Illinois weigh too much.)

Kiwis third fattest in new report on obesity
14 July 2009
New Zealand Herald
(This article indicates that perhaps an obesity campaign, similar to the one fighting smoking, should be established to fight obesity.)

A Green MP Sue Kedgley says the level of obesity in New Zealand will continue to have a growing impact on the health system
13 July 2009
(This article indicates that obese persons are more susceptible to swine flu and other ailments.)

THE Hidden cost of OBESITY; With excessive weight gain, costly medical conditions often arise, but gastric surgery can ease, even eliminate,them. Meet Vincent Daswell.
12 July 2009
Las Vegas 
(This article indicates that although bariatric surgery combats the effects of obesity, obesity should be avoided before the surgery is needed.)

Four States Reach 30 Percent Adult Obesity Rate
7 July 2009
Penton Insight
(This article indicates that as we’ve gotten fatter our health care costs have increased.)

Canada & World Big love: Study links romantic partnership with obesity
6 July 2009
Vancouver Sun
(This article indicates that marriage and other romantic partnerships often lead to obesity.)

Marriage makes you fat: study; Tying the knot doubles risk of obesity
6 July 2009
Edmonton Journal
(This article indicates that your partner’s unhealthy lifestyle can be a barrier to weight control.)

Obesity; Reports outline obesity study findings from J. Ma and colleagues
6 July 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that the health care industry misses many chances to treat obesity.)

Obesity and Diabetes; Study data from University of Tasmania update knowledge of obesity and diabetes
6 July 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that obesity is associated with irregular menstrual cycles.)

Obesity and Diabetes; Investigators at University of Groningen zero in on obesity and diabetes
6 July 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that obesity is a risk factor for kidney disease.)

Research by S. Policker and colleagues in obesity and diabetes provides new insights
5 July 2009
Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week  
(This article indicates that “a minimally invasive implantable device for the treatment of type 2 diabetes” called “The Tantalus” can be used to help people lose weight.)

New findings in obesity and diabetes described from Massachusetts General Hospital
4 July 2009
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that obesity raises the mortality risk of men with prostate cancer.)

Data on obesity and diabetes reported by researchers at New York University
4 July 2009
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that bariatric surgery should be considered for those with a BMI less than 35.)

Successful weight loss with dieting is linked to vitamin D levels
4 July 2009
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that the amount of Vitamin D in the body might give some hint of future weight loss success on a low calorie diet.)

Childhood obesity increases early signs of cardiovascular disease
4 July 2009
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that obesity in childhood can signal cardiovascular disease later in life.)

Bariatric surgery increases risk of fractures
4 July 2009
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that bariatric surgery increases the risk of breaking a bone.)

Canada & World Obesity rates continue to balloon, survey says; Poor nutrition, lack of exercise and longer work days are blamed for national epidemic
2 July 2009
(This article indicates that the U.S. will not lower the obesity rate to 15 percent next year, which was a U.S. goal.)

Childhood obesity easier to prevent than to treat
2 July 2009
Pakistan Press International Information Services
(This article indicates that skin fold may be a more accurate measurement of fatness.)

Few gains in U.S. war on obesity Associated Press
2 July 2009
Chicago Daily Herald 
(This article indicates that overweight will contribute to the health care cost as baby boomers reach the age of 65.)

Fat in the USA: Obesity is Rising; Adult obesity rose in 23 states last year, a new study finds; almost one-third of kids are overweight as well
2 July 2009
(This article indicates that because health foods cost more than less healthy foods, the existing recession could worsen the obesity problem.)

WellQuest Medical & Wellness Corporation; WellQuest Launches Medically Supervised Weight Loss Program
26 June 2009
Drug Week  
(This article indicates that WellQuest has launched a new weight loss program.) 

GI Dynamics; GI Dynamics’ EndoBarrier™ Gastrointestinal Liner to be Highlighted at Several Prominent International Diabetes and Obesity Meetings
26 June 2009
Drug Week
(This article indicates that GI Dynamics’ EndoBarrier will get special attention at upcoming diabetes and obesity meetings.) 

Warning: Health Canada Is Warning Consumers Not to Use Nutural Slim Weight Loss Product
24 June 2009
Market Wire
(This article indicates that Canadian consumers are warned not to use the weight loss product Nutural Slim because the product uses sibutramine, which may cause harmful side effects.)

Weight-loss surgery cuts cancer rate in obese women: study
24 June 2009
Agence France Presse
(This article indicates that bariatric surgery may decrease cancer in obesity women.)

Large-scale Analysis Finds Bariatric Surgery Relatively Safe
24 June 24 2009
Science Daily
(This article indicates that bariatric surgery is “as safe as any routine surgical procedure.”)

BUSINESS & ECONOMY Obesity drugs may have a slim chance
Priyanka Golikeri
22 June 2009
(This article indicates that at least in India, the market for obesity drugs may be low because of the dangers associated with obesity drugs.)

Obesity and Diabetes; Kaiser Permanente Calls for Health Policy Support and Community Advocacy to Curb Childhood Obesity
22 June 2009
Pharma Business Week
(This article indicates that where people live is important in childhood obesity and other health problems later in life.)

Obesity; Study results from Aichi Medical Association broaden understanding of obesity in adolescents
22 June 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that exercise is important in the fight against obesity.) 

Obesity; New obesity research from E. Oda and colleagues discussed
7 June 2009
Heart Disease Weekly
(This article indicates that the relationship between abdominal obesity and metabolic risk factors were higher among young Japanese men than other Japanese demographic groups.)

Research Australia; New direction needed for obesity research, Deakin health expert claims
6 June 2009
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that at least one expert feels that more time should be spent finding solutions to the obesity problem than identifying more obesity causes.)

Mintel; Parents Concerned, but Confused about How to Fix Childhood Obesity
6 June 2009
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that parents are not sure how to approach the obesity problem in their children.)

Obesity in horses a weighty issue
4 June 2009
The Countryman First
(This article indicates that too little exercise can cause insulin resistance.)

Canada & World*Canadians wait more than five years for obesity surgery; Wait times for life-saving surgery 'inhumane'
3 June 2009
(This article indicates that the only option for severe obesity may be bariatric surgery.)

Sen. Bingaman Introduces Bill to Reduce U.S. Obesity Population
2 June 2009
Targeted News Service 
(This article indicates that persons who are likely to become obese should receive treatment.)

News AUS: Obesity report focuses on self-regulation.
2 June 2009
(This article indicates that some in Australia believe that self-regulation is the first option in the fight against obesity, before government regulation.)

Obesity; New obesity research from M. Daskalakis et al outlined
1 June 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that sleeve gastrectomy may be used as a single surgical treatment for obesity.)

Obesity; New findings from University of Utah in the area of obesity published
1 June 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that it may be reasonable to view weight loss as a way to lower cancer risks.)

Obesity and Diabetes; Studies from Louisiana State University in the area of obesity and diabetes published
1 June 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that gene analysis can lead to effective, different obesity and diabetes treatment for different subgroups.)

Obesity and Diabetes; New obesity and diabetes study findings have been published by scientists at University of Washington
1 June 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that the highest rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes found in “groups with the lowest levels of education and income and in the most deprived areas.")

Local City MD has key role in provincial obesity fight
28 May 2009
The Hamilton Spectator
(This article indicates that some in Canada believe that when the Canadian government views obesity as a medical as well as a social condition, Canadians will be healthier.)

Obesity and Diabetes; As Health Reform Takes Shape, Leading Medical and Public Health Organizations Join Effort to Keep Obesity Front and Center
17 May 2009
Heart Disease Weekly
(This article indicates that Obesity is a serious problem in the world. And people are not sure what to do about the problem.) 

Unique co-operation with regard to the treatment of diabetes and obesity in the United Arab Emirates; Global Health Partner
14 May 2009
(This article indicates that the United Arab Emirates Global Health Partner has signed a contract with the Ministry of Health in the United Arab Emirates regarding setting up and running a combined diabetes and obesity clinic.) 

Official Launch of a European Obesity Day Online Survey(http://www.obesityday.eu)
14 May 2009
PR Newswire Europe
(This article indicates that Europeans are being asked to help determine “what steps should be taken to address” obesity.)

City docs' new way to measure obesity
12 May 2009
Birmingham Mail
(This article indicates that ‘People with apple shapes, who have more fat around the abdomen, are more likely to suffer metabolic consequences of heart disease or high blood pressure...’) 

11 May 2009
Daily Mail
(This article indicates that there might be as many as 19,000 cases of British cancer cases per year that are due to obesity.) 

Surgeon warns of weight-loss surgery abroad
11 May 2009
The Press and Journal
(This article indicates that a consultant in Scotland is warning people in Scotland not to go abroad to get the surgery because the people won’t get the necessary follow-up care.) 

Research and Markets; Essential Report on Chinese Markets for Anti-Obesity Drugs
11 May 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that the demand for anti-obesity drugs will grow in the next five years.) 

Obesity and Diabetes; New Study Shows Morbidly Obese Workforce Has Higher Prevalence of 100+ Diseases and Conditions
11 May 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week 
(This article indicates that bariatric surgery reduced by one-quarter many of the diseases that may be associated with obesity.) 

Obesity; Studies by R. Stanton and co-authors describe new findings in obesity
11 May 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that a study from Australia predicts that future obesity-related costs “will strain future health budgets.”) 

Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating; Seattle Sutton Calls for National Committee to Tackle Obesity
9 May 2009
Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week
(This article indicates that some believe that the US should “establish an End the National Obesity Epidemic (ENOE) task force” to fight obesity.)

Childhood obesity linked to allergy risk

5 May 2009
Asian News International 
(This article indicates that obesity may be associated with a higher risk of allergies.)

Obesity, arthritis worsen women's lives far more than men
4 May 2009
Indo-Asian News Service 
(This article indicates that older “women suffered up to two-and-a-half times more disabilities than men of the same age.”)

The Unmet Needs and Market Potential for Anti-Obesity Treatments
4 May 2009
M2 Presswire 2009
(This article indicates that “High socioeconomic costs and increasing prevalence are inspiring government initiatives to deal with” obesity. [This rising attention to obesity by governments may provide an opportunity for bariatric centers to form an alliance with the government to help fight obesity.)

Ohio State University; Obesity rates differ among racial/ethnic groups in kids as young as 4
4 May 2009
Pharma Business Week
(This article indicates that “Obesity is twice as common in young American Indian/Native Alaskan children as it is in white and Asian children...”)

Obesity; Recent studies by S.Y. Chu and co-authors add new data to obesity findings
4 May 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that a high level of obesity will occur among pregnant U.S. women. [Bariatric centers might want to put programs in place to work with pregnant women to help curb obesity.])

Obesity; Boston University publishes research in obesity
4 May 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that "weight loss may not be effective in preventing progression of structural damage in OA [osteoarthritis] knees with varus alignment [bow-legs]." [This probably means that, at this time, weight loss should not be marketed as a treatment for the progression of OA in obese persons with bow-legs.])

Obesity and Diabetes; Research on obesity and diabetes published by scientists at St. Vincent's University
4 May 2009
Obesity & Diabetes Week
(This article indicates that there are metabolic differences in some obese persons that protect them from certain comorbidities.)

Gastric Imbrication to reduce Obesity surgery cost
1 May 2009
UNI (United News of India) 
(This article indicates that a surgeon in India may have come up with new technology called Gastric Imbrication that can reduce the cost of bariatric surgery.)

1 May 2009
Good Medicine
(This article indicates that one should ask a lot of questions before signing up for any weight loss program.)