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Book Review Excerpts (1)*


Business Intelligence Using Smart Techniques: Environmental Scanning Using Text Mining and Competitor Analysis Using Scenarios and Manual Simulation, Revised Edition

  • “Halliman's book convinces one of the necessity to pay attention and indeed to focus on the external environmental forces that ‘cause a company to achieve or fail to achieve a business objective.’” 
  • . . .
    “The strength of Halliman’s work lies in the ease of going through . . . three phases by providing
    a number of very useful and logical “forms” for each of the three main
    phases as well as for
    every step that the manager (intelligence creator) must
    accomplish. All in all I found the book very useful. It does a great job in alerting business (although the approach can be used by any organization) to the importance of gathering external environmental information. However, Halliman’s hallmark is his simple and yet powerful and user-friendly forms that make the life of the potential users exceedingly easy. That alone might (and should) make the book a great tool.”
    PROFESSIONALS (http://www.aiip.org)
  • This book is a perfect example of the best of what this market niche can provide.”
  • . . .
    “[This book] does what it promises – it walks the reader through a problem, showing where text mining links to basic, but well-disciplined manual scenario simulation. All in all, it is a good piece of work, delivering what it promises.” 
  • “Readers will learn to convert business information into business intelligence for sound marketing strategies and production policies, showing how potentially profitable actions can be taken based on gathered information drawn from today's highly competitive local, regional, national, and global marketplace. Highly recommended reading for business students, entrepreneurs, policy strategists, and corporate marketing executives.”
  •    MIDWEST BOOK REVIEW (Five Star Amazon Review) (http://www.execpc.com/~mbr/bookwatch)

    *(For First Edition)